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The Aligned AF Soulpreneur Podcast

109 episodes - English - Latest episode: 9 months ago - ★★★★★ - 18 ratings

A raw, uncensored and spunky deep dive with Host Vanessa Dewing into Life, Spiritual Laws and the Magic that is our birth right. The Aligned AF SoulpreneurPodcast is truly a podcast that is YOURS. Practical tips + tricks, reframing our mindset, and simply teaching YOU to remember your power within; Vanessa has a super relatable and casual approach with a massively heart felt energy to empower you! This is your 15 minute dose of a SOUL RE-CHARGE, and all the energy you will need to jump start your day, or simply have a feel good chat together!_________________________________New to the spiritual journey? Feeling that craving to discover more about yourself? Curious about how the World works and how YOU can master it? Join Host Vanessa Dewing in this power podcast to shift your vibrations, help you open your mindset to a higher quality of living and have a hella good time along the way!_________________________________What people are saying:"Your energy is so real and authentic, I can literally feel like you are sitting right next to me!""You have such a unique and charming style, it's invigorating!""Vanessa, you have shifted my days so much I listen and re-listen to all your episodes and I just love how I feel afterwards!""You just naturally RECHARGE ME, and man did I need that!"New episodes out weekly with a special MINI SERIES on the Trinity Coaching Lives that are in divine collaboration with the Calling Uncensored + Beyond Coincidence Podcasts to elevate your life and soul aligned business leveraging the X factor of creation!WELCOME, to "HEY WORLD, IT's ME"!____________________________________________________________Follow and connect with Vanessa on IG: @vanessamariedewing

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Narcissism and a new healing perspective

September 08, 2023 18:00 - 25 minutes - 17.3 MB

A raw, new perspective that can be life changing for you if you are dealing with, or have ever dealt with a Narcissist in your life. DM me what comes up for you and follow for more. Cheers!  think different, ignite YOUR discovery. Stay connected, xx V

Are you ignoring your "red flags", and how to SHIFT that...

August 04, 2023 00:00 - 20 minutes - 14.1 MB

Join this powerful, spunky, spontaneous chat with Vanessa as we get to the root of WHY you haven't been listening to those red flags, and how to shift that. Connect and share your stories on instagram HERE: Join the many souls changing their lives with the new Transformational Journal HERE: Connect with Vanessa HERE: think different, ignite YOUR discovery. Stay conn...

OVERWHELM, the shift!

June 26, 2023 18:00 - 23 minutes - 16.1 MB

Powerfully learn two cures to help shift stress and overwhelm! STAY TUNED FOR THE SPIRITUAL CURIOSITY SUMMIT! Come say hi on IG! More freebies here: NEW TRANSFORMATIONAL JOURNAL OUT NOW!:  think different, ignite YOUR discovery. Stay connected, xx V

Understanding the POWER to having full bodied confidence!

November 11, 2022 00:00 - 24 minutes - 16.6 MB

What would happen if you FULLY OWNED your values, what lights you up, what moves you, what you are about and didn't give an "F" what others would say about it? Maybe you have been a "chameleon" most of your life, always trying to "fit in" rather than fully OWN your fullest self. I feel you! This powerful episode activates you to remember that  WHEN you are FULLY yourself, the Universe can full on deliver WORLDS to you in ways you can't even imagine. You become aligned, and it all works out b...

3 signs you are NOT in alignment, AND how to fix it!

November 07, 2022 19:00 - 18 minutes - 12.5 MB

Take your power back and learn how to MASTER your alignment before your next decision,  AND have the confidence and courage to stand by your new alignment! Deep dive with The Aligned AF Soulpreneur Podcast to elevate your life, your clarity, your confidence, and your Self! Connect and follow with host Vanessa Dewing on instagram: @vanessamariedewing * Ready to deep dive? Learn more HERE!: think different, ignite YOUR discovery. Stay connected, xx V https://msha....

When others APPEAR smarter, more experienced, better than you.. do THIS!

October 26, 2022 16:00 - 15 minutes - 11 MB

Think back to a time when you simply KNEW that you were correct, but let someone who appeared smarter, more experienced, "better" than you take over the show and ultimately set YOU back in frustration, pain, stress that absolutely could have been avoided!  * Deep dive with me in this powerful and spontaneous episode of how to take your power back when they seem smarter than you!  * Stay connected on instagram! @vanessmariedewing or tik tok! @spunkyactivation  think different, ignite YOUR di...

When nothing is working out in your spiritual business... do this!!

September 01, 2022 10:00 - 25 minutes - 17.6 MB

It's inevitable: at some point as a spiritual entrepreneur, you will feel like NOTHING is working out (entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster, right?) But ultimately your success is banking on one thing...your ability to hold your vision and take action even when your 3D reality feels discouraging. Today, Sarah and Vanessa are uncovering the actionable steps you can take to decide to hold faith in yourself and your business even when it feels almost impossible.  ⇨ Join Sarah and Vanessa LIVE f...

When nothing is working out in your spiritual business... do this!!

September 01, 2022 10:00 - 25 minutes - 17.6 MB

It's inevitable: at some point as a spiritual entrepreneur, you will feel like NOTHING is working out (entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster, right?) But ultimately your success is banking on one thing...your ability to hold your vision and take action even when your 3D reality feels discouraging. Today, Sarah and Vanessa are uncovering the actionable steps you can take to decide to hold faith in yourself and your business even when it feels almost impossible.  ⇨ Join Sarah and Vanessa LIVE f...

3 Tips to Create Magnetic Content for Your Spiritual Business

August 25, 2022 12:00 - 25 minutes - 17.4 MB

Tired of spending hours creating content for your spiritual business only to hear crickets after you post it to social media? If you answered yes, you’re in luck with today’s episode! Sarah and Vanessa are revealing the simple 3 step process that has helped their clients churn out magnetic content, without overthinking and burning themselves out. You’ll walk away from this episode ready to create space for the divine feminine to come out and play in your content strategy. You’ll also find th...

“I hope this works” is not a strategy for your spiritual business

August 18, 2022 09:00 - 14 minutes - 9.87 MB

At the start of your spiritual business, you probably went through an exploration phase where you often found yourself thinking, “I hope this works!” And while there’s fun in trying new strategies, It’s important not to stay in that phase for too long. Why? Because there’s an uncertain and frantic energy around bouncing from strategy to strategy, and As an intuitive spiritual entrepreneur, we know you know that manifesting abundance and staying rooted in your divine feminine is going to be u...

Want to build a sustainable spiritual business? Here’s what you need to know!

August 17, 2022 09:00 - 21 minutes - 14.7 MB

We see it all of the time - wildly gifted lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs who bring so much to the table for their clients, that massive success seems like a no-brainer for them. But there’s one hangup that tends to get in the way…unbalanced masculine energy. The truth is for your divine feminine energy to shine, you have to give it a safe container to allow it to come forward. This container is built in the masculine energy. Now, if you’re not sure how to tap into that energy yet, ...

Why beta programs are BS in your spiritual business

August 04, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 17.2 MB

Spiritual entrepreneurs are called to do things a little bit differently in business. Wouldn’t you agree? But in the online space, cookie-cutter strategies are thrown around like hotcakes, the kinds of strategies that devalue our work and stifle our success, the kinds of strategies that make us question our own intuitive guidance…Strategies like launching beta programs. In this episode, we’re uncovering why beta programs are BS in your spiritual business. We’re also dishing out our exact lau...

How to SHIFT your life instantly into aligning with what you want, and beyond!

July 31, 2022 00:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

Join me as we tap back into that little girl/ boy parts of ourselves and TRANSFORM  the way we step into tomorrow! It takes a decision, a realization, and a knowing that you are WORTHY. Deep dive with me today, and let's play in this powerful episode! Hit subscribe to get notifications of when we can be together soon,  help a friend and share  what you learned today! Tag me on IG with any epiphanies or experiences that come up for you! Cheers to you gorgeous, xx V. As always if you are read...

How to SHIFT your life instantly into aligning with what you want, and beyond!

July 31, 2022 00:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

Join me as we tap back into that little girl/ boy parts of ourselves and TRANSFORM  the way we step into tomorrow! It takes a decision, a realization, and a knowing that you are WORTHY. Deep dive with me today, and let's play in this powerful episode! Hit subscribe to get notifications of when we can be together soon,  help a friend and share  what you learned today! Tag me on IG with any epiphanies or experiences that come up for you! Cheers to you gorgeous, xx V. As always if you are read...

The POWER of Alignment for your relationships, career + ease in Life!

July 29, 2022 21:00 - 26 minutes - 18 MB

Have you checked if your relationship, your career, your actions are in ALIGNMENT  gorgeous? Join me in this epic episode where we speak on the power of alignment for all areas of your life, and  I share the SWTICH I MADE to now dive deep with tips, tricks, massive tools to move  Soulpreneurs, Creators, and even that average Jo who feels somethingggg brewing inside - forward in their Life and Biz when they remember  the power of alignment. You are divine, you are powerful, it's time to reme...

Are you playing it small? It’s time to ditch self-consciousness + heal your inner child!

July 21, 2022 09:00 - 27 minutes - 19.2 MB

I see A LOT of women easily able to build up or invest in someone else’s business or dreams with great success, or a company/business that doesn’t have their name as the brand, with no problems. But when it comes to doubling down on their own dreams and business they fall flat and stop. Can you relate? If you answered yes, you’re going to want to tune into today’s episode where we’re revealing the root of this frustrating phenomenon - self-consciousness! We’re unveiling the illusions that ar...

Ready to start your spiritual business? Here’s what you MUST stop doing first.

July 14, 2022 09:00 - 20 minutes - 14.4 MB

You are safe to have it all, if only you decide to STOP waiting for permission and just go after it! It’s time to stop buying into the 3D notion that striving for more than the average 9-5 is a pipe dream. It’s time to be the trailblazer that you were born to be and finally start your spiritual business. And we get it - it’s way easier said than done to just shed the weight of other people’s opinions and start the spiritual business that’s been on your heart for ages. That’s why in this epis...

When spiritual alignment meets business strategy

July 07, 2022 09:00 - 27 minutes - 18.7 MB

We see it all of the time: spiritual entrepreneurs struggling to take their business from side-hustle to a thriving empire. Why? Because so often, it can be difficult to marry spiritual alignment and business strategy. And the truth is, you cannot have one without the other if you’re planning on scaling to 5-figure months while also cultivating a freedom lifestyle. That’s why today we’re teaching you how to prioritize spiritual alignment while also implementing a business strategy that will ...

The art of mastering our reactions to life and taking our power BACK!

July 06, 2022 21:00 - 27 minutes - 19.1 MB

Mastering our reactions to life and how to shift our energy to our POWER WITHIN! This helps us live life in an easier and more flowing state. I see so many people living as victims in this world. Victim to situations, thoughts, circumstances and it is part of my mission to help you rise ABOVE that and into higher consciousness to help you live a more joyous, alive, flowing, fun, satisfying, creative LIFE.  Dive in with me as I share how I lost my debit card and WHAT actually allowed me to fi...

How to apply the law of attraction in your spiritual business

June 30, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes - 12.6 MB

When it comes to spiritual entrepreneurs, we consistently observe a sense of conflict and curiosity surrounding the next step.  You might be wondering what else can I do, what else can I offer, and where can I find my next client?  These questions are often great opportunities to reflect on your business and potential next steps, but we’re going to let you in on a little secret: If you’re constantly searching for the answers you’ll never find them. Why? Because that is not how the law of ...

The #1 Esoteric Truth About Growing a Thriving Spiritual Business Online

June 21, 2022 09:00 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

Here’s the deal: starting and growing a thriving spiritual business is a rite of passage. It will bring you to your knees, leading you to merge your spirituality and your soul’s purpose and ascension into truth and oneness. Combine that with the ebbs and flows that naturally come along with entrepreneurship and it’s no surprise that things can get overwhelming. That’s why today, we’re having a real and raw conversation about the growing pains that come along with growing a spiritual business...

The #1 Esoteric Truth About Growing a Thriving Spiritual Business Online

June 21, 2022 09:00 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

Here’s the deal: starting and growing a thriving spiritual business is a rite of passage. It will bring you to your knees, leading you to merge your spirituality and your soul’s purpose and ascension into truth and oneness. Combine that with the ebbs and flows that naturally come along with entrepreneurship and it’s no surprise that things can get overwhelming. That’s why today, we’re having a real and raw conversation about the growing pains that come along with growing a spiritual business...

Manifest & Receive Money: How to clear the blocks to your abundance

June 14, 2022 09:00 - 21 minutes - 14.5 MB

So often, as spiritual entrepreneurs, we put limits on what’s possible for us. Why? Because we feel guilty for receiving money. It’s time to end this cycle of surrendering to guilt and chronically underearning. You are destined for 6-figures and beyond, you just have to heal your feminine energy and clear the blocks to your abundance to start calling in the prosperity that is already yours. Tune in to today’s episode to find out how!  ⇨ CLICK BELOW if you’re ready to scale your IMPACT as a ...

The power of authenticity in business

June 09, 2022 09:00 - 31 minutes - 21.8 MB

It can feel intimidating to show up authentically in business. But stepping into next-level self-expression as you expand your business is the only way to cultivate the freedom lifestyle you crave. You see, true freedom lives on the other side of uncensored self-expression.  That’s why today, we’re using this episode to push you to trust yourself wholeheartedly as you take a leap towards your next level of authenticity and freedom.  After listening, the weight of others’ opinions will fall...

Want to manifest more abundance? It’s time to stop sending the universe mixed signals!

May 31, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

Are deep seeded subconscious beliefs stifling your manifestation in your spiritual business? Whether you’re struggling to step out of your comfort zone so you can get visible and attract soul-aligned clients or you’re feeling guilty for receiving the money and freedom you’re after, this episode is for you! Today, Sarah and Vanessa are breaking down exactly how you unapologetically claim your God-given desires and reprogram your belief system so you can quantum leap out of your comfort zone a...

The Importance of Commitment in Entrepreneurship

May 24, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes - 12.8 MB

It’s inevitable: you will face challenges during your entrepreneurial journey. But the good news is that when you’re unwaveringly committed nothing can stop you! In this episode, Sarah and Vanessa are getting real about the importance of commitment in entrepreneurship. They’re talking through the difference between seeking alignment and following divine timing and self-sabotaging and procrastinating. They’re also getting real and raw about the balancing act that goes into showing up consiste...

The Importance of Commitment in Entrepreneurship

May 24, 2022 09:00 - 18 minutes - 12.8 MB

It’s inevitable: you will face challenges during your entrepreneurial journey. But the good news is that when you’re unwaveringly committed nothing can stop you! In this episode, Sarah and Vanessa are getting real about the importance of commitment in entrepreneurship. They’re talking through the difference between seeking alignment and following divine timing and self-sabotaging and procrastinating. They’re also getting real and raw about the balancing act that goes into showing up consiste...

The Key to Selling with Confidence in Your Spiritual Business

May 17, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

What if we could wave a magic wand and remove the big barriers that are keeping you from showing up and selling with confidence? If you’re ready to ditch the comparison trap and start unapologetically sharing your gifts and offers with the world, this episode is the loving spiritual spanking that you need! Listen in as we teach you how to STOP viewing sales as a dirty word so you can finally shed the limiting beliefs that are stifling your sales and blocking your ability to receive abundance...

The key to selling with confidence in your spiritual business

May 17, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 16.9 MB

What if we could wave a magic wand and remove the big barriers that are keeping you from showing up and selling with confidence? If you’re ready to ditch the comparison trap and start unapologetically sharing your gifts and offers with the world, this episode is the loving spiritual spanking that you need! Listen in as we teach you how to STOP viewing sales as a dirty word so you can finally shed the limiting beliefs that are stifling your sales and blocking your ability to receive abundance...

How to Heal Wounded Feminine Energy to Grow Your Spiritual Biz

May 10, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 17.1 MB

Today, we’re discussing how to heal your feminine energy so you can open yourself up to receive abundance in your spiritual business. Listen in as we chat through wounded feminine traits, where this wounded energy typically stems from, and the practices and inner work we’ve done to heal our feminine energy, reconnect with our intuition, and ultimately embody empress energy, allowing us to create magical offerings from our souls and magnetically attract soulmate clients.  ⇨ CLICK BELOW if yo...

How to heal wounded feminine energy to grow your spiritual biz

May 10, 2022 09:00 - 24 minutes - 17.1 MB

Today, we’re discussing how to heal your feminine energy so you can open yourself up to receive abundance in your spiritual business. Listen in as we chat through wounded feminine traits, where this wounded energy typically stems from, and the practices and inner work we’ve done to heal our feminine energy, reconnect with our intuition, and ultimately embody empress energy, allowing us to create magical offerings from our souls and magnetically attract soulmate clients.  ⇨ CLICK BELOW if yo...

Master the F*ck Out of Your Message

May 06, 2022 09:00 - 26 minutes - 18.5 MB

What’s the difference between people who throw sh*t at the wall to see what sticks, and people who are honed in, confident, and speak their message from the heart in order to bring in sales, enjoy their life, and enjoy their biz?  The people who are living their best life have mastered the f*ck out of their message. That’s the difference.  Knowing your target audience like the back of your hand - their hopes, dreams, fears, worries, and roadblocks - is key to mastering your message. Tune i...

How to Activate the Magician in Your Marketing

April 29, 2022 14:00 - 25 minutes - 17.6 MB

Don’t over complicate the process. It is possible for you to activate the high priestess archetype within your business in order to bring in soulmate clients who feel drawn to you through your marketing.   How? We’ll tell you! In this episode, we’ll help you understand how to channel through what it is that you’re feeling called to create, allow the message to drop in, and then share it and capture it in the moment, leaving you with a clear, streamlined marketing approach for your biz.  T...

Calling Out The Industry *Cough Cough* Bullshit

April 27, 2022 14:00 - 28 minutes - 19.4 MB

What if instead of over exaggerating big wins and ballooning income numbers, every single business owner showed up authentically and with integrity to highlight their success?  In the coaching industry, it’s common to see this bravado showing up across social media, and as coaches, it tends to make us angry. Why?  Because it’s dangerous. Dangerous to present a false sense of reality to the people who trust you. Dangerous to exaggerate your success to those who are considering spending thei...

Calling Out The Coaching Industry *Cough Cough* Bullshit

April 27, 2022 14:00 - 28 minutes - 19.4 MB

What if instead of over exaggerating big wins and ballooning income numbers, every single business owner showed up authentically and with integrity to highlight their success?  In the coaching industry, it’s common to see this bravado showing up across social media, and as coaches, it tends to make us angry. Why?  Because it’s dangerous. Dangerous to present a false sense of reality to the people who trust you. Dangerous to exaggerate your success to those who are considering spending thei...

True Success is All or Nothing

April 22, 2022 14:00 - 25 minutes - 17.8 MB

It’s okay to accept the hard parts of your journey through spiritual entrepreneurship. In fact, it’s even better to embrace failure in order to learn from it. Toxic positivity doesn’t belong here, which is why you won’t hear us preaching that spiritual entrepreneurship is all rainbows and butterflies. When we stop rejecting fear and stress in our businesses, that’s when we can really grow as leaders and business owners.  Failure is part of success, which is why we’re using today’s episode ...

3 Ways to Build Trust With Your Audience & Grow Your Spiritual Biz

April 20, 2022 14:00 - 41 minutes - 28.6 MB

Can your audience trust you? You want them to know they can, right?  People hire people that they trust, and in order to show up as an expert in your niche, you need to exude confidence and put your divinity on display so your audience knows they can trust you - with their time, their energy, and their money.  For most spiritual entrepreneurs, they’ve mastered the art of their own practice - the services they offer - but are still working to perfect their delivery - how they share big wins...

Expect, Expand & Do Whatever The F It Takes!

April 19, 2022 03:00 - 12 minutes - 8.36 MB

Expect and you shall receive. It’s true. Gone are the days of asking; now, we’re expecting. When your expectations and your goals go hand-in-hand, the universe shows up to answer you.  And when those expectations align with the expansion of your business and the energy it takes to get there, sister, you’re unstoppable.  In this episode, we’re giving you the pep-talk you need to stop making excuses and start showing up for yourself. ⇨ CLICK BELOW if you’re ready to scale your IMPACT as a ...

3 Things Your Business MUST Have

April 13, 2022 14:00 - 51 minutes - 35.6 MB

You’re here to make an impact. And we’re here to help you make that happen.  Being able to tap into your creative genius is a MUST, but there are three things your business MUST have if you’re going to tap in and let the divine source flow through you.  These three things that we talk through in today’s episode are crucial to your success as a spiritual entrepreneur, queen. We packed as much juicy info as possible into this one-hour episode to make it easy for you to check in with yourself...

Stepping into Next Level Responsibility as You Expand

April 08, 2022 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.8 MB

It can feel intimidating to take the next step in any journey. Expansion can feel nerve wracking. But stepping into next level responsibility as you expand your business doesn’t have to be scary.  In fact, we’re using this episode to push you to trust yourself wholeheartedly as you take a leap towards your next level.  Because you’re bigger than your body; you’re even bigger than your soul. And once you start to harness the power of the divine source, you’ll find the added responsibility a...

4 Myths To Growing Your Spiritual Business + Hitting 5-Figure Sales

April 06, 2022 14:00 - 40 minutes - 27.6 MB

We want to keep you from spinning your wheels and sabotaging your success.  If rumors and myths in your industry are holding you back from feeling like you can be your best self, you deserve better. You deserve better than to feel inadequate or under pressure to perform a certain way.  That’s why we’re busting 4 of the most common (and most dangerous) myths we know float around social media and the internet. Tune in to learn about what you need and what you don’t need when it comes to grow...

The Art of Joyful Creation

April 01, 2022 14:00 - 30 minutes - 21 MB

If you’re creating from a state of lack, you probably aren’t having fun.  Creating from lack looks a lot like letting problems of the past get in the way of taking steps forward today.  And if you’re way too focused on what’s behind you, it’s impossible for the path ahead to open up for you to enter a more divinely focused chapter.  Your potential is so much greater than you can possibly imagine. Beyond what you can visualize, the outcome of your efforts is simply unbelievable, but you ha...

Stop Thinking Your Next “Level” Is Outside of You

March 30, 2022 14:00 - 46 minutes - 31.8 MB

When it comes to spiritual entrepreneurs, we consistently observe a sense of conflict and curiosity surrounding the next step.  You might be wondering what else can I do, where else can I go, what else can I offer? Or do I need to hire a coach, do I need a mentor? These questions are often great opportunities to reflect on your business and potential next steps, but we’re going to let you in on a little secret: Ultimately, the shift that gets you to your next level is internal. It’s going...

Consciousness is the Only Reality

March 25, 2022 14:00 - 17 minutes - 11.9 MB

The only thing you can truly change is yourself.  But when it comes to the reality of the 3D world, it can often feel like there’s so much pressure to subscribe to the noise of what surrounds you. The news, the media, the drama, the stress, the hustle culture…it’s all so distracting and quite frankly, it’s not real.  That’s because the only reality that truly exists is consciousness. And it’s in that conscious state of being where you’ll find success, happiness, and energy.  So stop inve...

Scaling Your Soul Biz To 5-Figure Sales Organically

March 23, 2022 19:00 - 50 minutes - 34.7 MB

Your soul-aligned business would never lead you to compromise on your desires. If you’ve been compromising in order to accommodate more clients, fit everything into your schedule, or reach your income goals, it’s time to take a step back and try something different.  Because usually what this means is that it’s time to scale your business and eliminate compromise. It’s time for you to have it all, as long as you’re willing to accept that reality.   In this episode, we dive into what it me...

And Then She Just Decided She Was Meant To Have It ALL!

March 18, 2022 14:00 - 23 minutes - 16.5 MB

You are safe to have it all, if only you decide to do so.  The keyword here is decide.  Stop believing that good things come to those who wait and start believing that they’re already yours. Once you’ve made the decision that you will accept nothing less than the best for yourself, everything else will fall into place.  Tune into this episode to learn more about flipping out of fear-based decision making and making the tangible decision to go ALL IN on yourself.  Don’t be the girl that s...

When You Expand Into Your Next Level and Then Play Small

March 16, 2022 14:00 - 30 minutes - 21 MB

Sometimes it’s easier to take the path of least resistance than to show up as your truest, most authentic self.  But you aren’t doing yourself any favors by shrinking back into the shadows just when things start to get uncomfortable or unfamiliar. So often we see clients and soul sisters grow and evolve into the next chapter of their lives, reaching their next level, and as soon as things start to feel a little bit different…they shrink.  Fear-based belief systems will keep you from ascen...

The Secret to Sacred Sales

March 11, 2022 15:00 - 22 minutes - 15.7 MB

Becoming a magnetic match to your sales and audience starts with acknowledging that YOU are your soulmate client.  One of the most spiritual things you can do is to be abundantly open to receiving, and you can’t do that if you aren’t sure of yourself. By eliminating doubt from your journey, you can come fully into alignment with your divine energy and purpose, making it easier than ever to become a magnetic match to your sales.  Becoming a magnetic match to your own creation isn’t out of ...

Create From The Soul to Attract Soulmate Sales

March 09, 2022 15:00 - 33 minutes - 23 MB

Your offers should be tethered to your heart and soul. Profitable practices are going to come from within, so the first step towards attracting soulmate clients and soulmate sales is reflecting on your own values to identify what’s important.  Remaining unapologetically true to yourself and channeling empress energy is the most efficient way to create from the soul, attracting soulmate clients directly to your business. This magnetism isn’t out of reach for you, but it does take a bit of a...

How to Attract Soul Aligned Clients Ready to Pay You

March 04, 2022 15:00 - 39 minutes - 27.4 MB

It’s one thing to attract people who feel at home within your presence. It’s another thing to attract ready-to-pay clients who are eager to work with you and committed to signing up ASAP. So how can you make sure that you’re attracting the right people who are ready to dive in head first? In this episode, we’ll talk about how to refine your energy and get crystal clear with your target audience in order to allow the universe to send your ideal client directly to you.  Don’t let scattered e...