Confidence Hack #66: How to go to sleep without mind-racing thoughts.

Do you keep yourself up at night because you can’t seem to turn off your ‘racing mind'? It’s very, very common.

Anxiety never leads to confidence. However, a race is technically run to be won. So, if your mind is racing, you can shift the direction in your favor. 

Before you go to bed, write out every thought on a piece of paper or your journal. Don’t leave any out. The act of writing out your ‘racing mind’ is giving your mind permission to store the thoughts that are causing you anxiety in a different place than your brain.

Gain confidence today by knowing that if your mind is racing when you lay your head down, that is normal! Try writing down all your thoughts and mentally moving them to their ‘storage locker.’  They will be there in the morning; you don’t have to take them to sleep with you!

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