2023 is quickly coming to a close, so I thought I’d do a podcast highlights episode. I’m diving into the top 10 most downloaded episodes of 2023 and boy oh boy are they juicy… like the episode where I announced that we were shutting down half of our business. It was absolutely terrifying, but 100% the best and most aligned decision for us. That experience was part of the inspiration for my ‘Building Confidence Doing Scary Things’ episode that aired shortly after. 

This year, we also dove into building your nonprofit finance dream team and the role of the nonprofit CFO. But enough about me. We had some amazing guests this year who gave our listeners a literal gold mine of information, especially around grants, organizational culture, and increasing your impact and improving your bottom line. 


Read the podcast transcript here.

Episode Summary

In this episode, we’ll dive into the most popular podcast episodes of 2023. Here’s the list if you want to jump straight to the episodes. 

Announcement! And Celebrating 100 Episodes (Episode 100)

How Nonprofits Can Use ChatGPT to Increase Their Impact with Krista Kurlinkus (Episode 104)

Building a Thriving Organizational Culture with Skyler Badenoch (Episode 106)

Creating a Strong Organizational Culture with Alissa Novoselick (Episode 134)

Building a Balanced Funding Strategy and Becoming a Grant Writing Unicorn for a Prosperous Nonprofit with Meredith Noble (Episode 110)

How to Build Confidence in Doing Scary Things (Episode 103)

Building Your Nonprofit Finance Dream Team (Episode 109)

The Role of Nonprofit CFO (Episode 111)

Demystifying Federal Grants with Patrice Davis (Episode 112)

How Data Can Improve Your Bottom Line with Kaitlin Windle (Episode 118)



“We came to that decision, to basically shut down half of our business… It was terrifying, but it was 100 percent the right decision.”


“It's not normal for people to stay at an organization for five or ten years when people are just jumping around so much.”


“She demystifies all things federal grants because they're scary, they're big, they're confusing and their systems online are like dinosaurs.”


Grant Writing Made Easy with Krista Kurlinkus: https://grantwritingmadeeasy.com/ 


FREE Finance Routine Checklist: https://100degreesconsulting.com/routine 

Keep up to date with the podcast: @100degreesconsulting

Follow Stephanie on Instagram: @stephanie.skry/ 

Connect with Stephanie on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanieskryzowski/ 

Visit the podcast page: https://100degreesconsulting.com/2023-podcast-highlights 


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