Get the book  THE TRUTH AT LAST    Now at Amazon!

Its time for the #FinalTruth regarding the Earhart disappearance. The government media complex has kept the true fate of these two American heroes a secret for 81+ years. Forget all the "theories". They died in service to their country and paid the ultimate price and they deserve no less than honor. In this hard-hitting interview with Earhart author, blogger and respected authority Mike Campbell (#TheTruthAtLast) we follow the trail of the hundreds of eyewitness and secondary witness accounts and supporting evidence gathered by active journalists, reporters, and military veterans who volunteered information about the missing fliers based upon their experiences in Marshall islands and Saipan. Mike Campbell's book The Truth At Last is the #1 ranked Earhart-related book at Amazon among 1,500 books.

Mike Campbell's Blog:

Credits: The first 50+....

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