Confidence Hack #93: What if we already use 100% of our brains?

Humans only use 10% of their brains. Have you heard that before? Sure you have. What if we could tap into the unused 90%?

This concept is portrayed in the movie Limitless, where Bradley Cooper takes a pill that allows him to access all 100% of his brain.

So, how can we access the 90% of unaccessed neurons and glial cells? Well, spoiler alert: We already are.

Neurologists have found that humans use virtually every part of the brain and that (most of) the brain is active almost all the time. Instead of telling yourself the story that you aren’t smart enough and that only if you could access all of your brain would you reach your full potential.

Know that you can live to your full potential right now!

Gain confidence today knowing that you are using all of your beautiful brain and can accelerate it when you need to!

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