Welcome to the PLANTSTRONG Podcast with Rip Esselstyn.

We know that many of you around the world are exploring and embracing the goodness of whole, plant-based foods. Perhaps you’re motivated by the many health benefits, or you’re eating more plants for social or environmental reasons. Regardless, we at PLANTSTRONG welcome you wherever you are on your journey and hope to provide you with plenty of resources to help.

We also know making profound changes can be hard and overwhelming. That’s why we're talking today about focusing on small changes, which will lead to big results. 

So many of us when we want to make changes or improvements in anything that we do in our life, we think that the improvements have to be grand or enormous to actually have an effect. The opposite is actually true (and way more sustainable).

So don’t be caught up by the glitz and glitter of the big change. Small meaningful steps done over time with a goal in mind will lead to the big results that you want for your future self.

Small changes net big results. Remember that.

Join the FREE PLANTSTRONG 7-Day Challenge: https://plantstrongfoods.com/pages/plantstrong-seven-day-challenge

Upcoming Events:

Register for Plant-Stock August 16th-18th, 2024: https://liveplantstrong.com/

Sedona Retreat - October 8th-13th, 2024


COMPLEMENT: Use code PLANTSTRONG for 30% off at https://lovecomplement.com/pages/plantstrong-special-offer

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