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Eat Your Seasons

25 episodes - English - Latest episode: 10 months ago -

Helping moms of littles embrace the seasons to have simple fun and enjoy all the eats they have to offer.

Parenting Kids & Family Arts Food
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025. Relearning what fun means to you after kids

August 17, 2023 09:00 - 20 minutes - 14.2 MB

This week kicks off my brand-new series all about being a "fun mom".  In today's episode, I'm diving deep into a challenge many of us face: finding our own sense of enjoyment after becoming parents. I'll be sharing personal stories and insights into how we tend to lose touch with our interests while prioritizing our little ones' happiness. Drawing from my experiences, I'll explore the delicate balance between caring for our children and rediscovering ourselves. Plus, I have a secret antidote...

024. 10x your confidence with this simple trick

May 17, 2023 09:00 - 19 minutes - 13.7 MB

Mom guilt is the absolute WORST, we can all agree on that. But what about self-guilt? Like the feeling that you’re not reaching the potential or the goals you set for yourself, or you keep falling off the wagon every time you get on a healthy path and self-sabotaging? How can we get rid of these feelings of guilt and come up with a better conversation to have with ourselves?  In this episode, I dive into exactly WHY we tend to hyper-fixate on the negative (as well as why negative memories, ...

023. How to stop wasting so much time

May 10, 2023 10:00 - 36 minutes - 25.3 MB

I know exactly how it feels to get trapped in the time suck that is running a household and trying to do all the things only to get to the end of the day and feel like you didn’t accomplish a single thing but somehow your brain is fried and your body is exhausted. Then the mom guilt starts, you know there were parts of your day you could have spent more efficiently so you start beating yourself up over what you “should” have done and how you “could have spent your time” and now you’ll never ...

022. Spring clean your thoughts with this process

May 03, 2023 10:00 - 19 minutes - 13.2 MB

As I’m sure you’ve experienced- our thoughts are incredibly powerful. When we’re good they can allow us to dream, to set goals, and to be thoughtful, sincere, and brilliant. When we’re not doing so great our thoughts can be destructive, tearing us down and making us feel small and hopeless, they can spiral out of control and burn bridges. The energy spent in negative thought spirals can zap us of our energy and motivation and make us irritable and angry. In this episode we are going through...

021. Meal planning made simple

March 29, 2023 14:00 - 21 minutes - 14.8 MB

In this episode we are going to deep dive into exactly how I plan our meals, so you can ditch dinner time dread and put my simple process into practice.  I am dishing my ENTIRE step-by-step process for planning our weeknight meals in the simplest way possible so we can eat seasonal, healthy meals every night without burning me out.  Feeding a family is tricky. It feels like you need to be a mathematician in order to juggle everyone's preferences and tastes. Not to mention ensuring that eve...

020. Home gardening when you don't have much yard with Katie Mills

March 22, 2023 09:00 - 28 minutes - 19.4 MB

In this episode, I am interviewing one of my dearest friends from South Devon, UK!  Katie Mills is an incredible wife, daughter, sister, auntie (to more sweet babies than I can even count), dog mom to Ernie and Doris, friend, nurse, and home gardening enthusiast (I'd like to say pro or expert, but she's also incredibly humble so I'll say she's “very skilled”) In this episode, Katie and I are talking about how she and her husband Tom (also an amazing human) got started with their garden eve...

019. Starting a mini farm from scratch + mushroom farming with Jordan Vuong of Moonrise Mini Farm

March 15, 2023 10:00 - 45 minutes - 31.1 MB

We know that gardening would be good for our mental and physical health and that it's a great hobby pretty much year-round. To be totally honest, I don't think any of us like the idea of solely depending on other people to provide us with food, either.   If you were nodding along with me as you read those first two sentences, this is the episode for you. In this episode, I am interviewing a dear friend of mine from New Mexico named Jordan Vuong. She and her husband Kevin are Michigan-Orego...

018. My SECRET to beating bad weather burnout

March 01, 2023 15:00 - 32 minutes - 22.7 MB

While we may have overcome or skated past the dreaded "SAD" (Seasonal Affective Disorder, or seasonal depression) we may not be feeling great mentally or emotionally. Is it pretty gray and gloomy, maybe rainy or snowy where you live pretty much all fall and winter long, with very few sunshine breaks in between? It can be so hard to stay upbeat and not feel bummed out and totally over the gloom, even if you're happy with your life, routines, and environment. I like to call this: bad weath...

017. How to become an "outside mom" and enjoy outdoor play with your kids

February 22, 2023 21:00 - 23 minutes - 16.3 MB

For years I have been asking myself: Why do Europeans seem to live so much better than us? Why does the weather not seem to faze them quite so much as it deters us in America? And I have made it my mission to find the answers.  A huge difference between Europeans- specifically those who live in Great Britain and Ireland- and those of us in the states, is our mentalities regarding the weather. Here in the states, we are more likely to use inclement weather as an excuse for not going outside-...

016. What does it mean to "embrace the seasons"?

February 15, 2023 18:00 - 24 minutes - 16.7 MB

In this episode, I am touching on two of the different meanings "embracing your seasons" could have so you can decide for yourself what it means for you.  First, we will dive into how embracing Earth's seasons can make your life more peaceful, simple, and full of ease by being grateful for the season we're in while simultaneously being excited for the next one.  Second, we will discuss the various "seasons" we go through in life- be it seasons of difficulty or seasons of ease- and how we c...

015. 10x Your Productivity with Seasonal Living

February 08, 2023 10:00 - 31 minutes - 22 MB

It's being said that February is the worst month in the whole year for seasonal depression, lack of motivation, and self-confidence. Makes sense, considering most people abandon their resolutions by February 1st and usually get pretty self-loathing afterward. And for those who don’t subscribe to resolutions, we still can’t escape the winter funk either because somehow winter has lasted 87 months with at least 2 more months of cold, gray weather in our future, even with it being the shortest ...

014. Can "eating your feelings" cure seasonal depression?

February 01, 2023 15:00 - 23 minutes - 16 MB

Whether you're dealing with the winter blues, spring sads, summer bummers, or fall frustrations- this episode is here to help!  There are a plethora of foods and snacks we can intentionally mix into our existing diets that can help boost our moods and fuel positive activities and feelings to keep us a little perkier as we trudge through the thick of winter. Because while the days may technically be getting longer by the hour, it sure doesn’t feel like it still.    This episode is broken i...

013. Ditch Overwhelm in 3 Easy Steps

January 12, 2023 11:00 - 31 minutes - 21.4 MB

In this episode, we are digging into the root causes of our overwhelm and how to diagnose your reasons for feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, and loaded down.   Research shows that a good chunk- and in some cases the majority of our stress and overwhelm is self-inflicted. Whether it be the product of perspective, poor boundaries, or perfectionism- a lot of it can be avoided with the proper plan in place.  Tune in to find out the 3 easy steps you can take today to keep your overwhelm at bay...

012. How To Set Goals You Can Stick To

January 05, 2023 11:00 - 24 minutes - 17 MB

It’s so easy to set intentions for the year and feel like this will be “your year!” and you’re going to make all of these lifestyle changes and be a totally different person at the end of this year. While I don’t subscribe to huge lifestyle overhauls and trying to completely change who you are as a human, I absolutely love small actions to improve the person you are, and the life you have.  In this episode, we are diving into how and why setting smaller goals creates a map for yourself that...

011. How To Take Back Control of Your Life And Truly Live Again

December 29, 2022 11:00 - 35 minutes - 24.6 MB

Have you ever felt like your life is happening TO you and not with you? Like even when you’re feeling good and happy, they are muted down, duller versions of what you want to be feeling? Like those around you are enjoying your life more than you are? In this episode I share my own struggles with feeling like I wasn’t in control of anything in my life and how I was able to overcome those feelings and take control back. I share the 10 intentional choices you can make every day that remind you ...

010. How To Make The Most of Winter and Its Luxuries

December 22, 2022 18:00 - 29 minutes - 19.9 MB

 It can be tough to drown out the noise and get quiet with ourselves long enough to recover from the socializing, spending, and sacrificing that we tend to do this time of year, let alone finding the time to make the most of winter and enjoy this season.  In this episode, I am sharing some of my own personal strategies for keeping seasonal depression, as well as cabin fever at bay in hopes that you can try these out for yourself and start feeling the luxury of winter all the way to spring. ...

009. The SECRET to a simpler, more joyful life full of contentment

November 14, 2022 18:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

A couple of years ago I was stuck in a vicious cycle of overwhelm, constant guilt, and discontentment with myself. I needed to make a change that would allow me more simplicity, peace, and joy in the life I already had. I started allowing my productivity, recreation, and expectations for myself to ebb and flow with the seasons and gave myself the permission and grace to slow down.  Today we are going to be diving into what seasonal living actually is, and how it is my number one secret to k...

008. Are Your Meals Contributing to Climate Change?

October 20, 2022 15:00 - 21 minutes - 14.9 MB

This one is for my science-loving, earth-conscious girlies.  In this episode I am diving into how we can all be more intentional and conscious about our carbon footprints by carefully selecting and utilizing the food that we’re eating. I share so many different ways that seasonal eating can help simplify your life, as well as ways it can make you feel happier, more fulfilled, and productive- but there is another benefit to seasonal living that I haven’t shared quite as much about, and that ...

007. 6 Ways Seasonal Living Makes my Life Simpler (and less stressful!)

October 04, 2022 15:00 - 29 minutes - 20.1 MB

If you’re looking to take a deeper dive into sustainable lifestyle shifts that could really help you cut the chaos and prioritize simple, slow, and stress-free; this episode is for you. In today’s episode I will be covering 6 ways that seasonal living has helped me live a simpler, less stressed life as a busy working mom.  You don't have to subscribe to minimalism or homesteading to implement these shifts and get rid of overwhelm and mom guilt for good.  WALMART PLUS REFERRAL CODE: ashtinco...

006. Make boring fruits + veggies cool and trendy

September 27, 2022 16:00 - 14 minutes - 9.88 MB

In this episode I am taking you through SIMPLE ways you can make the regular shmegular fruits and veggies you are already eating every single day super cool and exciting! While I totally appreciate the health benefits and nutritional value of produce, (again- especially from a seasonal approach) I don’t actually love them because they’re good for me. I love them because they’re so diverse- just like we are. They come in different shapes, colors, and flavors. Tune in to find out exactly how t...

.005 Seasonal Living + Your Cycle

July 14, 2022 17:00 - 22 minutes - 15.4 MB

sunshine or curled up by a fire with your favorite? Maybe seasonal living is for you! Our bodies are as brilliantly and divinely designed as the Earth is, and in honoring the Earth’s seasons, we can also honor our own.  In this episode we are exploring the concept of seasonal living and how our experiences as cyclical beings can help us to create a lifestyle that makes us happier with less, and helps us to live a simpler, more fulfilling life.  EAT YOUR SEASONS CHILDREN’S BOOK WAITLIST: ww...

004. Are you being kind to the food that nourishes you?

July 06, 2022 14:00 - 14 minutes - 9.81 MB

When it comes to your inner dialogue and the way you are thinking and speaking: how kind are you being to your food and too yourself? The thing about toxic speech around food is that it’s never about the food itself. It’s not even about us EATING the food.  It’s about how we have been conditioned to see “good” food and “bad” food, and “healthy” behaviors as well as unhealthy ones. In this episode we are diving into toxic things we say about ourselves and the food that nourishes our bodies,...

003. 5 Outside the box ways to expose your kids to fruits and veggies

July 05, 2022 15:00 - 23 minutes - 15.9 MB

This episode is for my parent friends. You know how they say it takes a village to raise a family? Sometimes that village is a little bit more quiet and distant than we wish it would be, and with life looking SO dang different now than it did when we were growing up, our parenting methods have had to change significantly from what our parents practiced when we were young.  In this episode, I am sharing 5 of my favorite ways to expose your kids to produce and encouraging a more open-minded e...

002. 3 Ways Seasonal Eating Improves Your Health

June 22, 2022 16:00 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

Did you know that including just a few seasonal ingredients a week will make a huge difference in how you feel? You’ll be shocked to see how much you eat seasonally already without even trying! With the changing of the seasons our habits and tastes change, and nature often influences our choices so much more than we realize.  In this episode we are diving head first into exactly WHAT seasonal eating is, and how it improves your health, specifically your physical, mental and emotional health...

001. Your relationship with food and your picky eater

June 15, 2022 12:00 - 24 minutes - 17.1 MB

There is so much shame around food and eating. Food is a gift and it’s meant to not only nourish our bodies- which are also gifts- but give us energy to do the things that we need and want to do. There are all of these food-related buzz words that create so much grief and turmoil inside of us like “clean” “whole” “processed” “organic” “real” “junk” “healthy” “good” “bad”. If these terms are creating so much turmoil inside of us, how do you think our little minds are feeling while they watch ...