For many many Canadians who grew up in cities, the connection with agriculture and rural life is merely what they drive past on the highway, or produce bought from the store. 
But for others, it’s a story of their family history. 
In part two of our look at the series Abandoned Saskatchewan Dave talks to Saskatoon Star-Phoenix sports editor Kevin Mitchell about growing up on his family farm, his return to the abandoned property, and what the decline of rural Saskatchewan means to him. 
BACKGROUND READING: This old house: Visiting my abandoned home on the Saskatchewan prairie
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For many many Canadians who grew up in cities, the connection with agriculture and rural life is merely what they drive past on the highway, or produce bought from the store. 

But for others, it’s a story of their family history. 

In part two of our look at the series Abandoned Saskatchewan Dave talks to Saskatoon Star-Phoenix sports editor Kevin Mitchell about growing up on his family farm, his return to the abandoned property, and what the decline of rural Saskatchewan means to him. 

BACKGROUND READING: This old house: Visiting my abandoned home on the Saskatchewan prairie

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