Asking for help can be seen as weakness.  In this solo episode, Matt discusses that the true lack of courage is in NOT asking for help because it allows us to let ourselves off the hook.  Quotable:  “And I said, yeah, ask:  They had what you needed.  But because you weren't bold enough to ask for it, you didn't get it.  And instead, you suffered in silence.  And, yes, I was talking to my 12 year old son, but really I was talking to myself." 



"People don't want, ya know, wrapped up in a nice bow and shiny right now.  They just want the truth", (3:42). "There's always this feeling of I'm not enough. I don't have it yet. I don't have the resources I need to get it done...", (4:50). “Just speak from the heart and that's gonna do more for people than any kind of... trying to make yourself sound more produced than you really are, " (5:31).  “Everything we do, we're throwing stones out into the pond, and those stones will have ripples.  And those ripples can be for good, or for bad, depending on what our action is...", (6:46). “As long as you have humility and grace and you're not thinking 'It's all me,' I think there's something to be said for stepping into your power and realizing what you can do with your talents, and the impact that you can have,” (7:26).  Deep thoughts at Chipoltle, (8:41).  “And I said, yeah, ask:  They had what you needed.  But because you weren't bold enough to ask for it, you didn't get it.  And instead, you suffered in silence.  And, yes, I was talking to my 12 year old son, but really I was talking to myself,” (9:52).  “When you ask someone for help, you are basically setting up a relationship of accountability,” (11:14).  “If you don't ask for help, you are basically saying I'm not up to the task,” (12:24). A story about possibilities and my friend's Dad calling me out on copping out, (13:12).  “How much are you leaving on the table? How much are you suffering because you didn't have the courage to ask for something that you need?” (16:09).  The power of persistence, (17:30). 



Ep 105: How to Reframe Any "Problem" to Make it Help You Get Stronger

Ep 92: What You Do When No One is Watching is What You Get Rewarded For Later

Ep 97: The Power of Consistency

Ep 98: How to Stop Analyzing & Act

Ep 75: How to Transform Your Body & Persona, Strength Coach, Transformation Specialist & Super-Connector, Jay Ferruggia


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