In Exodus 27-28, God instructs Moses on the design of the Tabernacle's altar, the courtyard around the Tabernacle, and the oil for the lampstand, emphasizing the importance of a sacred space for worship. Additionally, God details the elaborate garments for Aaron and his sons, signifying their roles as priests and their responsibilities in leading the Israelites in worship. These instructions include the breastplate of judgment, the ephod, and other garments rich in symbolism and purpose. Will Aaron and his sons fulfill their roles as priests and uphold the sacred rituals as commanded by God?

In Mark 5:21-6:1-6, Jesus performs two of His most astonishing miracles: He heals a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years just by her touching His cloak, and He raises Jairus's daughter from the dead, demonstrating His power over sickness and death. These miracles reveal Jesus's compassion and authority, prompting awe among the witnesses. Yet, when Jesus returns to His hometown, He faces skepticism and disbelief from those who knew Him, limiting the miracles He can perform there. Will the faith of others continue to grow in the face of such profound miracles, or will skepticism hinder the spread of Jesus's teachings?

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Exodus 27

Exodus 28

Mark 5: 21-43

Mark 6: 1-6

Psalm 24:1-10