Confidence Hack #14: the confidence gained through our impairments and how Beethoven and Mozart employed the beautiful power of neuroplasticity.

As a composer, hearing should be your most important sense. But at 28, Beethoven became deaf. Could there be anything worse??

But what seemed to be an insurmountable obstacle became an incredibly powerful advantage. The brain corrects for other impairments through neuroplasticity by driving superhuman powers to others. Beethoven would go on to create some of the greatest works of music of all time!

Mozart was also a child prodigy by age 5! But at 11, he came down with polio, causing him to lose his sight. And just like Beethoven, his brain would utilize the power of neuroplasticity to overcome his blindness and write some of the most memorable and incredible music known to history.

Neither of these composers allowed their impairment to hold them back from their destiny. So gain confidence today knowing that EVEN WHEN IMPAIRED, your brain is working to drive remarkable ability elsewhere. So keep pushing, keep working, knowing you can overcome anything!

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