This episode is powered by Eleve Health and OneSkin.

2024 is here! For this last episode of the year, I want to share some of my best tips for this next year so we can all be MORE CONFIDENT and create REAL CHANGE!

This has 10 tips, quotes, or reasons, whatever you want to call them, to have a better, more confident 2024...and beyond. These are some things I think about when I'm looking for a confidence boost to stop on stage, make that next sales email, or get through a funky day.

We got this next year! I can't wait for what's to come in 2024, and I can't wait to share this new content with everyone!

Hey! If you love this show, share it with family and friends! It's the best way to help get this info into the hands of people who want to grow and become the most CONFIDENT LEADERS they can be! And please throw us a 5-star review!


Eleve Health Hyperbaric Chambers (H.B.O.T.) is a simple and non-invasive therapy that places the body in a pressurized environment that allows the extra oxygen to dissolve into the blood plasma and to travel freely through the circulatory system, getting to areas where red blood cells may be restricted in flow, naturally enhancing the human body's functions. It is a GAME CHANGER for total recovery, optimization, longevity, skin repair, brain health, and much more! Check them out here! (email [email protected] for special rates!)


My wife Taylor and I are pumped to announce a partnership with OneSkin, the company that legit reverses skin to age at a molecular level. Everything has always been done surface level, but OneSkin is changing the game!' Is your BIGGEST organ essential to take care of?? Not just for looks but for health too! (And yeah, taking care of the money maker is essential, too! 😂). OneSkin has been so kind to give our communities a unique code to try it out! David15 at checkout. (Or Taylor15 if you like her more! I can't blame ya if you do!!)

Let us know if you try it and what you think!!!