Imagine you are a successful broker. You’re making $25 million a year and someone takes all your business away and drop you in a new town to start your business again. No clients, no referral partners, no list. What do you do to grow your business?

If you have nothing but a laptop and the knowledge in your head, how can you start to build a business from the ground up? I’m going to share 3 things that I would do in this situation to help get ahead of the game and start building my brand.

The very first thing I would do is hire an assistant. Waiting too long to hire is one of the things I consistently see that holds brokers back. Before marketing, before anything else, I would get the best assistant I could find for what I could afford. Having that assistant means you are free to prioritize prospecting and creating an amazing customer experience.

The next thing I would do is start a podcast. Yes, it is a long game and it takes hard work, but it pays incredible dividends. Podcasting can get you in front of the important people in your area and help to educate potential clients. It is one of the best ways to build your network from scratch.

Finally, I would work on creating joint webinars. Partnering with local real estate agents or financial planners, accountants, etc. is a great way to create education-based marketing while building your brand and your list. Nothing happens overnight, but if you put in the work and play the long game, these 3 things can help you grow your business.


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