Confidence Hack #4: Confidence through your own personal walk-up song and how Mariano Rivera became the greatest closer of all time.

We’ve all got one song that we listen to that pumps us up. The song we listen to when we’re getting ready to take on the world. It turns out there’s actually scientific evidence to back how music can change our confidence.

Today’s hack is a story about Mariano Rivera, one of the greatest closing pitchers in baseball history. Rivera famously uses the song ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica, and if you are familiar with it, you know how powerful that song can be. When the music would play as he entered the field, an unshakeable confidence would overcome him. Rivera would grab the ball and be charged with winning the game, and he did just that.

So today, play your favorite pump-up song and gain some unshakeable confidence, knowing that feeling is not just butterflies; it’s a scientifically proven fact that you are the confident person you’ve always been!

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