When I started losing weight, I knew this time had to be different.

I always thought the only way to lose weight was to count calories.

But it never worked. At least not for long.

Throughout my 20s, I did diet after diet, counting calories and points, resulting in me losing and gaining the same 75 lbs. 

Counting calories occasionally helped me lose weight, but I failed to keep it off. 

The moment I added my favorite foods to my life, I was face down in them because it felt so good to have something tasty in my mouth. 

This would start the slippery slope - desperately trying to hang onto my weightloss, wanting to eat like a normal person, and sick and tired of doing complicated math just to eat.

It wasn’t until I refused to count calories that I realized there was a better way.

With trial and error, I figured out 3 secrets that helped me lose 100 lbs without giving up foods I love.

Today, I’m sharing them with you so you can lose weight without having to take a break from your diet to enjoy life.


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