Erin Mitchell, the founder of Nation Unsevered, an Indigenous Ally Organization and Program Coordinator for House of the Moon, an Indigenous Women’s Empowerment and Self-Defense Training Program Responding to the “Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls” (MMIWG) Crisis in US and Canada, joins the podcast to share her inspiring life story, how she became aware of the issues facing the Indigenous peoples, the crisis of “Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls” (MMIWG), and so much more. 

In this episode we discuss:

Erin’s inspiring life story.  The major turns in her life that led her to go back to school and learn to practice Chinese medicine and then to become an Ally for Native Americans. How she became aware of the issues facing the Indigenous peoples.  How Nation Unsevered came to be and more about their incredible work.  House of the Moon and more about their work to empower Indigenous women and girls. The crisis of “Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls” (MMIWG). The issues facing the Indigenous peoples including poverty, suicide, Covid-19, addiction, etc.  What we can all do to support the Indigenous peoples.  And so much more!