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Search the Scriptures Live

277 episodes - English - Latest episode: 13 days ago - ★★★★★ - 178 ratings

Interesting and Accessible Bible Study for Busy People

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Let Him Pick Up His Cross and Follow Me

May 21, 2024 05:00

What does it mean to pick up your cross? Most people assume that Christ is teaching us how to handle the difficulties of life. But the Fathers would not agree with that! Join Dr. Jeannie to learn the truth about this famous verse.

Get Thee Behind Me, Satan !

May 14, 2024 05:00

In one of the most dramatic reversals of the New Testament, the Lord, who previously praised Peter and gave him the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, now associates Peter's words with the Devil. What were Christ's words and Peter's response that led to the sudden change?

The Louhs with "6 Hours, 7 Lessons"

April 23, 2024 05:00

As we approach Holy Week and will be contemplating the Passion of the Lord, Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne Louh are Dr. Jeannie's special guests this week to discuss the seven last statements of the Lord, the lessons we can learn from what He said and how we can apply that to our lives.

The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

April 16, 2024 05:00

Did the early Church understand the words of Christ to Peter as giving unique powers or special privileges to Peter? How, when and why did the Roman Church develop its theology of papal supremacy? What did the early Fathers say about the keys to the kingdom of heaven?

You are Peter and On This Rock....

April 09, 2024 05:00

Our examination of Peter's confession and Christ's blessing continues. Was Peter ever the bishop of Rome? Did the Lord's words give Peter and all bishops of Rome universal jurisdiction over the entire Church? What did the holy Fathers say about Christ's words?

On This Rock I Will Build My Church

April 02, 2024 05:00

Peter's acknowledgment of the true identity of Jesus, led to him receiving a new name and a blessing. The Catholic Church has used this verse to support its papal supremacy doctrine. Is Peter the Rock on which the Church is built, or is it something or someone else?

An Evil and Adulterous Generation Asks for a Sign

March 26, 2024 05:00

When the Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign from heaven, why did he reject their request? Is it unacceptable to ask God for a sign? Is a sign the same as a miracle? What role should miracles play in supporting our faith?

Did Jesus Really Call Her a Dog?

March 19, 2024 05:00

One of the most uncomfortable scenes in the gospels is when a Canaanite woman follows Jesus, begging for his help. First, he ignores her. Then he insults her. Why? The story is actually a wonderful one, with great spiritual lessons that are especially useful as we begin Lent.

Christ Rejects Tradition?

March 12, 2024 05:00

The Pharisees challenged Jesus to explain why he ignored "the traditions of the elders." His disregard for their customs has fueled Protestant criticisms of Holy Tradition. Which traditions did the Lord reject and why?

Enough Faith To Walk On Water?

March 05, 2024 06:00

We all know about the Lord walking on water. But only Matthew has the story of Peter joining him amid the waves and storm. The Fathers have much to say about this story and its lessons for us about the importance of faith and challenges to our faith.

Walking on Water

February 27, 2024 06:00

This amazing story of the disciples' experience of the Lord is more than just a miracle, but a deep expression of theology. In Matthew's Gospel, Peter's attempt to join him on the water is added to this story. Both events provide many spiritual lessons from the Fathers.

The Multiplication of the Loaves

February 20, 2024 06:00

This miracle is the most widely attested but also among the most commonly disputed. Why? The story seems simple, and we all know it well. But it has great theological depth and spiritual meaning, which we will discover with the help of the Fathers.

The Beheading of the Lord's Forerunner

February 13, 2024 06:00

Information, and even intrigue, exists about the beheading of St. John, including the discovery of his head, which the Church also remembers. We'll take a historical and patristic look at the lives, motivation, and ultimate fates of those involved in this diabolical act.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like....

February 06, 2024 06:00 - 83.5 MB

More parables in Matthew 13 teach us about the nature of the Kingdom, its hidden and dynamic qualities, the power of the apostles despite overwhelming opposition by the world, and the tenacity required by the faithful and their ability to acquire the Kingdom.

Seeing They Do Not See, And Hearing They Do Not Understand

January 30, 2024 06:00

This strange statement actually appears in all four gospels and Acts of the Apostles and is a prophecy about Christ. Why was this prophecy so crucial in the early Church, and why didn't Christ just explain or enlighten people so they could see and understand?

"To Those Who Have More Will Be Given"

January 23, 2024 06:00

Christ told the disciples they would understand the mysteries and receive more. Others "seeing would not see and hearing would not understand" and would receive less. Why aren't the mysteries of heaven understandable to all? Does God choose some people over others?

Why Did Jesus Use Parables?

January 16, 2024 06:00

The Lord's teachings were enigmatic at times, especially when He used parables. He said, "Seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand." This sounds strange and unfair. Did the Lord truly want people not to understand him?

The Kingdom of Heaven

January 09, 2024 06:00

One of Matthew's major themes is acquiring the Kingdom of Heaven. Chapter 13, the mid-point of the five main sections of Matthew's gospel, is entirely devoted to this single topic. Here Matthew gathers all of Jesus' parables on the Kingdom of Heaven for our instruction.

The Family of Jesus

December 19, 2023 06:00

The gospel reading on the Sunday before Christmas concerns the genealogy of Jesus. The Scriptures refer to his brothers and sisters. Who were these people? What do we know about them? Why do Christians disagree about their identity and about the ever-virginity of Mary?

Signs of Jonah

December 12, 2023 06:00

The image of Jonah was ubiquitous in the early Church and remains frequently referenced in Orthodoxy. The statement is deeper than we realize, and Christ's citation of Jonah also reveals His own specific technique of scripture interpretation that the Orthodox still follow.

Idle Words

December 05, 2023 06:00

The Lord warns us that on Judgment Day, we will account for every idle word we utter. Why are mere words so important? We will discuss this...and just a little more about the sin against the Holy Spirit.

The Sin Against the Holy Spirit- Part 2

November 28, 2023 06:00

The Lord said there is one sin that cannot be forgiven, neither in this life nor in the next: The sin against the Holy Spirit. Fr. Costa will join us this week as we continue our discussion of this verse.

The Sin Against the Holy Spirit

November 21, 2023 06:00

The Lord's immense power caused confusion among Jewish leaders and his actions evoked consternation. They accused him of using the devil's power to heal. He responded by warning them, and us, about "the sin against the Holy Spirit." But what is that and how do we avoid it?

Something Greater Than the Temple

November 14, 2023 06:00

In Matthew chapter 12, the Pharisees increasingly challenge the Lord for what they perceive to be his violations of the Law of Moses. But the Lord defends his actions artfully, and in one healing story, Matthew shows how the Lord makes his rabbinic argument.

Hiding Christ’s Teachings From the Learned and Wise

November 07, 2023 06:01 - 1 hour - 85.8 MB

Christ thanked the Father for "hiding" his teaching from the "learned and wise" and revealing it to children. Why would God do that if God loves us all and Christ came to save us? Does God prevent some people from understanding?

Hiding Christ's Teachings From the Learned and Wise

November 07, 2023 06:00

Christ thanked the Father for "hiding" his teaching from the "learned and wise" and revealing it to children. Why would God do that if God loves us all and Christ came to save us? Does God prevent some people from understanding?

The Kingdo of Heaven Suffers Violence

October 31, 2023 05:01 - 1 hour - 78.5 MB

"The kingdom of heaven suffers violence." For most modern commentators, this is a most enigmatic saying. But for Orthodox Christians this statement is well understood and has always been interpreted in the same way in the history of the Church. What does it mean? Tune in and find out!

The Kingdom of Heaven Suffers Violence

October 31, 2023 05:00

"The kingdom of heaven suffers violence." For most modern commentators, this is a most enigmatic saying. But for Orthodox Christians this statement is well understood and has always been interpreted in the same way in the history of the Church. What does it mean? Tune in and find out!

John the Baptist’s Strange Question

October 24, 2023 05:01 - 1 hour - 82.4 MB

“Are you the one who is to come or shall we look for another?” This seems to be an odd question from St. John the Forerunner, who had dedicated his life to preparing the way for Christ. Did John have doubts about Jesus? Learn Christ’s answer and what he thought of John.

John the Baptist's Strange Question

October 24, 2023 05:00

“Are you the one who is to come or shall we look for another?” This seems to be an odd question from St. John the Forerunner, who had dedicated his life to preparing the way for Christ. Did John have doubts about Jesus? Learn Christ’s answer and what he thought of John.

Picking up Your Cross: Christ or Family ?

October 17, 2023 05:00

In Church history, many people were forced to choose between Christ and their own family members, who sometimes even persecuted them. The Lord predicted this and invited us to pick up our cross. Does picking up your cross mean enduring life's troubles or something else?

Do Not fear Those Who Kill the Body

October 10, 2023 05:00

In Matthew 10, the sermon known as The Missionary Discourse, the Lord tells his disciples to expect persecution. All true Christians should expect persecution and must endure until the end to be saved. But why are Christians persecuted? The Lord and the Fathers explain.

Family Persecution Because of Christ

October 03, 2023 05:00

“Brother will deliver up brother to death.” The Lord foretold that we would face persecution for his sake, even from members of our family. The Fathers of the Church explain this and St. John Chrysostom considers how our lives compare to those of the apostles.

Wolves and Sheep, Serpents and Dove

September 26, 2023 05:00

This week, we continue the patristic explanation of the Missionary Discourse of the Lord’s Instructions to the disciples before sending them out on their first mission of teaching and healing. What does it mean to be a sheep? A serpent? A dove?

When You Enter A House Let Your Peace Come Upon It

September 19, 2023 05:00

This instruction by the Lord to the disciples led St. John Chrysostom to make a lengthy comment about his personal experience as a priest. He repeatedly blessed the congregation but his blessing of “peace” was not returned by them.

Sheep Among Wolves

September 12, 2023 05:00

The Lord bluntly described the challenging circumstances the disciples faced when he sent them out to preach. They were to take no money and no extra clothing. "Freely you have received, freely give." How were they to live, and why did the Lord give these instructions?

Spiritual Insight Despite Physical Limitations

September 05, 2023 16:13

As we conclude this remarkable set of ten miracle stories, we meet two blind men who persist in crying, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" and a deaf and mute man who cannot express himself at all. Who is truly blind and truly deaf? The Fathers offer their spiritual insights.

Leaving Everything for Christ

August 29, 2023 05:00

The call of St. Matthew seems odd to us. He was doing his job and suddenly left everything to follow Christ. Other disciples also responded suddenly and inexplicably. Did they have free will? What brought on such a reaction? What about the responsibilities they left behind?

Did Jesus Ever Claim to be God ?

August 22, 2023 05:00

Some people have asserted that Jesus himself never claimed to be God; rather, this notion was invented by his followers. In the healing of the paralytic, Jesus’ identity and claims of authority are challenged as he is accused of “blasphemy.” What is blasphemy anyhow?

How Many Demons? How Many Demoniacs?

August 15, 2023 02:36

This week we examine a familiar and puzzling story, especially in Matthew's gospel. Not one but two demoniacs live among tombs, severely possessed by perhaps thousands of demons. Among other things, we will discuss demonic possession and why the herd of swine was destroyed.

The Stilling of the Storm

August 08, 2023 02:00

The string of miracles Matthew presents here continue, including the stilling of the storm and the healing of Peter's mother-in-law. These stories are so familiar that their lessons are easily overlooked – but not by the Fathers who draw out the deeper meaning for us.

A Man Under Authority

August 01, 2023 01:30

A Roman centurion relates the authority of Jesus to his own military experience, recognizing not only the Lord's authority but even His divinity, despite being pagan. The Lord "marvels" at the faith and humility of this non-Israelite.

The Miracles of Matthew

July 25, 2023 02:24

After the Sermon on the Mount, St. Matthew depicts Christ performing ten miracles in a row, but they aren't included simply to impress us with Christ's sheer power. Miracles serve a different purpose in this gospel. Join us as Christ proceeds from teaching to action.

False Prophets

July 18, 2023 02:26

As the Lord wraps up the Sermon on the Mount, He issues warnings to us about false prophets and about how we must bear fruit and build a solid foundation for our lives on the Rock. Join us as we breathe in the flowers of the patristic garden.

The Golden Rule

July 11, 2023 02:17

The "Golden Rule" is considered by many to be the greatest ethical instruction in the history of mankind. Did you know that there is also a "Silver Rule" that is found in other religious traditions? What make's Christ's instruction superior to all others?

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

July 04, 2023 02:28

The admonition to "judge not" may be the most misunderstood or misused verse in the Bible. Are we never to identify anything as sin? In addition to this verse, Dr. Jeannie will discuss Bible manuscript variations to clarify an earlier lesson and respond to queries.

Treasure in Heaven

June 27, 2023 02:36

After finishing his instructions on prayer the Lord continues with emphasizing forgiveness, the secret pursuit of virtue, seeking the Kingdom and the impossibility of loving both God and money. As usual, we will hear from the Fathers on all these matters!

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Part 2

June 20, 2023 03:45

Why does God allow temptations? Are some trials or tests different from others? Since God is only the source of good, but He allows temptation for our benefit, why does the Lord instruct us in the Lord's Prayer to ask, "lead us not into temptation"?

Lead Us Not Into Temptation

June 13, 2023 03:20

The Lord's Prayer ends with this rather strange statement. Are we asking the Lord Himself not to tempt us? Is He the source of the temptations that afflict us? How are we to understand this phrase?

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

June 06, 2023 03:06

This line from the Lord's Prayer seems straightforward, but why does Christ say "forgive our trespasses" instead of "forgive our sins"? This has great significance and may be the most important line of all. Our salvation depends upon how we respond to this instruction.