Confidence Hack #54: Why you shouldn’t meet your heroes and the fall of Tiger Woods.

When was the last time you scrolled through social media and someone was live-streaming an argument with their spouse? Or bragging about the F their child received on their report card and the constant stress they feel weighing them down to hit target numbers in their business. And if you think that is only ‘ordinary people’ problems. It’s not.

Today, we are going over the story of Tiger Woods. Most people remember his fall from grace in 2009. All of the problems underneath finally boiled to the top. What I’m saying is this: if you envy someone else (a role model, a celebrity), spend a day in their shoes and see what is ‘really’ going on behind the curtains. Everyone is going through something. That’s just how life is, and that’s totally ok!

Gain confidence in knowing you are exactly the person you are supposed to be, and even when you think someone is perfect, trust me, they are not.

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