Confidence Hack #31: Adversity isn’t a zip code where you live. It’s just an event.

What I mean to say is we don’t live on Adversity Street. Our whole lives aren’t spent only in adversity! What we have gone through is behind us, and what we choose to do with what’s ahead of us is in our control.

Today, I go over the story of Bethany Hamilton. Bethany was a budding surfing star at just 13 years old. She was the next up and had worldwide success right in front of her. That was until one fateful day, the day a a 14-foot tiger shark latched onto her arm. It threw her around like a rag doll, and all those with her feared for her life...

This story so accurately addresses how adversity is not a permanent state of being. We choose how we handle the tough times of our life.

As you listen to this story today, gain confidence knowing that you will get through whatever it may be that you are going through. And on that other side, just like Bethany, you'll be stronger and greater for it!

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