Can patients who are admitted to Hospitals achieve more if they're put through strength building? And why are cookie-cutter diet plans prescribed for everyone when our genetic make-ups are so different?

Dr. Tom questions treatment norms and takes a different, scientific approach to health and wellness.

Find out what people are asking about how Dr. Tom and his Causenta team are treating patientsr such as:


How does keto fit into an effective cancer treatment? What necessary micronutrients are administered to stage 4 cancer patients? How does leveraging a global database assist cancer patients regardless of their economic status?

Dr. Thomas Incledon believes the recovery of patients can be significantly improved if their mental health is given as much (if not more) consideration than their physical strength.

Find out what people are asking about how Dr. Tom and his Causenta team are treat patients such as:


Does Mental Health effect the recovery of patients? How does Mental Health correlate to Physical Strength What are some ways Dr. Tom and Causenta treat patients who are unable to work through therapy?

About Dr. Thomas Incledon:

Dr. Tom, is the founder and CEO of Causenta Wellness, and the Causenta Cancer Treatment Center in Arizona. From working with NFL, MLB, MMA, World Class athletes and even the White House, his reputation of personalized medicine and cutting edge technologies have put him on the map for caring for some of the most powerful people in the world. Making him one of the most sought after healthcare professionals of all time.


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