In a quick riff, Matt discusses the role that consistency has played in his career and his health and offers that it plays a primary role in whatever it is that you're pursuing.   


Recent chat with past guest, Bedros Keuilian, on staying fit, (2:05). “It’s consistency and it applies to everything that we do.”, (2:48). Varying in wanting to go to the gym from day-to-day, (3:19). “It’s better to get a small workout in than to do nothing because if you do nothing, you end up doing nothing.”, (3:36). Matt’s wife’s consistency with running, (4:02). Frustrations with scheduling interviews for 10,000 “No”s, (4:35). “If you’re having a down day, hour, week, month or year, don’t throw in the towel and let the whole thing go.”, (5:53). Allowing yourself to let it all go, (6:30). Being critical with yourself, (6:49). “How do you get through those inevitable down times? How do you speak to yourself? How do you keep yourself motivated to be creating things when things aren’t coming your way?”, (7:29). 









Break Out of Your Comfort Zone - 

One Year Anniversary - 

New Beginnings, Feedback & Being Enough -


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