Confidence Hack #21: Epiphenomenalism and how our mental states are actually a product of physical reactions.

So, what the heck is epiphenomenalism?? In short, it's the relationship between our perceived mental states and the physical manifestations that cause them.

Everyone knows that fear makes your heart beat faster. However, it's not fear that makes your heart beat faster. It's a biochemical reaction that secretes adrenaline. THAT'S what actually makes your heart beat faster.

So what does this mean...and how do we gain confidence from this big word??

Simple! The feeling you are feeling isn't real. The body is creating a chemical reaction that raises your heart rate or causes a sweat. Knowing this means we know that we are in control of those feelings of fear or anxiety!

Today, gain confidence knowing that if you feel stressed or anxious, that's just a natural chemical reaction in your body and that you are in the driver's seat.

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