Has this ever been you?

You've taken a class or gone to an event. You've gathered a lot of information and you might even have a plan. But then you never actually do anything about it.

If that's been you, I can understand why you'd be hesitant to consider the Christian Podcasters' Summit. I've been there too.

This is how I'm planning to help make sure you not only learn what you need to know, but start to implement it too.

Christian Poccasters' Summit

Want to go deeper, ask some questions, and get more resources to help you grow and improve your podcast, check out the Christian Podcasters’ Summit.

Use my affiliate link and I’ll have some free bonuses for you too.


Subscribe for Free

Make sure that you subscribe so that you don’t miss my detailed discussion of what goes into each of the steps of the ACME-M method of editing your podcast.


Want to set up a consultation?

Facebook: https://m.me/TopTierAudio Email: [email protected]

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