In Exodus 21-22, God delivers laws to Moses on Mount Sinai regarding servitude, personal injuries, and property rights, establishing justice and order among the Israelites. These laws detail the treatment of servants, the consequences of violence, and the restitution for theft, emphasizing the sanctity of life, community responsibility, and respect for personal and communal property. Will the Israelites uphold these divine laws and create a just society, or will they falter in their covenant with God?

In Mark 2:18-3:1-30, Jesus challenges religious conventions, first by defending his disciples' actions of not fasting, then by healing on the Sabbath, and finally by confronting the Pharisees' understanding of the law. He emphasizes the spirit over the letter of the law, highlighting mercy, compassion, and the need for a new approach to God. Amid growing opposition, Jesus appoints the twelve apostles, signaling the formation of a new community centered around his teachings. As tensions rise, will Jesus' revolutionary message find fertile ground among the people, or will it lead to a decisive confrontation with the established order?

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Exodus 21

Exodus 22

Mark 2:18-27

Mark 3:1-30

Proverbs 5:1-14