In Exodus 11-12, God announces the final plague on Egypt: the death of every firstborn, but provides a way for the Israelites to be spared by marking their doors with lamb's blood. This leads to the first Passover, a night filled with both dread and hope as the Israelites await their deliverance. As the angel of death passes over Egypt, will the faith of the Israelites be enough to save them from the coming calamity?

In Matthew 27:11-44, Jesus stands trial before Pilate, is mocked by soldiers, and ultimately crucified between two thieves, fulfilling the prophecies about the Messiah. As darkness falls over the land, symbolizing the weight of this moment, onlookers witness the scene with mixed emotions, highlighting the complexity of human nature and divine sacrifice. Amidst this solemn backdrop, will humanity recognize the magnitude of this sacrifice and its implications for their salvation?

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Exodus 11-12

Matthew 27:11-44

Psalm 21:1-7