Anger at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over pipelines, his carbon tax and a seeming lack of support for western issues has spurred some to start talking western separation.
Depsite current separatist parties being a non-entity, and Alberta electing staunch federalist Jason Kenney in the spring, the Idea of a “Western Exit” or Wexit is catching the attention of some.
Dave is joined by National Post reporter Tyler Dawson.
Background reading: Is a Wexit in Alberta's future?
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Anger at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over pipelines, his carbon tax and a seeming lack of support for western issues has spurred some to start talking western separation.

Depsite current separatist parties being a non-entity, and Alberta electing staunch federalist Jason Kenney in the spring, the Idea of a “Western Exit” or Wexit is catching the attention of some.

Dave is joined by National Post reporter Tyler Dawson.

Background reading: Is a Wexit in Alberta's future?

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