Sam Morris came into this world with severe allergies that set him apart from his peers from the time he was born.  That very feeling of being an outsider is what made him so at ease on the tennis court, where he excelled.  The focus needed for the sport he loved kept him from drugs and alcohol until he was nearly 20 years old, but when the floodgates opened he found himself on the bad side of addiction.  With seemingly endless bouts with near-death experiences, and after watching his sister lose her life, Sam fought his way back to sobriety and clarity.  Now he's helping others walk through the fires of addiction and into a renewed life where they can pursue their highest purpose. 



The challenges of re-entering life after rehab, (3:58).  A childhood of severe asthma and allergies, (6:31). The effects of social anxiety, (9:26). Sam’s athletic background despite drastic childhood sickness, (11:31).  How tennis was a life-saver for Sam, (12:42). Two isolated incidents with alcohol at the ages of 13 & 17, (14:51). How a terrible bout with mono led to college instead of the dream to play professional tennis, (18:04). Athletic background as a result of being "crazy" and needing focus, (20:18).  How losing the focus of tennis became the gateway to addiction, (21:40). "Alcohol worked for me until it didn’t”, (23:22).  Strategy to combat addiction: “You cannot forget the pain”, (25:25).  How alcohol can become a higher priority than food or survival, (28:53). A two month rock bottom, (30:44). A five year stretch in and out of rehabs, (30:45). Losing his sister to alcoholism forced him into focus on how he could help, (35:19). "When you start struggling, that’s your window of opportunity...”, (36:08). The role of synchronicity and “the force” in helping Sam survive his near-death experiences, (36:46). "My mindset sets me free”, (38:02). "So what.  Now what?”, (38:29).    




Through the Fire Podcast: 






Tim Craley: 

Heather Hayward: 

Amy Budden: 


If you like what you hear, please Subscribe, leave an iTunes review and spread the word. You can also listen to all episodes at 


Sam Morris came into this world with severe allergies that set him apart from his peers from the time he was born.  That very feeling of being an outsider is what made him so at ease on the tennis court, where he excelled.  The focus needed for the sport he loved kept him from drugs and alcohol until he was nearly 20 years old, but when the floodgates opened he found himself on the bad side of addiction.  With seemingly endless bouts with near-death experiences, and after watching his sister lose her life, Sam fought his way back to sobriety and clarity.  Now he's helping others walk through the fires of addiction and into a renewed life where they can pursue their highest purpose. 



The challenges of re-entering life after rehab, (3:58).  A childhood of severe asthma and allergies, (6:31). The effects of social anxiety, (9:26). Sam’s athletic background despite drastic childhood sickness, (11:31).  How tennis was a life-saver for Sam, (12:42). Two isolated incidents with alcohol at the ages of 13 & 17, (14:51). How a terrible bout with mono led to college instead of the dream to play professional tennis, (18:04). Athletic background as a result of being "crazy" and needing focus, (20:18).  How losing the focus of tennis became the gateway to addiction, (21:40). "Alcohol worked for me until it didn’t”, (23:22).  Strategy to combat addiction: “You cannot forget the pain”, (25:25).  How alcohol can become a higher priority than food or survival, (28:53). A two month rock bottom, (30:44). A five year stretch in and out of rehabs, (30:45). Losing his sister to alcoholism forced him into focus on how he could help, (35:19). "When you start struggling, that’s your window of opportunity...”, (36:08). The role of synchronicity and “the force” in helping Sam survive his near-death experiences, (36:46). "My mindset sets me free”, (38:02). "So what.  Now what?”, (38:29).    




Through the Fire Podcast: 






Tim Craley: 

Heather Hayward: 

Amy Budden: 


If you like what you hear, please Subscribe, leave an iTunes review and spread the word. You can also listen to all episodes at 

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