When polled about health concers, 30% of CEOs and Entrepreneurs cited depression and anxiety as major concerns, compared to only 7% of the general population. 

But if that many CEOs and Entrepreneurs are worried about depression and anxiety, how does it remain a secret killer? More than likely, it's still a secret killer because few people are openly discussing their concerns and issues. Whether they're reluctant to discuss these issues out of fear, self-doubt, or they're simply unsure who to confide in. 

In this episode, Larunce Pipkin opens the dialogue for this important conversation. He addresses early warning signs and what you can do to resolve these issues. Plus, he provides a simple exercise that you can do in just 5 minutes a day. PLUS, Larunce is ready to set you up with a [FREE] video training series just for listening today.


Larunce is a Business Coach, NeuroSelling Expert, and co-author of the International #1 Best Seller Bankroll Your Mind. He helps his clients break through the obstacles currently holding them back in life, by learning and developing better ways to handle the issues blocking their dreams, goals, and desires. 

Get Larunce's 5-Part Video Training Here  


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