Apple Users- recent upgrades may have moved your download choices to a default setting- so if you miss 15 days or skip a few episodes it stops sending new ones. The FIX: Go to the three dots upper right in your episode- go to your show page- three dots again upper right- click-at bottom see "Downloads"- scroll to bottom- click on "download all new episodes". Problem solved. For Android phones find the "Gear" symbol- same process.

This little-known story tells of crime buster hero Elliot Ness's time in Cleveland serving as that corrupt cities' Safety Director-his job being to clean up the crime and corruption which plagued that city in the mid 30's. That alone would have been a full time job were it not for the presence of Ohio's worst serial killer in history, who was terrorizing the city and its inhabitants by leaving decapitated and dismembered bodies all over town for a period of 4 years. Although Ness was sure at one point that he had him in his grasp- he couldn't pull together enough evidence to convict him- and the fact that the killer was never punished for his evil deeds left Ness, according to many, a broken man.

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