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Life After Sugar

178 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 161 ratings

Welcome to Life After Sugar: Stories to Inspire, with Netta Gorman. The podcast that's not just about sugar, but about your relationship with it, and especially with yourself. This podcast is for you if you know that you need to cut down sugar, but you're not sure where to start, and you're feeling tired, sluggish, and overwhelmed because sugar seems to be everywhere. Get back your energy, lose your extra weight and the stiffness in your joints, get your digestion back on track, without feeling like you're depriving yourself of anything or being on a diet! Here you'll hear inspiring stories of people who cut out sugar in their own way, at their own pace, and for their own reasons. I hope that this podcast will inspire you to discover your life after sugar too! For more details, visit the Life After Sugar website at

Nutrition Health & Fitness Alternative Health sugar affect your health quit sugar natural sugars sugar cravings sugar addiction sugar free get more energy sugar replacements
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176. How to spot hidden sugar in cereal

May 26, 2024 11:00 - 13 minutes - 9.14 MB

In this short episode, you'll get some consumer tips for how to spot hidden sugar in cereal. For example: Beware of health claims on the packaging! Read the list of ingredients before you look at the Nutrition Facts table. Watch out for the serving amount. The amount of total carbohydrates does not always tell the whole story (find out why in this episode!). Stick to real, whole foods to start your day. To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in a small g...

175. "Now I feel free from the hold sugar had on me": Danielle

May 19, 2024 11:00 - 36 minutes - 24.8 MB

Danielle's journey with sugar started in childhood.  She remembers that sugar was a massive part of her upbringing. With her family, she always had ice cream after dinner.  Sugar was always a treat. They even had a trunk in their house that had little goodie bags with sweet treats for whenever she and her brother were good.  So there was a lot of rewarding with sugar. As a child, Danielle was an extremely picky eater. She ate lots of carbs, like white pasta and rice cakes... which, she say...

174. How to be a positive role model for our kids

May 12, 2024 11:00 - 15 minutes - 10.8 MB

Do you remember Episode 6 of the Life After Sugar podcast, where I interviewed my daughter Lily? She was 12 at the time. She's 16 now. In this special Mother's Day edition, I take a quick trip down memory lane to revisit some of what Lily talked about with relation to my hiding chocolate in the car,  her Halloween candies, and her own interest in sugar. Whether or not you have kids or grandkids, this episode is for you if you want to know how to be a positive role model with respect to su...

173. "Reducing refined sugar works better than counting calories": Krissy

May 05, 2024 11:00 - 37 minutes - 26.1 MB

Krissy grew up eating a normal American diet: lots of carb-heavy processed and packaged foods. When she was younger, she was active, which together with her tall frame helped her stay slim. Then in her late 30s, stress and hormones started to change her body. She consulted a personal trainer and started calorie counting and eating less, without necessarily changing what she was eating. But the "eat less, move more" approach left her feeling starving, hangry, and miserable! But she was moti...

172. "You can reverse insulin resistance when you cut sugar": Dr. Paul

April 28, 2024 11:00 - 39 minutes - 27.1 MB

My guest Dr. Paul Kolodzik trained as an MD in emergency medicine.  In this episode, he freely admits that like most physicians, he didn't get much training on nutrition. But what he learned over a period of time is that avoiding sugar, eating low carb, and making sure you get adequate protein really is the way to both better health and better longevity. Dr. Kolodzik explains what insulin resistance is, and why it's a much bigger issue than cholesterol for the vast majority of his patients...

171. The long term benefits of living sugar free

April 21, 2024 11:00 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

This episode actually comes from a request from listeners of this podcast to talk about the long-term benefits that I've experienced after all these years of living sugar-free. Because it can seem pretty hard to imagine what it can be like to live day after day,  feeling free from cravings and free from the hold that sugar has on you.  Oh! And I just wanted to clarify that when I say "sugar free", for me personally, that includes added and refined sugar, refined grains or flour, and also n...

170. "Less sugar means more joy and freedom in my life": Wendi

April 14, 2024 11:00 - 42 minutes - 28.9 MB

Wendi and I have been good friends for several years. We have lots of things in common, including living our lives with less sugar and more joy. We can't chat without breaking into giggles! In this episode, we talk about whole foods, as well as Wendi's prepping and self-reliance skills that help her look after her large family. But especially, we talk about life, and how we choose to live it. Wendi recognizes that like most of us, she tends to lean towards comfort and getting out of pain v...

169. "Intermittent fasting helped me drop sugar": Tracey

April 07, 2024 11:00 - 32 minutes - 22.2 MB

Tracey recently celebrated her two-year anniversary for intermittent fasting. But sugar was always a problem during her eating window. Tracey believed she really had a sugar addiction because when she would eat sugar, like cake and ice cream, she would eat the desserts and then always want to go back for more. In fact, she would eat as much sweet stuff as she could, and the next day she would feel awful. For Tracey, it wasn't an easy journey. Even though she loved intermittent fasting, c...

168. Alcohol, sugar, and cravings

March 31, 2024 11:00 - 17 minutes - 12 MB

Today's episode is going to clarify the relationship between alcohol, sugar, and cravings. But first, a disclaimer: I'm not a doctor, so nothing in this podcast should be construed as being medical advice. Also, I'm not here to tell you whether or not you're "allowed" to drink alcohol any more than I'm here to tell you if you're "allowed" to eat sugar. This is a judgment-free zone. So here's the thing: A lot of people come to me for help when they've already given up alcohol and find th...

167. A chat with Dr. Nicole Avena about her book "Sugarless"

March 24, 2024 11:00 - 35 minutes - 24.3 MB

In this week's episode, I'm truly honoured to be chatting with Dr. Nicole Avena who is the author of her new book called "Sugarless". Dr. Avena is a Princeton research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction, with over 16 million views of her TED-Ed video, "How Sugar Affects the Brain". In this episode, we talk about Dr. Avena's own background in the 1980s with food and sugar. She explains what led her to study and research the effects of sugar on the brain and the body...

166. "Cutting sugar and flour stopped my yo-yo dieting": Charlotte

March 17, 2024 11:00 - 52 minutes - 36 MB

As Charlotte was growing up, her parents used food to reward good behaviour. This led her to develop an early love of sugar, especially chocolate. During her teenage years in the 1990s, Charlotte felt pressure to conform to society's ideal of a thin body, and so she aimed to look attractive and lose weight rapidly through  dieting.  And her weight yo-yoed as her relationships began and ended. It was only later in life when Charlotte learned to see food as nourishment rather than rewards or...

165. "My sleep improved when I stopped eating sugar": Noreen

March 10, 2024 12:00 - 35 minutes - 24.4 MB

When Noreen joined the Freedom from Cravings Formula 90-day program, she was struggling with various health challenges, including diverticulitis and poor sleep. She is now experimenting to learn what foods truly agree with her body, making gradual, lasting changes rather than drastic shifts. As she tracked her sleep data,  Noreen discovered that her deep sleep increased dramatically after eliminating sugar. This strong motivation led her to continue abstaining from her trigger foods. No...

164. Let's bust some myths about sugar (2)

March 03, 2024 12:00 - 27 minutes - 19 MB

I hate to say it, but many of us have been fed some pretty widespread myths about food - especially sugar - over the years. This episode is a recording of a live online workshop that I gave in January 2024, where I bust two myths: 1. The myth that craveworthy foods are everywhere, that we can't get away from them. 2. The myth that it's impossible to be sugar free and enjoy life. For myth #1, I reframe that sugar is "everywhere". Certainly it feels that way. When you're reading labels at ...

163. Perimenopause, intermittent fasting, and sugar

February 25, 2024 12:00 - 37 minutes - 25.9 MB

This is a shared episode with Michelle, host of the Fast and Fabulous podcast. We talk about our experiences with perimenopause, and the link with sugar. Perimenopause hits women at different ages and with a wide variety of symptoms.  Although it's a natural process, it can cause all kinds of physical and emotional symptoms. What if intermittent fasting, together with cutting down on sugary and processed foods could help lessen perimenopause symptoms? How? Find out in this episode! Wan...

162. "A sugar-free diet increases my energy": Julie

February 18, 2024 12:00 - 28 minutes - 19.5 MB

Julie used to eat junk food until a car accident led her to gain weight and feel unwell. That led to her holistic healing journey. She decided to follow a program that required her to weigh and measure her food, but she didn't really understand why she was doing it, she said.  What inspired her the most was witnessing her mother's transformation with sugar-free and flour-free living. At first, Julie saw it as "strict", but when she saw all the benefits, she also changed her diet to eat foo...

161. Listener question: What about flour?

February 11, 2024 12:00 - 23 minutes - 16 MB

Reducing or cutting sugar is usually seen as something positive (if a little marginal). And sugary or sweet foods are relatively easy to spot. But recently, I've been getting this question from my listeners: What about flour? And: Why don't you eat flour, Netta? Because that means no bread, no crackers, no bagels, no pasta... Wait! So how do you make a sandwich? What do you put your spaghetti sauce on?   And what's wrong with flour anyway?   Well... There's nothing wrong with flour! If eat...

160. "My auto-immune symptoms and my gut health improved so much": Michele

February 04, 2024 12:00 - 36 minutes - 25.1 MB

Michele is a busy mom of 4, and a military wife. She's also a personal trainer and health coach.   Her journey started after having her third child, when she became so much busier and realized that she was getting out of breath just from climbing the stairs. She started eating better, but a few years after, she started experiencing auto-immune issues (they run in her family). She had all the tests, but she felt that the doctors didn't really offer her  non-pharmaceutical solutions. What r...

159. "Cut sugar?! That's so extreme!": Teresa

January 28, 2024 12:00 - 39 minutes - 27.3 MB

Teresa struggled with sugar addiction and health issues related to high sugar intake for years. When her naturopath suggested she cut out sugar, she thought it was "extreme"! But she did it - she cut out sugar, sweeteners, and refined carbs, cold turkey.  It worked for a while, but eventually, Teresa realized that it was extremely difficult and unsustainable long-term. After further health issues and trauma, Teresa realized she needed to reduce sugar for her own health and future goals, n...

158. "Eat everything in moderation"? No thanks!

January 21, 2024 12:00 - 23 minutes - 16.4 MB

Have you been told that eating "everything in moderation" is part of a healthy, balanced diet? But what if you can't moderate certain foods? Like sugar? Many of us can't... and we feel guilty and ashamed that we can't "moderate". We feel like we're broken, or we just don't have enough willpower. In this episode, you'll learn that if your experience is that you can't moderate sugar or certain types of foods, it's not your fault! Many of us feel freer when we DON'T moderate! So we're going...

157. "I was tired of feeling tired": Steve

January 14, 2024 12:00 - 46 minutes - 32.2 MB

Steve Campbell played sports growing up, but an injury in high school caused him to gain weight. His dad was a bodybuilder and gave him an example of discipline with fitness and eating. But he struggled to maintain that himself. Steve tried all kinds of diets, including keto. He would be very disciplined during the week but have "cheat days" on weekends where he overindulged. At night when exhausted, he would reach for unhealthy comfort foods and overeat. Steve stumbled across the Life Af...

156. "I had to reframe how I see sugar": Sandhya

January 07, 2024 12:00 - 39 minutes - 27.1 MB

Sandhya is a pharmacist in Australia.  In 2019 she started getting symptoms of breathlessness and palpitations.  So she went to the doctor and got everything checked out, but the only thing they could find was that she was pre-diabetic, so her doctor told her she needed to lose some weight. She recognized that she overate, particularly sugary things. So she decided to do a self-hypnosis course for 6 weeks with guidelines on how to cut out sugar, and it was life-changing for her.  Sandhya m...

155. The challenges of my sugar free year: Netta

December 31, 2023 12:00 - 18 minutes - 12.5 MB

Ever wonder what challenges I (Netta) have in my "life after sugar"? Well, I can tell you this: I'm not perfect! I have my ups and downs, just like you. In this episode, I'm sharing a few of my challenges over the last year (and more). Plus you'll hear a few of the coping skills I've developed over the years, other than using sugar, to deal with my emotions.   Want to transform your relationship with sugar and start living your craving-free life with confidence TODAY? Get group support, ...

154. 24 tips for a joyful sugar free life

December 24, 2023 12:00 - 15 minutes - 10.9 MB

In this episode I'm giving you 24 tips for a more joyful  sugar free December... or for any time of the year! These tips come from the Life After Sugar Advent calendar.   Want to transform your relationship with sugar and start living your craving-free life with confidence TODAY? Get group support, encouragement, and the accountability you need to get rid of your cravings! Join our private community, the After Sugar Club! It's a monthly membership and it's open all year round, so join us to...

153. Mindset tips to feel confident this holiday season: Karen

December 17, 2023 12:00 - 28 minutes - 19.7 MB

In this episode, my guest Karen gives some valuable mindset tips to help you feel more confident this holiday season... and all year round! We talk about: How language and mindset are critical - how we talk to ourselves affects our actions. Karen gives some examples of empowering language. How to avoid "good" and "bad" food labeling as it leads to guilt and negative self-talk. How to be kind to yourself and focus on feeling good, rather than aesthetics or numbers on a scale. How to keep...

152. "We can't moderate ultra-processed foods": Jamie and Paige

December 10, 2023 12:00 - 45 minutes - 31.4 MB

In Episode 152, I'm talking with two lifelong processed food addicts, Paige Alexander and Jamie Morgan Reno. We talk about their struggles, lessons learned, tools, tips, and resources that freed them from decades of food addiction and obsession with food. All food? No - ultra-processed food! Jamie and Paige also share how they  came to believe that true health and wellness come from nourishing your body with whole, UNprocessed foods. Now their mission is to empower you with the knowle...

151. Hunger, sugar, calories, and hormones

December 03, 2023 12:00 - 36 minutes - 25.3 MB

Do you feel hungry several times a day? What if that sensation you're feeling isn't actually hunger? What if it's to do with your hormones? Which hormones? Well, primarily: ghrelin, leptin, and insulin. Maybe you're often hungry even though you snack all the time. And maybe your cravings have something to do with all that snacking... In this episode, you get a sneak peek into this lesson that comes from the 90-day program, Freedom from Cravings Formula.   Let's dive into the connection...

150. Step 1 to freedom from cravings

November 26, 2023 12:00 - 19 minutes - 13.3 MB

In this episode, you'll hear an excerpt of a recent online workshop I gave called "5 Steps to Freedom from Cravings". Full disclosure: these are the exact same steps that I teach inside of the Freedom from Cravings Formula program - get more  details here! Step 1 is the most important step, because without it, the other steps don't really count. What is Step 1? And why is it so important? Find out in this episode! To get personalized guidance from me, plus support and accountability in ...

149. "Food addiction is not your fault": Amanda

November 19, 2023 12:00 - 46 minutes - 32.1 MB

Amanda Leith struggled with weight problems for most of her life. She tried all the diets, exercise classes, and therapy. The solution, she was told, was either, “Eat less and exercise more,” or, “Work on your emotional issues with a good therapist.” She'd even had weight loss surgery... which had completely failed because she couldn’t follow the "everything in moderation" diet. It was only when Amanda got the right help to recognize  that she was a food addict that her life changed. Am...

148. "For me, eating less sugar isn't a punishment, it's self-care": Sarah

November 12, 2023 12:00 - 42 minutes - 29 MB

In this week's episode, Sarah shares about her struggles with an eating disorder as a teenager, as well as with cravings due to crazy hormones during her recent pregnancy. Sarah used to see cutting sugar as a punishment because she was focused on losing weight. She felt bad about herself and often resorted to negative self-talk. But more recently, her outlook has changed. Now she wants to concentrate on her health, not just her weight. Sarah loves animals, especially horses. We discuss h...

147. Let's bust some myths about sugar (1)

November 05, 2023 11:00 - 27 minutes - 19.2 MB

Let's bust some myths about sugar! 💥 My listeners asked me to bust all kinds of myths about sugar, cravings, and "life after sugar". Here are this week's myths: 1. "Everything in moderation". 2. "You have to eat 3 (... 4... 5... 6) times a day". 3. "Your brain needs sugar to function". 4. "You need sugar to have fun in life". Let's do some mythbusting! 💥 Want to start living your craving-free life with confidence TODAY? Get group support, encouragement, and the accountability you need t...

146: Halloween edition: What scares you about sugar?

October 29, 2023 11:00 - 18 minutes - 12.4 MB

In this special Halloween edition, I ask: What scares you the most about eating sugar... and about NOT eating sugar?  In this episode, you'll hear about common fears such as: the fear of failure feeling rejected or judged if you don't eat like everybody else feeling restricted, or denying yourself losing out on the fun in life saying no and insulting people suffering from diabetes and other metabolic dysregulations not being strong enough or having enough willpower not being able to...

145. Sugar, insulin resistance, metabolism, hormones, and menopause: Dr Èvelyne

October 22, 2023 11:00 - 42 minutes - 28.9 MB

Are you struggling with hormonal issues? Maybe peri-menopause or menopause symptoms? What if reducing refined carbs like sugar could help with a whole host of dysregulations, including hormonal issues and insulin resistance that can affect your metabolic health? In this episode, I'm talking with fellow Québécoise Dr. Èvelyne Bourdua-Roy, who's been a family physician in Quebec, Canada since 2015. She's also certified in obesity medicine by the American Board of Obesity Medicine. Dr. Ève...

144. "Knowing your blood glucose levels is empowering": Catherine

October 15, 2023 11:00 - 41 minutes - 28.3 MB

Do you know what a CGM is? If you're diabetic, you might use one. It's a "continuous glucose monitor", and it's a little gizmo that you put in your arm to measure your blood glucose levels. Even if you don't have diabetes, it can be really fascinating to know how your blood glucose levels are affected by what you eat (like sugar!) and even by non-food factors like stress and poor sleep. Listen to this episode with Catherine to learn about how knowing your blood glucose levels can empower...

143. Listener question: How strict are you, Netta?

October 08, 2023 11:00 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

A listener recently asked me this question: "How strict are you, Netta?" It's a great question, so I thought I'd take the time to answer it properly. In this episode, you'll learn about: my definition of "strict" why I think this question may come from the diet culture whether or not I check labels and lists of ingredients how YOU can save time at the grocery store what "life after sugar" feels like how YOU can get guidance and support to find your freedom from cravings... without ne...

142. "I'm not obsessed with food anymore!": Kristy

October 01, 2023 11:00 - 38 minutes - 26.5 MB

Most of Kristy's life was  spent being overweight and food obsessed.  She turned to food for every emotion: sadness, joy, fear, excitement, happiness, anger, boredom, chaos – you name it! For Kristy, food was the answer. In this episode, Kristy shares how she had tried every diet and plan available. She might have short term success, but eventually she was right back to obsessing over food and bingeing on sugar and flour filled foods. Kristy's life changed when she discovered the conce...

141: You & sugar: The real challenge

September 24, 2023 11:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

What's the real challenge for you where sugar's concerned? Is it to change what you eat? Or is it something else? Do you eat sugar because of cravings? Or for comfort? To celebrate? As a habit? Because you love sweet tastes? Or is your real challenge something deeper? In this episode, I'll tell you about my own challenges... and what I learned over my years of living my "life after sugar". And you'll get some insight into an exercise that I teach inside of the Freedom from Cravings For...

140. Your biggest struggles with cravings

September 17, 2023 11:00 - 16 minutes - 11.5 MB

Are you struggling with cravings? You're not alone! You may feel like certain foods have a hold on your emotions. Or that you're in a vicious cycle. Or that the diet culture makes you feel like a failure. Or that you'll NEVER feel free from cravings! Changing what you eat (or when you eat, like with intermittent fasting) may help, but it may not be enough to get to the heart of the matter. A lot of people focus on  WHAT they're craving instead of WHY. And that's what I'm going to help y...

139. "Eating whole foods helped my MS symptoms disappear": Grace

September 10, 2023 11:00 - 36 minutes - 25.1 MB

Grace was  23 when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is a is a potentially disabling autoimmune disease of the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system). Despite taking drugs, Grace continued to have attacks every 3 or 4 months, for another 11 years. Her immune system was totally out of whack, she says.  Then, she got pregnant. The doctors took her off all of her medications, which were much too toxic for her child.  As her son grew older, Grace had an idea: What if ...

138. "Want to look younger? Eat less sugar!": Erin

September 03, 2023 11:00 - 34 minutes - 23.9 MB

Erin Tjam was my guest a few weeks ago, and I invited her back to talk about skin aging, more specifically about glycation. Glycation is a concept you may not have heard of (I hadn't!).  Basically, collagen and elastin keep your skin firm and supple. But your skin can age faster when sugar molecules like glucose and fructose adhere to your skin’s collagen and elastin proteins. And this can trigger more responses that can result in inflammation and signs of skin aging. Erin explains how ...

137. Foods to beat cravings

August 27, 2023 11:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

You may think that cutting sugar completely will make your cravings worse... but actually, eating no sweet-tasting foods for a while can help beat your cravings! Which foods keep cravings at bay? And which foods feed your cravings? I'll tell you in this episode. And how can you "retrain" your tastebuds to get used to less sweetness, so that you're not always looking to replace sugar? You'll also learn about a fun game I teach my program participants, called The Tasting Game. You can play ...

136. 8 years sugar free: 8 things I learned

August 20, 2023 11:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

8 years sugar free - can you believe it?? Who can live for 8 years without eating refined or added sugars, sweeteners, and flour? Is it even possible? Well, I never would have thought it was possible if I wasn't living it myself! In July 2015, I stopped eating foods made with sugar, sweeteners, and flour. For just 2 weeks. Really! It was only supposed to be a temporary experiment... But here I am 8 years later, living my "life after sugar". Sure, I'm not perfect, and life's given me (an...

135. "I found peace with food when I cut sugar": Bethany

August 13, 2023 11:00 - 48 minutes - 33.2 MB

Bethany is a self-identified sugar addict who struggled with food, sweets, weight and dieting for as long as she can remember. As a child, she remembers scheming ways to get more than her share of cookies, chocolate, or candies.  Bethany started dieting at about age 11, and didn't stop seeking out and trying different diets until her late 40's. All of this left her feeling as though she was deficient in some way, and wondering if she'd ever figure it out. Two huge shifts came when Bethany...

134. Summer shorts: Sugar and cravings

August 06, 2023 11:00 - 20 minutes - 14 MB

Do you struggle with cravings? There are 3 types of cravings that I talk about in this fifth and last episode in the series of "summer shorts" about how sugar affects your health. You'll also get my 5 tips to reduce or get rid of cravings. Plus to get rid of cravings, download your 5 tips here. Also check out these free resources:  What to eat that doesn't contain added sugar Life After Sugar Facebook page Subscribe to my Instagram account,  TikTok, and to the Life After Sugar YouTu...

133. Summer shorts: Sugar and gut health

July 30, 2023 11:00 - 19 minutes - 13.6 MB

Almost 2500 years ago, Hippocrates said: "All disease begins in the gut". But what does "gut health" mean? Why is it so important? And how does sugar affect your gut health? To get answers, listen to this fourth episode in the series of "summer shorts" about how sugar affects your health. To get rid of cravings, download your 5 tips here. Also check out these free resources:  What to eat that doesn't contain added sugar Life After Sugar Facebook page Subscribe to my Instagram accoun...

132. Summer shorts: Sugar and inflammation

July 23, 2023 11:00 - 18 minutes - 13 MB

What's the difference between short-term acute inflammation, and chronic inflammation? Is inflammation always a bad thing? Is sugar inflammatory? Listen to this third episode in the series of "summer shorts" about how sugar affects your health. To get rid of cravings, download your 5 tips here. Also check out these free resources:  What to eat that doesn't contain added sugar Life After Sugar Facebook page Subscribe to my Instagram account,  TikTok, and to the Life After Sugar YouTub...

131. Summer shorts: Sugar and diabetes

July 16, 2023 11:00 - 22 minutes - 15.2 MB

Does sugar "cause" diabetes? And if not, what is the connection between sugar and diabetes? To get my answers, listen to this second episode in the series of "summer shorts" about how sugar affects your health. To get rid of cravings, download your 5 tips here. Also check out these free resources:  What to eat that doesn't contain added sugar Life After Sugar Facebook page Subscribe to my Instagram account,  TikTok, and to the Life After Sugar YouTube channel. To rate and review this...

130. Summer shorts: Sugar and weight

July 09, 2023 11:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

How does sugar affect your weight? Is it the "empty calories", or is it something else? Listen to this first episode in a 5-part series of "summer shorts" about how sugar affects your health. To get rid of cravings, download your 5 tips here. Also check out these free resources:  What to eat that doesn't contain added sugar Life After Sugar Facebook page Subscribe to my Instagram account,  TikTok, and to the Life After Sugar YouTube channel. To rate and review this podcast: scroll d...

129. "Sugar can negatively affect your skin": Erin

July 02, 2023 11:00 - 41 minutes - 28.4 MB

Dr. Erin Tjam is the author of "Skin Sobering: 99% of Products Age and Harm Your Skin". In this episode, we talk about how after her own skin failed her, Erin researched how to take care of skin. What she found in clinical studies is that a lot of skin care products contain chemical additives that are actually disrupting our natural skin. What if we didn't need skincare products? Advertising for beauty products was introduced back in the 1940s, so the idea of using less or no skincare ...

128. "Stress and sugar are terrible for gut health": Dr. Cecilia

June 25, 2023 11:00 - 33 minutes - 23.4 MB

Gastroenterologist Dr. Cecilia Minano had so many health issues as well as high stress levels. When she finally got coaching, she learned empowering boundaries and self-care that changed her life. She tells about her childhood when she would calm her insecurities and self-soothe with sugar. With her medical background, she now knows that sugar and industrially manufactured food products can lead to dysbiosis (an unbalanced gut).   Once she eliminated most sugar from her own diet, her life ...

127. How much sugar is too much?

June 18, 2023 11:00 - 21 minutes - 14.6 MB

How much sugar is too much? In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its recommendations for free or added sugars: 6 teaspoons for women, and 9 teaspoons for men. Per day. But is that still "too much"? Where's the line between an "OK" amount of sugar, and "too much"? In my humble opinion, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. For some of us, zero is freedom. For others, moderation is key. Listen to this episode to discover how much is too much for YOU. Download your 5 tip...