Confidence Hack #73: Imposter Syndrome means you are doing something RIGHT.

Have you Felt Imposter Syndrome before? Yeah, I think we all have to some extent.

Imposter Syndrome is the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved through one’s own efforts or skills.

Today, I’m going to flip imposter syndrome on its head completely. The feeling of the ‘well, I’m not sure if I belong’ is actually a good feeling! It might not feel great at the moment, but it is a mental signal that you are growing, learning, and stretching.

The confidence boost today comes from flipping the mindset around ‘imposter syndrome.’ Don’t avoid the feeling; embrace it. If you feel like an imposter in what you are doing today, that just means you are learning, growing, stretching, and becoming a better version of yourself!

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