Plant-based physician, Dr. Laurie Marbas, joins Rip LIVE to answer your health questions!

Dr. Marbas is a renowned board-certified Lifestyle and Family Medicine physician. She is licensed to practice in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Questions and highlights from this Q&A include:

Is it bad to combine berries with bananas?Should we wait to shower for optimum vitamin D absorption?Is there anything that can help with COPD?Is vital wheat gluten (used to make seitan) too processed? How can I get more protein and collagen after surgery?What are your thoughts on plant sterols to get cholesterol down?Can you address hair loss on a transition to whole food, plant-based?Recommendations for osteoporosis? Thoughts on coffee and green tea? Is it best to take B-12 with or without food?Does intermittent fasting with whole-food plant-based eating help with weight loss? Do all sugars affect your body in the same way? (stevia, maple syrup, etc.)Is a plant-based diet making my legs hurt? What is the best way to get rid of visceral fat?With the weather starting to change, what dishes are you looking forward to?Thoughts on supplementing EPA and DHA? Any thoughts on what can help with tinnitus? Does roasting sweet potatoes affect their nutrition?What are the benefits of wearing continuous glucose monitors (if you’re not diabetic)?

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