Did you know the 990 can be more than just a tax form? It’s also a powerful marketing tool you can leverage to make a great impression on donors and stakeholders and get more funding for your nonprofit. In this episode, I’m diving into the ins and outs of the 990, why it is more than just a tax form, and how you can use it strategically for your organization. 

In today’s episode, get ready to learn how you can intentionally fill out the 990 with your mission statement, metrics, and impact to tell a story and give the true picture of what your organization is doing for the communities it serves. Your 990 is a great opportunity to promote accountability and transparency, both critical in any nonprofit. Financial transparency is a surefire way to land even more contributions from donors!

I’m also sharing why monitoring your GuideStar profile frequently and keeping it up to date is important. Plus, how all of these factors play a role in leveraging your 990 as the powerful marketing tool that it is. Tune in to learn how to use your 990 to make an even greater impact in your community. 


Read the podcast transcript here.

Episode Summary

In this episode, you’ll learn strategies on how you can leverage your 990 as a marketing tool to grow your impact in the communities you serve, including:

The ins and outs of the 990 (2:40)

How the 990 is more than just a tax return (6:05)

Being intentional about filling out your 990 (8:00)

Leveraging the 990 as a marketing tool (16:00)

Why you need to keep your GuideStar profile up to date (19:30)



“GuideStar published a study a few years ago that said organizations that were more transparent received 53% more in contributions the following year.”

“A really great way to get potential donors excited about giving is to put really thorough descriptions that tell a story and include metrics on your 990.”

“We can use a 990 as a strategic marketing tool to make a good first impression on our donors and other stakeholders.”

“Stop recycling those old descriptions of your programs from five years ago that don’t have any metrics in them and collaborate with other teams in the organization.”



FREE Finance Routine Checklist: https://100degreesconsulting.com/routine 

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Follow Stephanie on Instagram: @stephanie.skry/ 

Connect with Stephanie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanieskryzowski/ 

Visit the podcast page: https://100degreesconsulting.com/leveraging-your-990 


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