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Rebel Health Radio

178 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 days ago - ★★★★★ - 1 rating

New revolutionary health ideas that will blow your mind: books and resources reviewed and discussed for you so you can inform yourself to make better choices in healthcare. From biofield resonance to the microbiome and beyond, if it exists to help us heal ourselves, I'm there! With interviews with like minded health-seekers, book reviews, discussions and Q&A sessions to find out more about this new, expanding medicine coming on-stream now that blows out of the water the old model of medicine based on symptom suppression and drugs. It's more efficient, it's more sustainable and it works! Stay tuned.

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Reviewing Gabor Mate's Extraordinary New Book: The Myth Of Normal

May 22, 2024 10:00 - 25 minutes - 17.3 MB

Why is this groundbreaking book so important? Here's my view... 00:00 Intro and Dr Mate's background 02:00 A leading light in emotional trauma awareness- and his personal experience of childhood trauma 03:44 Synopsis of chapters and the general direction of the book - disconnect from the self, attachment wounding, trauma is not always what we got but what we didn't get 05:32 High sensitivity (SPS) and parental deficits combine, creating dis-ease , aided by a distorted (toxic) cultural milie...

Iain McGilchrist What's the Matter with Medicine Commentary - Part 2

May 14, 2024 22:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University. for the original lecture go here 00:00 Intro to what's the matter with medicine in a left-brain world of disconnect - toxic world vs. 01:55 The importance of attention as a form of love 03:00 The doctor patient relationship is devalued now which degrades the skills of doctors as well as a distortion of the body as a faulty mechanism in a mechanistic view of the ...

The Unique Ways Men Handle Stress: An Insight Into Men And Therapy

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

Men and women - the difference in how stress operates and how it manifests. And why men are less likely to admit they need help See this article for more details on gender differences in neurobiology 00:00 The stress response in men and women are different - physiological differences in brain organisation. Fight and flight vs. Tend and befriend. 02:31 Emotions are part of that system that communicates safety biologically. When symptoms ar...

Being Vulnerable is HEALTHY | Unlock Your Creativity & Boost Self-worth By Embracing Vulnerability

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 16 minutes - 11.3 MB

I've become aware that vulnerability is key to true creativity - you cannot create something new without risk. Find out how I've discovered this in my own life and work - with the help of some others who've explored this - Brene Brown, Gabor Mate and King Charles!! 00:00 Intro to Vulnerability is the key to Creativity - work of Brene Brown 01:00 My first proper published book (by Mercury publishing) arrives from the US - makes me potentially more vulnerable because I will be promoted! 02:52...

Lessons From Amy Winehouse & Gabor Mate: Regulating Your Nervous System

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 19 minutes - 13.2 MB

Lessons from the life and untimely death of Amy Winehouse after watching the movie Back to Black and also reading The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. How nervous system dysregulation plays out in the life and how it inevitably takes its toll as we seek to calm our nervous system in any way we can. Luckily with support and proper tools it IS possible to quell the anxiety that leads to all kinds of addictions. Learn how you can do this to re-connect to safety inside. 00:00 Intro - movie drama ...

Transforming Trauma | Microdosing Psilocybin | Healing Trauma With Psychedelics/EMDR/Altered States

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

Find out how to transform past experiences so that you can move forward in life without sabotaging yourself. An update on my microdosing months 3 after 1 month off Also how I've noticed EMDR works similarly to psychedelics. For the start of my microdosing journey go here Find the talk with Jude Currivan and Pam Gregory here 00:00 Microdosing psilocybin, final month. Being an HSP as a neurodivergence ...

The Perils of AI - Artificial Intimacy and Social Media | The Wisdom of Esther Perel and Brene Brown

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 24 minutes - 17 MB

In this commentary on the words of Esther Perel and researcher Brene Brown I delve into how AI is creating a mental health crisis. Not Artificial intelligence but Artificial Intimacy!! Intimacy and Connection are crucial to healthy human expression but our relationships are being co-opted and distorted by social media. Find out how to build connection and heal by joining my Weds Community Sessions (first Weds of the month usually).  Go here to find out more.

What's Wrong with Medicine - Iain Mc Gilchrist & Importance of Right Brain in Wholistic Healing

May 08, 2024 11:00 - 26 minutes - 18 MB

My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University. for the original lecture go here 00:00 Iain is a unique voice in that he marries the humanities (philosophy) and science (medicine) which gives him a broad view of the world. 02:10 Writing my current book Mind Medicine /Emotional Alchemy (provisional title) looking at changing consciousness and therefore health through implicit memory pattern change 04:10 Parts ...

Working with Emotion | The Influence of Virginia Satir in Healing Relationships and Life

March 27, 2024 16:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

Psychotherapist Virginia Satir (1916 - 1988) remains one of the most influential family therapists there have ever been but she is virtually unknown now outside of psychology. She taught the importance of feelings over thoughts and blew the current understanding and practice out the water with her emphasis on safe emotional connection and the reasons people repeated certain scripted behaviors. Her work was the basis for Richard Bandler's development of NLP but she is seldom acknowledged or c...

How to Change your Mind | Book Review of Michael Pollan's The New Science of Psychedelics

March 27, 2024 16:00 - 20 minutes - 13.9 MB

In this audio I describe this ground-breaking information on how to heal with psychedelics from the book How to Change your Mind: The New Science of Psychedelics by Michael Pollan. The article I mention By Robin Carhart-Harris on The Entropic Brain on psychedelics is here 00:00 Intro to the book and my work 02:40 outline of the book: history, natural history and personal experience of the author Michael Pollan, origins of p...

Anxiety is not a sickness it's a back brain threat reaction - How to soothe and heal

March 07, 2024 12:00 - 22 minutes - 15.3 MB

Anxiety is not a disease in the sense that doctors describe. It is a message from the body that something in your environment feels unsafe. For original article I'm commenting on go here. 00:00 Intro - everyday trauma impacts the mind to create a sense of unsafety which can be easily triggered in current life causing anxiety as a symptom 02:50 Anxiety has a purpose - to keep us safe the amygdala will fire a warning signal to...

Enhancing Energy Metabolism | Is Methylene Blue the Magic Bullet for Chronic Neurological Diseases?

March 04, 2024 14:00 - 35 minutes - 24.5 MB

A new 'Magic Bullet' that few people know about (including your doctor!) ... The importance of Methylene Blue and how it might transform human health particularly in areas of low oxygen delivery (fatigue states, depression and neurological damage). Check out the original recording with Dr Gonalez-Lima on (see the original on rumble linked from there). See more info on dosing on that website See his latest summary paper ...

Biopsychosocial Healing - The Importance of MindBody Unity. Update on MethyleneBlue and Hormone Harmony

March 04, 2024 13:00 - 13 minutes - 9.17 MB

Healing needs the body AND the mind to be engaged with a multifactorial approach. Modern medicine ignores this and concentrates on a single solution which often creates unwanted side effects. Using a biospsychosocial approach makes much  more sense. Find out how to take back control of your health. Includes updates on Methylene Blue and Hormone Harmony. See the work of Dr Ellen Langer on MindBody Unity 00:00 Intro and update on MB practice - how to avoid dying your tongue blue - add to Vita...

Microdosing Journey 3 - Nature Connectedness and Hope for a Healed World - How Fungi Change your Mind

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 14 minutes - 9.67 MB

In this update into week 4 of my journey I notice not only the sensory changes but also perceptive ones. Feeling part of something bigger.... find out how it's affected me and what I'm learning as part of this journey. Week 4 of psilocybin microdosing. 00:00 Intro to microdosing 01:00 Awareness of our imminent planetary extinction but with hope for the future 02:33 Reducing the need to consume/numb/disconnect - changes your worldview 03:30 Sensory and nature connectedness - hearing birdson...

Microdosing 2 - Enhancing your Meaning and Sense of Belonging to Matter in a Disconnected World

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 28 minutes - 19.5 MB

Update on week 2 in the microdosing experiment with psilocybin PLUS a discussion of 'The Psychological Drivers of the Metacrisis' with Iain McGilchrist, Daniel Schmachtenberger and John Vervaeke. In this video I discuss my changing experiential awareness when on microdoses of psyilocybin and how it enhances productivity. As part of my ongoing journey I am finding myself drawn to discussions of a new connection to the world we inhabit. The above discussion particularly caught my attention (b...

My Microdosing Journey 5 - Week 8 of Psilocybin mushrooms. Surprising Findings....

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

I describe the ongoing surprising revelations in this week 8 video from a holistic therapeutic perspective. Coming to a break point it's time to assimilate the learning. Some surprising conclusions in this healing journey of a middle-aged psychonaut.. Stamets stack protocol with niacin (vitamin B3) and Lion's Mane Named after Paul Stamets. See this wonderful film Fantastic Fungi about his work here. Simon Reeve Wilderness https://www...

Microdosing Journey 4 - Making Connections and Community

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

In this update into week 6 of my psilocybin microdosing journey I notice how I am revisiting lessons from the past, investigating A Course in Miracles (doing the workbook)  and changing my practice to be more empathic. As part of my learning I am researching mushrooms and their uses. I refer you to the excellent film on the subject Fantastic Fungi. Find out how it's affected me and what I'm learning as part of this journey. 00:00 In...

The Stamets Protocol - Microdosing Psylocibin and how Mushrooms May Yet Save the World

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 16 minutes - 11.4 MB

My journey with microdosing and how therapeutic doses help heal our relationship with ourselves and Nature.  Please note to date drug laws prevent me talking about sourcing.  See Paul's 2023 update on his 2009 talk here If you'd like to start with the original go here 0:00 Intro and Plant medicine 02:00 Paul Stamets' original talk and its implications 02:39 Only 30% of people respond to antidepressants....

Finding Joy and Meaning through Community - Book Review - The Road to Character by David Brooks

January 26, 2024 14:00 - 15 minutes - 10.3 MB

Here i am reviewing and interpreting the book The Road to Character by David Brooks.  How we find meaning and authentic expression in life is not through avoiding suffering but how we deal with our subsequent demise. Whether through illness or other struggles we all need eachother to help pick ourselves up and make the world a better place. 00:00 Intro to the book The Road to Character (2015) - how I came across David 01:23 What is character? Not your cv description! but an authentic journe...

The Value of using EMDR in releasing Birth Trauma

January 26, 2024 13:00 - 19 minutes - 13.5 MB

Here I look at Birth Trauma and how it affects everyone (not just women who give birth!). Birth is the single most important event in everyone's life and how it happens determines the quality of our lives - especially in the area of health and wellbeing. It shapes the understanding of ourselves and our relationship with others. If it is traumatic in any way, that plays itself out as internalised shame and this will make us angry, disconnected with a constant feeling of 'not enough' Explore ...

How Empaths Struggle with People Pleasing - why we do it and how to change

January 26, 2024 13:00 - 11 minutes - 7.97 MB

How empaths (highly sensitive people) become people pleasers who fail to get their emotional needs met. The roots lie in childhood attachment. How you can change this pattern. 00:00 Intro and why most of my clients are empaths/ HSPs 01:46 Trauma is difficult to process in childhood - and needs a grounded parent to allow emotions 02:50 Beliefs drive 2 strategies: narcissism or empath/co-dependent 04:16 Empaths look for cues of safety in your environment/others - drives anxiety and people-ple...

Putting back the Soul into Medicine - the promise of psychedelics and plant medicines

November 27, 2023 10:00 - 20 minutes - 14.1 MB

Bringing back the soul into medicine - how modern medicine has lost its soul and creates all sorts of negative results which are bankrupting the healthcare profession both monetarily and in terms of doctor's purpose and meaning. But plant medicine offers a way to bring that back and may yet overturn the current biomedical machine to create true healing. 00:00 Intro to the Loss of Soul in Medicine - loss of relationship 01:18 Medicine is a calling but in the training you become overly specia...

Empaths and Clairvoyance - Is it just High Sensitivity & the Pineal Gland? Nicky Alan's supreme gift

November 27, 2023 09:00 - 14 minutes - 10.1 MB

I talk about how Empaths at the extreme end of high sensitivity may have the gift of clairvoyance. Whether you think it's a scam or not, there are examples of people who do this for a living and also help the police (unofficially) to solve murders. I use the example of famous medium Nicky Alen whose family have had extraordinary abilities. How does that happen? Is it the Pineal gland? Catch the interview with Nicky Alan here 0:45 Different types o...

The Genie in your Genes 2 - Book Review and Summary Continued. Genius Book!

November 27, 2023 09:00 - 26 minutes - 18.4 MB

In this follow up to my review of the classic book The Genie in your Genes by Dawson Church, I describe the innovations in energetic medicine interventions. the last 6 chapters of the book cover comprehensively a new approach to healing outside the conventional medical paradigm and propose new solutions which are less expensive and more fundamental. using the new science of epigenetics (which is based on quantum biology no less), we see that healing is possible for everyone.  Find me on ama...

The Genie in your Genes by Dawson Church - Book Review and Summary

November 27, 2023 09:00 - 18 minutes - 13 MB

In this first part of my Book Review I look at 'The Genie in your Genes' by Dawson Church, PhD. I look at how ground-breaking this book was (2007, rev 2009)  and how it was so far ahead of its time in teaching us about how your environment (the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel - or don't allow yourself to feel) all get buried in your body changing your DNA expression and therefore your health. Buried painful feelings promote cell breakdown whereas positive beliefs and feelings prom...

What Creates a Long Life? - Healing Attachment Wounds

October 05, 2023 10:00 - 43 seconds - 529 KB

In this podcast I talk about attachment wounding (failure of bonding with caregivers) and why and how it shortens your life, as we saw last week with singer Sinead O'Connor dying in her late 50s. This may happen for many different reasons: birth trauma, having a mum who is herself traumatised or with post-natal depression or being separated shortly after birth for instance. In order to deal with this a child has to develop a strategy to get their emotional needs met if this is possible. Thi...

A New Paradigm of Health - How the Mind and Body can be Harnessed and You can be Empowered to Heal

October 05, 2023 09:00 - 15 minutes - 10.6 MB

In this podcast - one of the most important I've ever recorded - I discuss the difference in the conventional medical approach and the more complementary/holistic view to health and healing 00:00 - Intro to the New Biology in healthcare 01:00 - body as a machine v.s a holistic systems view of mindbody on a spectrum of health 03:00 - disease is random genetics or infections vs. dis-ease manifestation of epigenetic interpretation of environment which changes susceptibility 05:25 - give over p...

Why the Vagus Nerve(s) May be the Answer to Why Chronic Disease Strikes

October 05, 2023 09:00 - 14 minutes - 9.98 MB

In this podcast I cover the latest research that links imbalance in the ventral vagus nerve (innervation of the head and neck) with chronic inflammation throughout the body. We know that most disease has inflammation at its core - anxiety, depression, arthritis, heart disease, and even auto-immunity are all linked to the imbalance of this important nerve of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system. Find out what you can do to rebalance your vagus and why this may be a vital non-drug tool i...

Book Review - Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig

October 05, 2023 09:00 - 14 minutes - 10.3 MB

In this book review of Notes on a Nervous Planet by Matt Haig, I take you through what I learned of Matt's battle with anxiety and panic attacks and my   view of his advice.  This is an easy accessible book which I highly recommend. I covered many of the topics included in my latest book The Highly Sensitive Handbook just out now. If you would like to join my group Emotional Audit programme to help yourself heal - go here.

The Highly Sensitive Handbook - How Sensory Processing Sensitivity & Childhood Trauma Hijacks Health

October 05, 2023 09:00 - 16 minutes - 11 MB

In this podcast I talk about the recent publication of my book The Highly Sensitive Handbook - How Sensory Processing Sensitivity & Childhood Trauma Hijacks Your Health, I go through the information in the book and why it's a must buy for ANYONE who thinks they may be highly sensitive or lives with one! This is NOT another highly sensitive person book. I bring my decade of experience as a therapist and a lifetime of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP - to show how adverse childhood experi...

Transforming Trauma, an Athlete's Tale - Finding Wholeness with Sports Nutritionist Drew Mulvey.

October 05, 2023 08:00 - 34 minutes - 24 MB

In this conversation with former Division 1 diver and now Integrative Sports Nutritionist Drew Mulvey, we look at how her past experiences of bullying and over-training affected her view of herself to create disordered eating resulting in burnout and a series of health diagnoses that left her feeling like she was completely outside the bell curve of normal. Find out how Drew turned this to gold when she found answers that she now uses in her career of integrative sports nutrition bringing wh...

The Tyranny of Thinking

October 05, 2023 08:00 - 12 minutes - 8.68 MB

The Tyranny of Thinking - How Overthinking Exacerbates Symptoms in Chronic Illness. The thinking (cognitive) parts of our brain are extraordinary problem solvers but what happens when the thinking is part of the problem?  In this podcast as part of my weekly updates on matters related to Emotional Health and Healing, I discuss The Tyranny of Thinking.  How over-thinking and rumination takes us down the rabbit hole of identification with fear and catastrophization whereby any new symptom or f...

Inflammation in Public Discourse - Polarization and Verbal Attack Online

October 05, 2023 08:00 - 9 minutes - 6.35 MB

In this podcast I discuss 'verbal inflammation in public discourse' - a term coined by Zach Bush which I loved. It is especially prevalent on social media where many people are completely anonymous or under pseudonyms. This type of inflammation gets its name from the effect of having an injury to the body and the redness and heat that follows - but this is the sort that we encounter on a daily basis when some of us content creators put our opinion out there and find we are attacked by people...

The Cell Danger Response - the Missing Link to Chronic Illness

October 05, 2023 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

In this presentation as part of my community group sessions each month (join in here), I talk about the importance of the Cell Danger Response and why it is so key as to how people get stuck in chronic disease states. Based on the work of Robert Naviaux which you can access here or a simplified article with the diagrams I mention here *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or a...

Reclaim Your Emotional Equilibrium: Interview by The Serene Lawyer on HOW to Enhance your Resilience

July 13, 2023 08:00 - 56 minutes - 39.2 MB

Find out how to reclaim your emotional equilibrium in this fascinating and practical talk where I demonstrate exactly why this happens and HOW to rebalance your brain and nervous system with somatic (body-based) interventions YOU CAN DO ANYWHERE. In this video interview by The Serene Lawyer, Doris Goodenough, I talk about Emotional Resilience and avoiding re-traumatisation in professional life. Lawyers and other professionals often work with highly traumatised clients and may actually have e...

Why Anxiety is Not a Mind Issue: How Emotional Trauma Gets Stored in the Body and How to Heal it!

July 12, 2023 16:00 - 9 minutes - 6.54 MB

Did you know that anxiety, pain and fatigue are caused by implicit memories stored in the body from childhood? Whenever you were overwhelmed when young and couldn't process your emotions, that alarm signal gets stored in the body as an unconscious memory of threat that continues to trigger your autonomic nervous system. So, to heal your symptoms you have to access and soothe your body's sensations to calm the threat. This is most easily done with a somatic practitioner and supported with sel...

EMDR and Birth Trauma - extended edition

June 29, 2023 10:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

In this extended video (unique to my podcast) I go into more detail about how Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) works not only to help people recover from  one-off childhood traumas like abuse but also early experiences you won't remember such as birth and perinatal trauma. I talk about why EMDR works well with birth trauma and other common experiences that cause medically unexplained symptoms like anxiety, heart palpitations, bed-wetting or urinary problems, over or under...

How Trauma/ Adverse Childhood Experience or ACEs - Determine Physical Health and Cause Disease

June 29, 2023 10:00 - 12 minutes - 8.46 MB

In this audio I discuss the importance of trauma/ Adverse Childhood Experience/ACEs to mental and emotional health. I describe what ACE's are and how they are the unresolved traumas that happen even in ordinary childhoods that eventually cause physical problems later on in life. 0:00 Intro 0:41 PTSD symptoms 01:22 ACE studies 03:19 trauma in the average childhood 03:40 high sensitivity as a source of shame 04:43 trauma is anything that overwhelms the child emotionally 05:52 thinking brain i...

How EMDR Works & Real Life Case Study of Birth Trauma Resolution | Life-Changing Trauma Therapy

June 29, 2023 10:00 - 10 minutes - 7.5 MB

In this audio I discuss how EMDR works and could help you recover from childhood trauma including early experiences you won't remember such as peri-natal trauma. I talk about why Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing works well with birth trauma and other common experiences that cause medically unexplained symptoms like anxiety, heart palpitations, bed-wetting or urinary problems, over or under salivation, facial ticks, etc. I also discuss a real life EMDR case study from one of my r...

Microdosing Iboga Week 5 - My Middle Aged Microdsing Journey

June 20, 2023 16:00 - 7 minutes - 4.96 MB

In this week 5 audio of my microdosing journey, we see that a surprising change has occurred that I hadn't expected at all.... As a middle aged woman and therapist my experience may be different from many of the microdosing YouTubers out there and I wanted to give my perspective. 0:00 intro 0:18 random dreams 00:48 weight loss 01:32 fat storage function 02:22 detoxing 03:10 emotional stress and hormonal burden 04:49 easier than juicing!! 05:22 flexible protocol Watch VIDEOS Week 1 https://...

Microdosing Iboga Week 6 - My Middle-aged Microdosing Journey comes to an end

June 20, 2023 16:00 - 13 minutes - 9 MB

In this final week of my microdosing journey I look at the lessons learned over the 6 weeks as well as an incredible lucid dream I had which illuminated very clearly the over-riding lesson of this plant medicine . As a middle aged woman and therapist my experience may be different from many of the microdosing YouTubers out there and I wanted to give my perspective. Please note my next microdosing journey will be moving exclusively to my Odysee channel here ...

The Truth about Unwanted Weight Gain - it's not about lack of willpower!

June 20, 2023 16:00 - 12 minutes - 8.69 MB

In The Truth about Unwanted Weight Gain I blow the lid off why people gain weight- and it's not about lack of willpower or a personal failing. Often it is chronic unremiting stress - much of this from your past experience.  I am a former scientific researcher, and now naturopath and somatic trauma therapist and I'm here to help you find out why and how you can overcome the insidious effects of high stress - and it's not about diets or forcing yourself in strenuous exercise regimes. ^^watch...

A New Approach to Eating Disorders - healing the unsafe emotions that lie underneath

June 20, 2023 16:00 - 14 minutes - 10.2 MB

In this New Approach to Eating Disorders I tackle the important subject of Disordered Eating. The problem isn't about the food, interestingly. Eating is the way that the craving brain tries to create a distraction (a form of dissociation) to the problem of unresolved emotions - ones that are not able to be safety from childhood. For more on this see my book The Scar that Won't Heal and The Craving Brain by Ronald A. Ruden 00:00 Intro 01:00 Food is not the problem - it's about safety 02:00 ...

The Real Reason you get Migraine and why pills aren't the answer

June 20, 2023 15:00 - 12 minutes - 8.91 MB

If you suffer with migraines, this podcast is for you! With background as a research scientist and a PhD in Somatic Trauma Release, I talk about WHY you get migraines and the real reason why pills and medicines are not the solution. Pills do not tackle the root cause which is to do with inflammation caused by: stress, gut dysbiosis, toxins and your liver's ability to detoxify. Migraines are particularly common in women and it's time we start talking about and fixing the root cause, not just ...

Microdosing Iboga Week 4 - My Middle-aged Journey to Healing Anxiety - with surprising symptoms!

May 25, 2023 08:00 - 11 minutes - 7.65 MB

In this week 4 recording of my microdosing journey, we see that great changes have occurred and have been affecting me physically.  As a middle aged woman and therapist, my experience may be different from many of the microdosing bloggers out there and I wanted to give my perspective. 0:00 intro 0:15 gut issues 01:00 why now? the terrain and susceptibility 02:10 toxic burden 03:16 DNA type affects detoxification 05:00 showing truth me via symptoms and dreams 06:49 the plus side - sensory en...

The Epigenetic Matrix - the hidden control factor that turns on our genes - it's in our guts!

May 25, 2023 07:00 - 13 minutes - 9.43 MB

Find out what drives our DNA to turn on and off. The hidden factor in each of us that controls our genetic blueprint to be read - and it's something that all of us have but many of us are unaware of - our microbiome. Please if you like my podcast Buy me a coffee here: watch a related video on Youtube: HOW YOUR GUT TALKS TO YOUR BRAIN THE GUT BRAIN NOT JUST A DIGESTIVE SYSTEM HOW CHILDHOOD EMOTIONS STILL ...

Microdosing Iboga Week 3 - My middle-aged Healing Journey

May 22, 2023 12:00 - 11 minutes - 7.95 MB

An update from week 3 of my microdosing journey - this has been less eventful but still interesting. Find out why I started this journey and what I hoped to achieve.  You always need a question when working with 'the wood'. The question I am asking is - what do I need to let go of? I work in the mental health field helping people overcome anxiety. 00:00 intro 03:22 my 'why' personally speaking 06:25 plant intelligence 08:00 my 'why' professionally WATCH THE VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE Week 1 https:/...

My Microdosing Journey Week 2

May 15, 2023 08:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

The second video on my personal microdosing journey tells it like it is. The ups and the downs, the highs and the lows. Please note this my personal opinion and journey and does not reflect my professional work or the recommendations I make to clients. Here's the first video if you missed it. *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP* CONTACT ME: Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass OTHER U...

Identity Crisis | Finding belonging through challenge

May 15, 2023 08:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

How do you identify? What's in a label anyhow? in this 20 minute video I talk about the nature of identity and how it is constructed. Many of us face an identity crisis at some point in our lives and finding belonging can be difficult. Throughout this video we discuss the idea that identity is fluid and may change over time but we may hold onto it long after its value is gone. Please 'LIKE' this video if you enjoyed it. It helps me spread the word. HOW CHILDHOOD EMOTIONS STILL AFFECT YOU: ...

Identity Crisis | Finding Belonging through Challenge

May 15, 2023 08:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

How do you identify? What's in a label anyhow? in this 20 minute video I talk about the nature of identity and how it is constructed. Many of us face an identity crisis at some point in our lives and finding belonging can be difficult. Throughout this video we discuss the idea that identity is fluid and may change over time but we may hold onto it long after its value is gone. Please 'LIKE' this video if you enjoyed it. It helps me spread the word. HOW CHILDHOOD EMOTIONS STILL AFFECT YOU: ...

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@patriciaworby 20 Episodes