In Exodus 17, as the Israelites journey through the desert, they face a dire thirst with no water in sight, challenging Moses and questioning God's presence among them. Moses, following God's command, strikes the rock at Horeb with his staff, miraculously bringing forth water for the people. Can the Israelites' faith withstand the trials of the desert, or will doubt consume them?

Exodus 18 brings a different challenge: Moses reunites with his father-in-law, Jethro, who observes Moses' exhaustive efforts in judging the people's disputes alone. Jethro advises Moses to delegate responsibilities to capable men, a system of governance that eases Moses' burden and efficiently resolves disputes. Will Moses' new system of leadership strengthen or weaken the Israelites' resolve in their journey?

Mark 1:1-28 begins with the prophecy of a messenger preparing the way for the Lord, leading to John the Baptist baptizing Jesus in the Jordan River, marking the start of Jesus' ministry as the heavens open and the Spirit descends upon Him. Immediately after, Jesus is tested in the wilderness for forty days, emerging to preach the gospel of God's kingdom, calling people to repent and believe. His authority is further established as He casts out an unclean spirit in Capernaum, astonishing onlookers with His powerful teaching. Will the people recognize the dawn of a new era with Jesus, or will skepticism cloud their faith?

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Exodus 17
Exodus 18
Mark 1: 1-28
Psalm 22:1-11