Episode 27- 

Winston Justice 


Main Points 

The movement Winston realized he was in the NFL and the story behind it

If he had the choice to do it all over again, would he?

The concussions debate, Winston's take on it and if he would allow his kids to play football

Day in the life of an NFL player

What goes on right before kick off in the locker room- CRAZY stories of the NFL locker rooms

The nutrition of an offensive lineman in the NFL - how much he ate during his playing days and how he has transformed his body since

The best advice he has every gotten

How Winston's relationship with Christ has helped him with his career 

Life Hacks learned from Peyton Manning & Andrew Luck

Blocking for 3 Heisman Trophy Winners  - Carson Palmer, Matt Lienart, and also Reggie Bush 

Many many more GREAT stories from the NFL and how Winston became one of the greatest offensive lineman to play the game and his immense success after!




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Kevin Tarca


Unreal new podcast added to my list! Check out @GameOfLife_POD! My man @DavidNurse05 finds the most inspiring and brilliant people to interview. From @NBA insight to sleep optimization and everything in between! #TheGameOfLife



3pters of the Week!

1. Book I am Reading:

Boys in the Boat - 



2. Life Hack I am Testing: 

Curing Jet Lag!!!

Human Charger



3. NBA Behind the Scenes 



You can't!! he's not on social media. I am his agent. ; )

Contact me if you want to reach out to Winston!

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