Is organizational culture top of mind for your nonprofit? If it isn’t, it really should be. Special guest, Alissa Novoselick, explains exactly why in today’s podcast episode. She brings us her unique perspective as a modern CFO who prioritizes building a strong organizational culture because she sees just how much it impacts the nonprofit’s bottom line. 

Alissa discusses how she created a finance department that plays a big role in building her organization's culture, instead of being seen as the “nay-sayers” with a bad rap, (something many of us in the nonprofit finance world are very familiar with). She gives listeners practical tips and strategies that nonprofit leaders can start implementing to build a strong culture and create an organization that people actually want to be a part of. 

 We also dive into what works well in a CEO-CFO relationship and how to better understand other members of the leadership team. Plus, different nonprofit trends impacting modern CFOs and how data and technology play a part in this role. 


About Alissa:

With fifteen years of experience as a nonprofit executive, consultant, and educator, Alissa loves working with organizations and small businesses to develop healthy strategies and practices that give back tenfold. While her skills focus on finance and operations, what sets her apart are the educational values and governance principles woven into every aspect of her work.

Over the course of her career, she’s been called to serve multiple organizations and small businesses. And when a mass of leaders came to her in 2019 to ask for some support, she saw there was a need for genuine, trustworthy, and loyal collaboration from someone who can marry industry knowledge with an understanding of the day-to-day. Her practice in coaching and mentorship, technical assistance, and financial strategy among peer executive directors and small business owners blossomed. This all led her to Greater Impact — because, without a financial backbone, the most important programs, interventions, and products don’t get to the communities that need and deserve them the most.


Episode Summary:

In this episode, you’ll learn strategies for building a strong organizational culture including:

Creating a participatory finance department (8:45)

Intentionally building a culture that people want to be a part of (12:00)

Practical strategies to build a strong organizational culture (13:45)

Factoring in culture initiatives in your budget (16:30)

What works well in a CEO-CFO relationship (20:40)

Understanding other members of the leadership team on a deeper level (25:20)

Nonprofit trends impacting modern CFOs (29:50)

The role of technology and data in the role of a nonprofit CFO (38:55)



“But what I’ve found is just, there’s so much value in the co-creation of financial documents, instruments, things of that sort… to create a financially savvy culture, but also to move forward some bigger strategic initiatives.”

“We are all stewards of this mission and this organization, no matter where we sit in the org chart.” 

“If you’ve got constant turnover in your organization, you are going to see that is going to impact your bottom line.”

“Culture is created through relationships, and if you are a leader of an organization in any capacity, you have the power to influence your team.”


Huge thank you to our sponsor!

This series is sponsored by Blackbaud, the essential software provider for the organizations and people who change the world. Blackbaud has been working with finance professionals at nonprofit and social good organizations for almost 40 years with its Blackbaud Financial Edge, NXT Fund, accounting software expertise, and services. You can streamline your financial operations, strengthen your accountability, and make data-driven decisions to increase your impact. To learn more, visit



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