Why do you need to stop calling all your leads if you want your business to grow? It sounds counter-intuitive. You’re drowning in leads as well as everything else you have to do. You’re thinking you have to work more hours to fit everything in. I’m not saying don’t call any of your leads, I’m saying you aren’t the one that needs to do it.

In our business, my partner Jewels doesn’t call any of the leads that come in for her. She sends the lead information onto her Client Care Specialist, Becky, and Becky is the one that calls them. There’s no task switching on Jewels’ end. There’s no dropping everything to pick up the phone. Jewels can stay focused on what she needs to do and Becky books the discovery calls for her.

If your business is online lead based, this approach isn’t going to work as well. Online leads won’t jump through the hoops that referral-based leads do. Before Jewels even talks to the client, Becky preps them to pre-fill the application online and to gather any documents they need. All of this saves time for the client and for Jewels.

People don’t care who calls them, as long as someone does in a timely manner. Using this approach also cuts down on phone tag, making the experience smoother for the clients. Finally, having someone else handle your incoming leads only serves to make you look more professional in the eyes of the client.

Find out more about the $25 Million Dollar Blueprint: www.get25million.com
Check out our other podcast, I Love Mortgage Brokering: www.ilovemortgagebrokering.com