From the womb, Heidi Dean has always been a go-getter. Instinctual by Nature while Methodical by Nurture, Heidi has been able to transition from Childhood Actor to Adult Actor/Voiceover Artist to Entrepreneur, Baker and, ultimately, Mother/Social Media Master.  Her exuberance is contagious and it is aided by her lifelong practice of "following the green lights" when her life and career stumble upon traffic jams.  Her love for acting was never abandoned, instead it morphed into the sword that other actors now wield when they become clients of Heidi's company, Marketing4Actors.  Her ability to shift seamlessly between her right and left brains, and her incredible eye for detail (like figuring out EXACTLY who her, or her clients', audience is) has allowed her to corner the social media market for actors and weather storms like her husband's medical diagnosis, even when it meant giving up a successful Baking business to focus on family.  She is, and always has been, Firing on All Cylinders.  Heidi Dean...


Singing and acting while growing up, (4:35). “As artists, we take things more to heart than others.”, (7:57). Heidi’s Voiceovers for Disney, (9:34). Parental support, (10:53). “My mom taught me to be organized and to give 1000% to everything.”, (12:34). Organization as her best trait, (15:20). Deciding to stop acting and leave the business, (19:48). Social Media Manager for famous actors, (21:10). “Growing my social media tribe of actors.”, (25:52). Significance of social media for actors, (28:14). Knowing your audience, (38:05). “Change the way you look at social media.”, (44:58). The App, IFTTT, (46:25). Husband’s Celiac disease, (50:20). Rituals and practices, (53:56). Heidi’s weaknesses and flaws, (55:04). Future and scheduled plans and events, (1:00:01).

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Ultimate Social Media Checklist for Actors

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