As 2019 draws to a close and Matt writes furiously on his book to make a deadline, we preview some of our upcoming guests, including Henry Winkler, former Navy SEAL Chris Burns turned trauma surgeon Chris Burns and Sam Apuzzo who was the best player in NCAA Women's Lacrosse two years ago and now assistant coaching at Boston College.  We also discuss the importance of improvising during the holidays in this short solo episode. 



Currently writing a book about 10,000 ‘NO’s with the end of the year deadline, (1:10). Planning to rerelease past episodes, (2:04). Laying out what is in store for future episodes, (3:40). 


If you like what you hear, please Subscribe, leave an iTunes review and spread the word. You can also listen to all episodes at 


As 2019 draws to a close and Matt writes furiously on his book to make a deadline, we preview some of our upcoming guests, including Henry Winkler, former Navy SEAL Chris Burns turned trauma surgeon Chris Burns and Sam Apuzzo who was the best player in NCAA Women's Lacrosse two years ago and now assistant coaching at Boston College.  We also discuss the importance of improvising during the holidays in this short solo episode. 



Currently writing a book about 10,000 ‘NO’s with the end of the year deadline, (1:10). Planning to rerelease past episodes, (2:04). Laying out what is in store for future episodes, (3:40). 


If you like what you hear, please Subscribe, leave an iTunes review and spread the word. You can also listen to all episodes at