Today, I’m sharing with you the three questions to ask yourself before you fire your assistant. I’ve certainly made mistakes when it comes to taking on new staff. I’ll share what I learned so you can make more informed choices about your hiring and firing process.

If someone is making mistakes after joining your business, it can be frustrating. Before you jump straight to it being a people problem, ask yourself if it is something deeper. The first question you can ask is “is this a process problem?” Look at the issue and evaluate if there is something missing from your process. If so, change it, learn from it, and improve.

The second question to ask is “is it a position problem?” If you have hired a great person and they aren’t excelling, look at their strengths. Is it possible to place them in a different role more suited to them?

If neither of the first questions are the answer, it’s time to ask yourself “is it a people problem?” Look at the relationships within the business. Is it a personality clash? Are they just not right for your company or the role they were hired for? If the answer is yes, then it is time to look at letting them go.

Firing someone is never an easy thing to do. If it is the only solution to the problem, make sure you do it in a compassionate and ethical manner. For tips on how to let someone go, see the links below.

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