Can one mortgage broker really fund 250 files a year? Jim Tourloukis can, but does that also mean anyone can? In today’s episode, I’m going to tell you how Jim does it, why 99.9% of brokers can’t, and what you can do to maximize your numbers.

Jim Tourloukis is able to fund 250 files a year because of his very specific business model. Jim has 7,000 past clients and 65% of his business comes from them or referrals. The other 35% is from contracts that he has with financial planning firms. Jim doesn’t do any prospecting; he gets over 20 leads a day and chooses who he wants to work with.

We can’t all be Jim Tourloukis, so what can you do as an average mortgage broker to maximize your numbers? From my experience coaching other brokers, I’ve learned a few things that can help.

Once you are closing 5 files or more a month, your prospecting goes down. Not because you don’t need to do it, but because you don’t have time with all the added paperwork. Obviously, every file and every broker are different, but around this time is where you should start looking to hire an assistant.

If you’re a broker looking to bring on an underwriter or increasing the capacity of your current underwriter, there’s 2 things you could potentially do. You can either look to hiring a second underwriter or you can hire a junior member of staff to lend them a hand where needed. Remember, you may not be able to be Jim Tourloukis, but you can be your best self.


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