In 1942, 12 year old Calvin Graham, already having left his crowded home and abusive stepfather, walked into a US Naval Recruiting Office with a few faked documents, bypassed the dental check which would have revealed his 12 year old teeth, and was signed into the US Navy. After completing basic training he was assigned to the brand new Battleship South Dakota, and soon found himself serving as a gunner in the middle of some of the Pacific War's most intense carrier battles. He was wounded by shrapnel in the jaw when his gun turret was struck by a 500 lb. bomb- but survived- and when the ship returned for repairs he had only a few days to enjoy the praise before his mo0ther saw him in a newsreel and reported him. He was thrown in the brig and stripped of his medals and honorable discharge. It would take two presidents to straighten things out for him.

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