What If It Did Work? artwork

What If It Did Work?

154 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 days ago - ★★★★★ - 396 ratings

Are you sitting on your dream instead of acting on it because the voice in your head is telling you, “no”? Are you afraid of failure? Maybe you think you’re just too old to begin a new adventure.What if, instead, you could squash these fears and silence the scared voice that prevents you from taking the leap and live your TRUE purpose?If you can learn to change just ONE thought, then I promise you will change your life.This podcast will show YOU how to STOP fear in its tracks so you can take action, which means you can follow God’s BIGGER plan for your life.When you listen to this podcast, you will...Believe in yourself again (no matter what your past looks like or what people say) so you can take the leap into your divine purposeNot only give yourself permission to create a life you only dream about (it all starts with one easy step) BUT the faith to take action and pursue itFace every day without fear of failure (even if you’ve stumbled before)Leave a legacy that you not only control but create (God gave you everything you need!)Reverse your thinking from “what if it goes wrong” to “what if it goes right” (this podcast will eliminate the worst-case scenario thinking that plagues so many people)Prepare yourself for dark times so that fear NEVER takes hold of you againAre you ready for it to work? About your Host:Omar Medrano wants to help you shake up your approach to launching your next business, keeping your happiness and life in mind, as well as your bottom line, which he enjoys doing through books like this, online coaching, and speaking regularly.And when he’s not teaching business owners how to find clarity, conviction, and faith in themselves, you can find him playing the stock market, working out, and indulging in the occasional smoothie while parenting his incredible daughters.

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Conversations That Empower with Ben Keech

May 29, 2024 09:00 - 58 minutes - 40.3 MB

Ever wondered how shifting gender dynamics are shaping our society? Join us as we sit down with Ben Keech, a former public school teacher and coach, to unravel the complexities of modern masculinity and the need for authentic connections. Ben brings to light the historical shifts that have blurred traditional gender lines and shares personal anecdotes that reveal the challenges and misconceptions surrounding masculinity. Discover how leading with love, care, and conviction can redefine what ...

Sarit Attwood: Journeys of Transformation in Health and the Fabric of America

May 22, 2024 09:00 - 1 hour - 44.1 MB

When schedules clash and life throws a curveball, it's the little acts of kindness and dedication that can turn a simple hiccup into a moment worth celebrating. That's what happened when the delightful Sarit And Erin Strength and I finally got to sit down for a chat. We shared laughs over scheduling mix-ups and marveled at her thoughtfulness in client relationships. Our talk navigates the unique terrain of the fitness industry, spotlighting how niching down can not only carve out success but...

Unveiling Mysteries with CJ Toca: A Fusion of Brazilian Culture, Prophecy, and Literary Creation

May 15, 2024 09:00 - 58 minutes - 40.1 MB

Embark with us on a literary quest led by CJ Toca, a maestro of mystery fiction with a spiritual twist. In our latest podcast episode, we uncover the essence of his novels "The Secret Heir" and "The Vacancy," where Brazilian vibrancy meets the seductive dance of enigma and prophecy. CJ doesn't just craft stories; he paints experiences, drawing inspiration from his own vibrant encounters with Brazilian communities and his profound connection to the culture. We navigate the complexities of lan...

Creating Legacies: Lee Benson on Value Creation, Financial Wisdom, and Raising Innovators

May 08, 2024 09:00 - 59 minutes - 41.1 MB

Join the celebration of value creation and financial wisdom as I sit down with the remarkable entrepreneur and author Lee Benson to mark three incredible years of podcasting. Discover the transformative journey from launching Abbey Aerospace to penning the "Value Creation Kid," and why financial education in childhood is the cornerstone for grooming future innovators. We unravel personal parenting tales, acknowledging that shielding our kids from struggle might just shield them from success,...

From Pokémon to Profits: The Jason Woho Success Story and the Realities of Entrepreneurship

May 01, 2024 09:00 - 59 minutes - 40.9 MB

Embark on a transformative journey with the dynamic Jason Woho, the young self-made multimillionaire who scaled a staggering 1,320 businesses by the age of 26. Through his inspiring ascent from the world of Pokémon cards and restaurant gigs to the heights of online marketing, Jason shares the raw truths about creating compelling offers, leveraging paid advertising, and the relentless tracking of KPIs. His story is a powerful narrative, not just of financial success, but of authentic personal...

Ann Latham: Crafting a Culture of Clarity for Empowered Leadership

April 24, 2024 09:00 - 55 minutes - 38.1 MB

Unlock the transformative power of clarity with queen of clarity Ann Latham in our enlightening discussion where we dissect the impact of undefined processes and directionless meetings. We share our own battle scars from corporate inefficiencies and contrast them with the streamlined, clear-cut approaches that drive businesses toward success. Ann lays bare the staggering costs incurred by organizations muddled in confusion, driving home the vital need for crystal-clear communication and soli...

From $80,000 Debt to Real Estate Moguls: Glenn and Amber Schwarm's Journey to Success

April 17, 2024 08:00 - 1 hour - 41.9 MB

Imagine waking up to an $80,000 credit card debt and a deep dive into financial despair. Now picture transforming that dread into a thriving real estate empire. That's exactly what Glenn and Amber Schwarm did, and in this episode, they peel back the curtain on their astounding rise from the depths of debt to the peaks of investment success. We don't just skim the surface; we get the full, gritty details of their story, which is as much about personal resilience as it is about savvy business ...

Tabitha Scott: From Political Rifts to Corporate Shifts and Sustainable Innovation

April 10, 2024 09:00 - 56 minutes - 39 MB

Discover the transformative secrets of leadership that bridge the corporate and political realms with Tabitha Scott, a renowned thought leader on engagement and innovation. Our dialogue journeys through the complexities of thriving amid political divisiveness and pivots to the profound impact of leadership on environmental sustainability and employee productivity. We draw from the wisdom of historical figures and the dynamics of social media to offer listeners a rich tapestry of insights int...

Driving Success: From Passionate Gearhead to CEO Visionary - A Journey of Growth and Representation

April 02, 2024 12:00 - 51 minutes - 35.5 MB

When a reserved, car-loving teenager becomes a business powerhouse, you know there's a story worth listening to. Nestor Gutierrez, CEO of Rancho Express Lubric, sits down with us to trace his incredible evolution, revealing the role his father played in instilling robust values and how a fierce dedication to family set wheels in motion toward his ambitious goal: ensuring the safety of 200,000 drivers by 2030. Nestor's transformation is not just a success narrative; it's a masterclass on harn...

Navigating Success in Business and Real Estate: Communication, Resilience, and Financial Freedom with Aaron Chapman

March 27, 2024 09:00 - 56 minutes - 38.8 MB

Discover the underestimated power of communication and personal connections in the business world with Aaron Chapman, a finance industry expert with over two decades of experience. Aaron's journey from ranch hand to mortgage lending maverick underscores a crucial narrative: formal education doesn't always prepare you for real-world success. Throughout our conversation, we'll shed light on why some products dominate the market, not solely because of their quality, but due to their visibility ...

Dario Herrera: Navigating Life's Crossroads with Purpose, Impact, and the Evolution of Influencer Marketing

March 20, 2024 09:00 - 54 minutes - 37.6 MB

When the path of life leads to crossroads of transformation and growth, it's stories like Dario Herrera's that light the way. As our esteemed guest, this social good entrepreneur embodies resilience, having navigated the peaks and valleys of a career that not only shaped influencer marketing but also connected deeply with humanitarian causes. Our conversation is a journey through the wisdom garnered from personal struggles, the pursuit of alignment with one's values, and the art of storytell...

Nick Mershon: Crafting a Legacy of Success in the Modern Business World

March 13, 2024 09:00 - 1 hour - 49.7 MB

Embark on an insightful expedition through the realms of business culture and leadership with the guidance of Nick Mershon, a seasoned business coach whose military precision and dedication to solving complex challenges redefine excellence. Within the walls of this episode, Nick's rich background from the Navy to the boardroom unfolds a tapestry where the colors of steadfast leadership, employee satisfaction, and the power of a united front paint a vivid picture of organizational success. We...

Andy Audate: Crafting Business Triumphs Through Mentorship and Innovation

March 06, 2024 10:00 - 58 minutes - 40.4 MB

Ever wondered how a college dropout morphed into a marketing virtuoso with webinar wizardry at his fingertips? Andy Odette's tale is a testament to the fact that the road less traveled can indeed lead to remarkable destinations. Join us as we pick the brain of this marketing maven, whose groundbreaking strategies have given small businesses a new lease on life. Our conversation traverses Andy's audacious leap from academia to entrepreneurship, his hard-earned insights into the myth of overni...

Kyle Crooke: Unlocking Exceptional Leadership: Human Connection, Overcoming Challenges, and the Path to Empowerment

February 28, 2024 10:00 - 57 minutes - 39.8 MB

Ever wonder what distinguishes a good boss from a great leader? This episode's rich discussion with Kyle Crooke, Chief Performance Officer at Raise Your Revenue by Sandler, promises to illuminate the ways in which leadership transcends mere management, fostering a culture of empowerment that can skyrocket business success. We dissect the hidden costs of high employee turnover, particularly within sales, and debate the effectiveness of AI against the undeniable power of human connection. Joi...

Danny Seliger: From Serving Aces to Serving Insights in the Digital Arena

February 21, 2024 10:00 - 58 minutes - 40.2 MB

Ever considered dropping everything to chase a wild dream? Danny Seliger, also known as Coolness, did just that, and in our latest episode, he recounts his amazing transformation from accomplished collegiate volleyball player to the VP of a leading social media agency. This isn't your average success story; it's an exploration of bold decisions, the value of real-world experience over formal education, and the power of parental support when making life-altering choices. Danny's tale is one o...

Turning Dreams to Reality: Embracing Manifestation and Inspired Action with Star Magee

February 14, 2024 10:00 - 1 hour - 41.7 MB

Have you ever felt like you're standing at the edge of your dreams, unsure of how to take the leap? Join me as I welcome Star Magee, a powerhouse manifesting life coach and yoga therapist, whose journey is a testament to the transformative power of manifestation and inspired action. Through an honest and engaging dialogue, we peel back the layers of Star's "Glowing Well" podcast and personal growth app, diving into the heart of meaningful connections, the struggle against limiting beliefs, a...

Embracing Authenticity and the Pursuit of Personal Clarity with Rocky Garza

February 07, 2024 10:00 - 58 minutes - 40.4 MB

Have you ever had a moment where clarity about your own identity hit you like a ton of bricks? That's what it felt like when Rocky Garza, a personal clarity guru, first addressed a room I was in, outshining A-listers with his profound insights on authenticity and self-discovery. In this episode, we journey with Rocky through the twists and turns of shedding societal masks and embracing our true selves. His compelling stories and the wisdom gained from a varied career, from youth camp directo...

Transforming Setbacks into Comebacks: Unpacking Success, Authenticity, and Positive Impact with David Specht

January 31, 2024 10:00 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

Ever faced the sting of rejection or wrestled with the fear of it? David Specht is back at the mic with me, sharing transformative insights on turning setbacks into comebacks. Together, we unpack the misconceptions around the overnight success of influencers and why the road to triumph is more akin to a marathon rather than a sprint. David, the entrepreneur and author behind "Old Dogs, New Tricks," brings his authentic wisdom to the table, challenging the narratives that hold us back from ac...

The Strength of Collaborative Packs for Success

January 24, 2024 11:00 - 1 hour - 42 MB

Michael Devellano is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in business, entrepreneurship, and hockey scouting. As an author, podcast host, and startup community curator, he has shared his insights and expertise in his book "Automate and Grow." His perspective on business, entrepreneurship, and hockey scouting is multifaceted, shaped by his experiences as a startup founder, investor, CTO, author, and hockey scout. Devellano emphasizes the importance of hard work, calculated risk-t...

Tailoring Education: Homeschooling for Individual Strengths and Interests

January 17, 2024 11:00 - 1 hour - 41.8 MB

Miriam Castro, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in psychology, sociology, and social work, and her homeschooled daughter, Lucy Colon, a young entrepreneur passionate about alternative education, bring a unique perspective to the table. Miriam believes in the power of homeschooling and alternative education, having seen her daughter thrive outside the traditional school system. She advocates for individuality and nurturing specific interests and talents, and sees homeschooling as a r...

Discovering Financial Success Through Purpose

January 10, 2024 11:00 - 1 hour - 41.7 MB

Sharon Riddle is a seasoned professional with over three decades of experience in business solutions and a successful track record in multifamily real estate investment. Sharon's perspective on multifamily real estate investment and wealth generation is rooted in a conservative approach to underwriting and decision-making. She emphasizes the importance of lowering acquisition prices and partnering with like-minded general partners. Sharon's belief in financial freedom and the power of choice...

Conquering Procrastination: Pushing Through Obstacles for Success

January 03, 2024 11:00 - 1 hour - 49.1 MB

Tyler Guzzo is a renowned fitness professional and entrepreneur, known for his dedication to helping others overcome challenges for personal and professional growth. His perspective on this topic is shaped by his own experiences of facing criticism and negativity while stepping out of his comfort zone. Guzzo believes that overcoming such obstacles is a crucial part of the journey towards achieving goals and making a positive impact on others. He emphasizes the importance of not letting negat...

Location Freedom and Risk-Taking in Digital Nomad Life

December 27, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 41.9 MB

Jeff Paykin is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in private equity and business consulting, currently serving as the CEO of Outcome Partners and living as a digital nomad in Medellin, Colombia. His perspective on the digital nomad lifestyle and strategies for economic uncertainty is centered around the concept of taking measured risks. Paykin emphasizes the importance of collecting cash upfront when starting a business to mitigate financial risks, prioritizing health and fit...

Leveraging Networks for Real Estate Success

December 20, 2023 11:00 - 50 minutes - 34.7 MB

Paul Wakim, CEO and co-founder of Town Square, is a seasoned professional in the real estate industry, with a background in real estate photography and various real estate investing transactions. His perspective on Town Square, an innovative real estate tech startup, is shaped by his extensive experience and the belief that the platform should be open and accessible to anyone interested in real estate investing. Paul's journey, which began with starting one of the largest real estate photogr...

The Changing Perceptions of Masculinity in Society

December 13, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 41.8 MB

Greg Gillies is a seasoned CEO and coaching advisor with over two decades of experience in personal and professional development, specializing in guiding top business leaders through the complexities of balancing masculinity, leadership, and mental health in the corporate world. Gillies holds the perspective that a toxic form of masculinity, characterized by fear-based thoughts and behaviors, is prevalent in the business world, often leading to mental health struggles among even the most suc...

Exceeding Expectations and Eliminating Excuses

December 06, 2023 11:00 - 56 minutes - 38.6 MB

Mike Simmons, a renowned speaker, coach, and founder of Seven Figure Investor, has an extensive background in the real estate industry. He has shared the stage with industry giants and has personally worked with numerous entrepreneurs, optimizing and growing their businesses. Simmons firmly believes in the importance of personal responsibility and long-term thinking for success in the real estate business. He emphasizes that real estate is a level playing field where anyone can achieve succe...

The Pursuit of True Happiness: Beyond Money and Materialism

November 29, 2023 11:00 - 59 minutes - 40.6 MB

Jeff Wickersham, a mindset and peak performance coach, is renowned for his approach to fostering a positive mindset, personal growth, and authentic living. As the founder of Morning Fire Coaching and sometimes mistaken for a former LSU quarterback, Jeff's perspective is shaped by his personal experiences, including the loss of his mother to breast cancer and his own journey of personal and business development. He believes that many people are hindered by negative beliefs and self-destructiv...

Achieving Financial Freedom through Passive Income

November 22, 2023 11:00 - 49 minutes - 33.9 MB

Austin Zelan is a renowned American entrepreneur, investor, business development consultant, and philanthropist, who has made a name for himself in the field of financial stability and wealth creation. Zelan's perspective on financial stability is rooted in the concept of diversification and the establishment of multiple income streams. He stresses the importance of a balanced portfolio, recommending at least seven investments to mitigate the impact of any single failed investment. His strat...

The Power of Self-Improvement in Sales

November 15, 2023 11:00 - 1 hour - 45.1 MB

Kelly Shaw, a seasoned sales professional, coach, and CEO of the J Group, has spent over 40 years in sales and 25 years training other sales professionals across various industries. Shaw firmly believes in the impact and importance of effective sales training techniques. His experiences in the financial services world have shaped his perspective, emphasizing the value of hands-on training, debriefing after each sales call, and providing constructive criticism to guide salespeople towards sel...

Cultivating Joy and Happiness through Action

November 08, 2023 11:00 - 55 minutes - 37.9 MB

Donnalynn Riley is a seasoned coach with over a decade of experience in guiding high achievers towards happiness through self-improvement and the mind-body-spirit connection. With a unique background in Broadway and corporate leadership, Donnalynn offers a unique perspective on the journey to happiness. She firmly believes that happiness is not an external circumstance, but a skill that can be developed through prioritizing joy and learning sustainable, repeatable self-support tools. She emp...

The Power of Taking Action: Implementing Knowledge

November 01, 2023 10:00 - 55 minutes - 37.9 MB

Nick Hutchison is a visionary entrepreneur, founder of Book Thinkers, and author of "Rise of the Reader." He has built a platform that reaches over a million people each month, connecting authors with readers and driving significant revenue growth through book campaigns. Hutchison strongly believes in the importance of implementing knowledge and setting goals. He emphasizes that intelligence is measured by action, not just by attending conferences or reading books. He encourages individuals ...

A Holistic Journey to Overcoming Addiction

October 25, 2023 10:00 - 50 minutes - 35 MB

Jessica Summers, a wife, mother, and fashion designer boutique owner, has a unique journey of empowerment that was born out of her personal struggles with addiction and mental health. After a complicated second pregnancy led to a downward spiral of physical, mental, and emotional health issues, Jessica found herself battling addiction and facing a 17-day stay in a psychiatric hospital. Despite these challenges, Jessica took accountability for her actions and embarked on a transformative jour...

The Impact of Health on Success in Various Areas of Life

October 18, 2023 10:00 - 52 minutes - 36.2 MB

Diana Chaloux-LaCerte and Micah LaCerte are renowned figures in the field of sustainable weight loss and personal development, co-owning HitchFit Online Personal Training and HitchFit Gyms. Diana believes in the power of online training and social media marketing to reach and transform as many lives as possible, emphasizing the need for a unique approach to weight loss and personal development. Micah, on the other hand, centers his perspective around the importance of making lifestyle change...

Unexpected Life Changes: Sacrifices for Family

October 11, 2023 10:00 - 48 minutes - 33.5 MB

Jonathan C Gehrig, a former timber industry professional, made a significant life change when he decided to leave his career of 35 years to become a caregiver for his aging parents. Gehrig's perspective on the emotional impact and complexities of caregiving for aging parents is one of difficulty balanced with fulfillment. He found the decision to give up his career challenging, but the experience of caring for his parents was also therapeutic and rewarding. Writing a book about his journey h...

Unlocking Wealth: Lucrative Cash Flow in Affordable Housing

October 04, 2023 10:00 - 51 minutes - 35.1 MB

Mat Simmons, a seasoned business veteran with 20 years of experience and a 12-year veteran in real estate and investing, is the founder and operator of SIM Capital Group. His perspective on "sim capital's strategy for lucrative affordable housing investments" is rooted in his belief that investing in affordable housing is a highly profitable venture. Simmons explains that their affordable housing portfolio generates a net income per door that is double the amount of their multifamily propert...

Monetizing Passions Through Affiliate Marketing

September 27, 2023 10:00 - 48 minutes - 33.6 MB

Matt McWilliams is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in various industries, including accounting. He is recognized for his expertise in helping clients reduce their workload and increase their income, a feat he considers heroic. McWilliams strongly believes in the power of affiliate marketing as a means to turn passions into profitable businesses. He emphasizes that it allows individuals to monetize their passions immediately, even if they don't have their own products or ser...

Finding Acceptance and Empowerment through Coaching

September 20, 2023 10:00 - 47 minutes - 32.4 MB

Candy Motzek, an author, podcast host, and business coach for Life Coaches, brings a unique perspective to her coaching practice, drawing from her background as a corporate executive and engineer. Candy strongly believes in the transformative power of coaching and emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurial skills and mindset in the coaching business. She argues that simply knowing how to coach is not enough for success, and coaches must also possess entrepreneurial skills, such as intentio...

Virtues Learned Through Boxing: Courage, Humility, and More

September 13, 2023 10:00 - 54 minutes - 37.2 MB

Hector Colon is a distinguished individual who transitioned from a successful boxing career to becoming an accomplished CEO, attributing his success to humility and leadership. As a seven-time national boxing champion and the current president and CEO of Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Hector's unique perspective on his transformation is rooted in the virtues he learned from boxing. He believes that courage, humility, temperance, magnanimity, perseverance, and serva...

Embracing Vulnerability: A Journey of Self-Discovery

September 06, 2023 10:00 - 56 minutes - 38.8 MB

Brian Bogert is a passionate advocate for emotional awareness and authenticity, using his personal experiences to shape his perspective on personal and professional success. His journey began with a significant injury at a young age, which led him to create a facade of capability and independence. However, a later injury made him realize the power of vulnerability and the importance of genuine human connection. Brian believes that emotional awareness and authenticity are essential for growth...

From Selling Drugs to Selling Dreams: Sal Habibi's Turning Point

August 30, 2023 10:00 - 57 minutes - 39.8 MB

Sal Habibi is a renowned digital entrepreneur and influencer coach, celebrated for his proficiency in motivation and entrepreneurship. With a rich background in Amazon FBA, Sal has not only generated over 2 million in revenue through his Amazon sales but also co-founded the FBA Growth University, an elearning platform that has empowered hundreds of individuals to launch their own successful Amazon FBA stores. Sal's unique insights on the power of motivation and entrepreneurship stem from his...

"Failing Forward: Secrets to Thriving in Entrepreneurship"

August 23, 2023 10:00 - 51 minutes - 35.3 MB

Entrepreneurship is a challenging field with a high failure rate, but in a podcast conversation between Omar Medrano and Fred Cary, they provide valuable insights and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. They stress the importance of insider knowledge, connections, and resilience in the face of repeated failure. Adequate funding and the misconception of immediate profitability are also discussed. The conversation highlights the need to seize opportunities, especially during challenging times, ...

Unleashing the Power of Storytelling: Sales, Connections, and Transformation

August 16, 2023 10:00 - 47 minutes - 32.3 MB

Discover the power of storytelling in sales and personal connections in this captivating podcast episode featuring Omar Medrano and TedX Speaker John Livesay. They delve into the importance of soft skills like active listening and empathy, combined with hard skills, to stand out in any field. Explore how introverts can leverage their own origin stories to build rapport and start meaningful conversations. Uncover the significance of being your own lifeguard and taking control of your life, es...

"From White Coats to Real Estate: A Prescription for Change"

August 09, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 41.5 MB

Former physicians Paul and Miranda Stafford discuss their transition from medicine to real estate investing in this podcast episode with Omar Medrano. The Staffords made the decision to shift careers due to the long hours and lack of fulfillment they experienced in the medical field. Despite initially lacking knowledge and support in real estate investing, they educated themselves and explored opportunities in the market. The conversation emphasizes the importance of recognizing when a chang...

What IfFunding Business Dreams equals Success, Empower, Growth

August 02, 2023 10:00 - 58 minutes - 40.3 MB

This podcast episode Peter Risko and Omar Medrano have a conversation on detailed guidance on how to fund and support small businesses, enabling entrepreneurs to achieve financial success. It covers topics such as merchant cash advancing, follow-up for sales success, funding brokering for businesses, MCA broker bootcamp, making money online, and empowering youth. It provides practical advice on how to secure capital for businesses, how to start a business of your own, and how to provide reso...

What IF Unlocking Financial Freedom begins With Mindset, Investing Insights & Strategies"

July 26, 2023 10:00 - 47 minutes - 32.7 MB

Beginning with a captivating topic sentence, this episode of Mindset Clarity discusses the power of investing for freedom and the benefits of achieving financial freedom. Omar Medrano and Steve Pesavento explore the fundamentals of investing and how to make money work for you, as well as the power of passive income strategies. They also discuss the requirements of accredited investing and how to achieve financial freedom through investing. Finally, they emphasize the importance of taking con...

What IF Franchising can Bring You Success

July 19, 2023 11:00 - 58 minutes - 40.2 MB

This episode of What IF It Did Work it explores the potential of franchising as an entrepreneurial endeavor. Omar Medrano and Kim Daly discuss the need to have passion for the product or service, the importance of scaling the business in order to create wealth, and the benefits and drawbacks of franchising. They also emphasize the importance of taking action and living with purpose, exploring the need for a full-time manager and the potential of service-oriented businesses, and understanding...

What IF Empathy, Action, and Fulfillment can lead to Success: Eric's Journey

July 12, 2023 10:00 - 1 hour - 43.4 MB

Beginning with the detail of Eric Oberembt's past with a drug and alcohol addiction, this podcast episode between Omar Medrano and Eric Oberembt explores the importance of empathy, understanding different points of view, and taking action in order to be successful. They discuss the dangers of following the masses and the need to stay consistent and engaged in order to keep the good times. They emphasize the importance of being in service to others and how it can lead to a sense of fulfillmen...

What IF Taking Control of Your Life Starts With Investing In One's Health?

July 05, 2023 10:00 - 53 minutes - 36.7 MB

Beginning with the captivating detail that Dan Zavorotny raised $32 million from investors to launch his metabolic health company, Nutrisense, Omar Medrano and Dan Zavorotny discussed the importance of health and how it can lead to better quality of life. They discussed the US healthcare system, the need to accept certain body fat levels, and the use of technology to track one's health in real time. They also discussed the psychological burden of losing weight, the importance of testing and ...

What If Achieving Success: is a simple formula? The Mindset, Mentors, and Action

June 28, 2023 09:00 - 56 minutes - 39.1 MB

Beginning with an anecdote from Chris Prefontaine's experience, this podcast episode between Omar Medrano and Chris Prefontaine discusses the importance of having the right mindset, finding a mentor, and taking action in order to achieve success in business. They emphasize the importance of commitment, consistency, and taking action in order to achieve one's goals, as well as the importance of being wary of false promises made by gurus on the internet. They also discuss the power of creative...

What IF You Can Find Success Transforming Lives: A Health Coach's Journey with the Spechts

June 21, 2023 10:00 - 57 minutes - 39.5 MB

Are you tired of quick fixes and crash diets that don't yield long-term health benefits? Look no further than "What IF It Did Work?" hosted by Omar Medrano, which features exceptional guests like David and Tina Specht, who lost a combined 180 pounds through healthy nutrition and personal development. Despite initially facing criticism and resistance, the Spechts persevered and now run a successful health-coaching company that focuses on the whole person. In this episode, they discuss the imp...