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101 episodes - English - Latest episode: 9 months ago - ★★★★★ - 28 ratings

We dive deep into the current obstacles that prevent consumers from experiencing lasting health once they've entered the pharmaceutical machine of health care. With a diverse group of experts, we look at the science supporting a drugless, holistic model of care and how you can make sense of it to ultimately apply it to your family's health and life.

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Relationship Matters with Dr. Scott Jensen on Life Force Radio

September 13, 2023 14:20 - 52 minutes - 75.3 MB

There are massive changes occurring as we speak. Some that empower health freedoms and others that impose free choice and free speech.  Dr. Scott Jensen has an irrefutable track record for genuine care and concern towards providing quality patient care first and representing the best interests of his patients. It was my privilege to connect and discuss some current issues and the state of health freedom in its relationship with a Pharma driven health care system conspiring with government.  ...

Surgical Aftermath And NTG

January 15, 2023 03:12 - 57 minutes - 80.1 MB

Surgical interventions certainly have their place and often times help either relieve pain or remove limitations to some restricted functional state. There are times where it's quite unnecessary and puts the patient further from health and restoring their best quality of life.  I've certainly had patients who did extremely well from surgical intervention literally changing their life for the better from the deficits they were experiencing. I've also had too many experience no improvement an...

Protein & Disc Health

December 08, 2022 18:01 - 48 minutes - 68.2 MB

Over and over again, I see these clinical scenarios that have patients puzzled with the fact that their medical providers don't discuss, offer or even attempt to address the "why" behind non-traumatic bulging, herniated or prolapsed discs. This conversation will continue to be a very relevant and powerful topic that allows the patient/consumer of health and seekers of optimum potential to co-create their experience and ultimately tap into their innate healing. Powerful beyond measure is real...

Metabolism: Part 4 with Dr. Peter

August 24, 2022 03:32 - 44 minutes - 61.5 MB

Part 4 of 4 parts on Metabolism and breaking through the noise of BS. We'er here to share the pieces that will empower you to shift your health from the inside OUT.  You'll never catch up to the weight loss game by cutting calories alone. Of course you can lose weight by cutting calories, however, show me someone who truly can live under caloric restriction for the majority of their life. Shortcuts and hacks are quite frankly not so innovative ways to try to cheat the laws of nature. What if...

Metabolism: Part 3 Lifestyle Transformation; Dr. Peter

August 19, 2022 01:34 - 1 hour - 112 MB

Part 3 of now 4 parts on Metabolism and breaking through the noise of BS. We'er here to share the pieces that will empower you to shift your health from the inside OUT.  You'll never catch up to the weight loss game by cutting calories alone. Of course you can lose weight by cutting calories, however, show me someone who truly can live under caloric restriction for the majority of their life. Shortcuts and hacks are quite frankly not so innovative ways to try to cheat the laws of nature. Wha...

Inflammation, NSAIDS and Degeneration

August 03, 2022 18:52 - 28 minutes - 40.3 MB

What happens when patient's are afraid to tell their doctor their views or what they're doing to personally solve, treat or manage a health problem in their life?  In this episode I share a couple of real life case experiences where a breakdown in communication has very certain consequences for patient's as well as their providers.  Part 2 involves the ongoing confusion about using over the counter NSAIDS and their powerful link to your ongoing inflammation. This is about exiting the endless...

How to Impact Your Metabolism with Dr. Peter Slane

July 23, 2022 11:00 - 46 minutes - 64.8 MB

Part 2 of How to Impact your metabolism with Dr. Peter Slane.  You'll never catch up to the weight loss game by cutting calories alone. Of course you can lose weight by cutting calories, however, show me someone who truly can live under caloric restriction for the majority of their life. Shortcuts and hacks are quite frankly not so innovative ways to try to cheat the laws of nature. What if I were to tell you the most effective way to weight loss is already in your possession? You may thin...

How to Impact Your Metabolism with Dr. Peter Slane (Part 1)

July 21, 2022 16:41 - 43 minutes - 61.2 MB

You'll never catch up to the weight loss game by cutting calories alone. Of course you can lose weight by cutting calories, however, show me someone who truly can live under caloric restriction for the majority of their life. Shortcuts and hacks are quite frankly not so innovative ways to try to cheat the laws of nature. What if I were to tell you the most effective way to weight loss is already in your possession? You may think just another gimmick, right?  Well, in this episode Dr. Peter S...

Menopause: The Connection With Protein

July 15, 2022 23:55 - 20 minutes - 28.9 MB

We are amazing and brilliant healers - except when we're not.  It's a daily occurrence for me to discuss inflammation, hormonal imbalance, gut health and metabolism. There is a root cause in all chronic disease and it starts with the brilliance of the body sharing purposeful feedback otherwise known as symptoms.  We are more similar than different, yet our unique physiology is influenced by many complex but not complicated factors. We look at many variables when solving chronic health issu...

Cutting Calories and BMR: Case Study

July 08, 2022 23:25 - 32 minutes - 45.4 MB

There are myriad myths about weight loss and so called solutions promoted by the fitness and even the healthcare industry that quite FRANKLY are confusing and Unhealthy. If you're the average Joe or Jane, and you are struggling with either losing or keeping off the weight once you've lost some, then there's some diamonds in this episode. This is a common scenario in my office to have a conversation like this. One where the patient tells me they've been doing X to solve Y, but are seeing me f...

Vit.D, thyroid lab insights w/Dr. Michelle Hallam

June 30, 2022 19:25 - 31 minutes - 44.6 MB

Dr. Michelle Hallam has been helping patients and doctors for 40 years and has personally and professionally helped my and many patient's I care for with her in-depth knowledge of functional lab interpretation.  She currently works for Apex Energetics and helps doctors, nurses, naturopaths and dietitians throughout the United States. I'm fortunate to have Dr. Michelle on my support team and honored to have her in this episode.  There are many ways to see the same data to conclude which strat...

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome

June 25, 2022 20:49 - 27 minutes - 38.2 MB

Most recently we're seeing a rash of Sudden Adult Death Syndromes with world class level and professional athletes. Why the sudden death with these cardiovascularly fit and strongly conditioned athletes otherwise appearing healthy?  Ask more questions. Demand more answers and logic with all medical procedures. You're have every right to have proper informed consent with all procedures, drugs and medical devices prior to your receiving.  Caleb Swanigan played at Purdue University and was havi...

Q&A ToT with Steve Timm

June 17, 2022 00:42 - 47 minutes - 66.8 MB

Q&A ToT (Topics of Turmoil) with Steve Time I'm on a mission to solve a major problem. Everyday I'm asked to solve health challenges with my patients. I bring the nuts and bolts of those interactions and shed light into how we've solve those challenges/problems and "diseases" - naturally.  In this episode Steve pulls real questions from his experience into a conversation that can catapult you into your next solution. If you find value, please share with someone you know could benefit from a ...

Vanden Bossche Uncensored

June 08, 2022 01:23 - 1 hour - 93.8 MB

This episode contains soundbites from an interview published by EpochTV in May of '22.  The interview is quite long in its entirety, so it is crucial that we find ways to allow more people to hear the truth from the world's best and brightest. Dr. Vanden Bossche's credentials and integrity in the field of immunology, vaccinology and scientific research merit that of some of the best in the world. He was working with the B & M Gates Foundation. The level of censorship and the importance of Dr....

Developmental Delays Now "Normal" with Dr. Martin Rosen

May 10, 2022 19:40 - 59 minutes - 82.3 MB

As we've discussed in previous episodes, the trauma to our children over the last two years has devastated our next generation and resulted in more than increased suicide rates and depression in our youth but also the socialization soft skills damage let alone developmental disorders in our infants and toddlers.  Dr. Martin Rosen is a pediatric chiropractor whose clinical experience and technical prowess has him teaching doctors and patients how to take care of their body's naturally and sha...

Kids and Effects of Normalizing Behavior

April 09, 2022 13:00 - 53 minutes - 75 MB

What happens when our children's less than healthy behavior is normalized in our school systems. What is the impact on that child's ability to problem solve, develop their potential or gain independence as a young adult? What about their community?  How can we gauge what health is when our society has it so messed up? Our kids are programmed to be confused as to their gender, that drugs are required to sit still in class and that health comes from the doctor. "Furries" are now an acceptable...

'Pan-destruction" Solutions with Dr. Amanda Blonigenn

April 03, 2022 12:00 - 1 hour - 88.8 MB

Our kids have suffered more than many are willing to admit. For clarity, I'm not sure how much the MSM is admitting the massive psychological and emotional damage resulting from the C19 Pandemic, but it is clear to those who regularly interact with kids and adults. As someone who's active in clinical practice and remained 100% open and functional seeing patients throughout this pandemic, my heart is breaking seeing the devastation on human psychology. Dr. Amanda Haines Blonigen is trying to ...

How You're Perceived by Others

March 31, 2022 02:28 - 39 minutes - 55.4 MB

Are we connected or separate? Are the world events bringing you closer to mankind or splitting us apart? What does real data say about why people behave the way they do?  How would understanding more about the patterns of behavior and our values help the level of stress and attachment we all have to our viewpoints?  "We see reality not for what it is, but rather through our own eyes." Steven Covey. This episode is an introduction to allowing other viewpoints and perspectives to be what it is,...

Arthritis - Not just "bad luck"

March 19, 2022 20:22 - 32 minutes - 46.2 MB

Everyday I'm presented with patient's challenged by medical procedures based on dogma and the "one size fits all" application to health. Well, nothing is further from the truth and this goes especially for the most blatantly inept answer all too often given like, "...You'll just have to live with it." I can't tell you how many times I've heard this line of, quite Frankly - B.S.!  Arthritis and the pain associated with it are a multi-BILLION dollar pharmacological source of income by treating ...

Soda - Its Link to Inflammation

March 17, 2022 14:46 - 20 minutes - 29.7 MB

The most simple pleasures in life like drinking soda as a treat or refresher could very well be undermining all your attempts to stay youthful, have adequate energy, vitality and avoid joint degeneration among other chronic illnesses especially arthritis.  In this brief episode we pinpoint the simple effects of drinking soda and the strain it places on your innate homeostasis mechanism. Your body's ability to maintain a constant internal environment that is essential in your well-being. Join...

We're More Alike Than Different

December 14, 2021 12:30 - 29 minutes - 41.2 MB

Who's responsible for the perpetual story of divisiveness?  When we attach to the story or narrative sold to us through the media it has a very powerful influence on our current health status and our ability to either expand or shrink into the future. We're told to view things in certain ways by way of the mocking bird media. You're told to feel things for others based on certain behaviors,  recycled news, likes or dislikes. The legacy media tells the story and fully expects you to buy. ...

CuRe: Your Fatigue with Morley Robbins Part 2

December 10, 2021 14:47 - 55 minutes - 77.5 MB

This episode Continues our discussion with Morley on his new book CuRe: Your Fatigue. We dig into the concept of premature aging, oxidative stress and the role "Energy deficiency" plays in foundation of all other disorders that follow. Morley shares the research that uncovers the importance of Copper in the formation of energy as well as restricting the damage of oxidative stress. It's Geeky, but there is certainly takeaways for the vast audience makeup. Enjoy! is where you ...

CuRe: Your Fatigue - Interview With Morley Robbins

December 01, 2021 14:09 - 26 minutes - 36.8 MB

Part 1 of 2: Morley and I discuss his recent book “CuRe: Your Fatigue; How balancing 3 minerals and 1 protein is the solution that you’re looking for.” There are foundational principles in cellular metabolism and while this research has existed for nearly 100 years, today’s doctors are not trained to know or guide patients to restore energy and improve metabolism. Morley uncovers the truth behind the dysregulation of iron and how to rebalance 3 basic minerals to impact the body’s energy re...

Alec Zeck Interview

November 27, 2021 13:00 - 1 hour - 134 MB

This fall I had the chance to meet and share the stage with one of our veterans, patriots, father and truth teller, Alec Zeck. Not only was I blessed to have the opportunity to present with Alec, but on several occasions he delivered extraordinary insight using factual data shedding light on the "double talk" and starkly conflicting information presented by CDC, NIH, FDA and those "in charge." Alec has been de-platformed to restart his following several times to only be de-platformed and c...

Excited to BACK!

November 25, 2021 18:18 - 20 minutes - 29.5 MB

Life takes us along with it. We can force our agenda against outside forces we do not control or we can adapt and roll with the environment presented.  Silencing my voice over the last 6 months to support a bigger purpose has not only been painful, but also humbling to hold back.  It has primarily served as a necessary strategy to help advance some crucial legislation impacting all patient's and chiropractors in WI.  I'm back and more inspired than ever to bring light to the challenges we ...

What Does It Mean To Be Copper Deficient?

July 06, 2021 10:00 - 56 minutes - 78.9 MB

Morley and I discuss the challenges of Iron toxicity, energy production, and the challenges we all face with GMO’s, processed foods and our ability to have healthy levels of Copper in our body. What does it mean to be copper deficient? What do you do about it? How do you know you may be copper deficient and what will your doctor do about it?  Thanks for listening.  Morley’s contact information...

Reclamation: The Evolution of a Hot Mess

June 25, 2021 10:00 - 31 minutes - 44.3 MB

Dr. Lona Cook shares her story behind her new book titled; Reclamation: The Evolution of a Hot Mess. We all have struggles and challenges along our journey and yet it is how we respond that determines if and how fast we grow in those experiences, truly allowing our highest self to unfold. Lona takes us on her journey with great transparency; opening a Johari’s window of trust, exposing her warm heart as she shares her vulnerability that has helped along her path of success. I’m grateful for ...

Why Is Everyone Vit. D Deficient?

June 22, 2021 10:00 - 47 minutes - 65.8 MB

Vit. D acts as a hormone in the body. There are two forms specifically, that matter. What form is your doctor measuring in your lab work and why? Join Morley and I as we discuss the patterns of imbalance that create deeper inflammatory issues and contribute to iron toxicity which actually undermines every healthful thing you do for yourself.  Pay attention to the role Copper (Cu) plays in the metabolism of Iron and what other fat soluble vitamins compete with the Vit. D binding.

Risk vs. Reward w/Dr. Alan Palmer

June 19, 2021 12:27 - 36 minutes - 34.6 MB

Dr. Alan Palmer and I discuss the breadth of medical research that flies in the face of the Pharma propaganda that is the news the masses are following. Is there any logic to the massive push to immunize the masses, including our children when there is growing numbers of death and injuries? Numbers don't lie, but people and reporting systems surely do. Dr. Alan Palmer is the author of "1200 Studies; The Truth Will Prevail".  He can be found at

Copper's Role in Iron Toxicity

June 02, 2021 11:30 - 1 hour - 57.2 MB

Talking with Morley Robbins today about Copper and its role in Iron toxicity as well as its protective characteristics in your immune system. For cutting edge information about nutrition you will not get in the mainstream, check out this episode and learn how you can improve your levels of copper to improve your metabolic health. For more on Morley Robbins work, check out Root Cause Protocol 

Rapping w/Dr. Peter (Part 2)

May 22, 2021 11:30 - 39 minutes - 37.5 MB

Again, there is a massive amount of censorship with respect to anything that doesn’t agree with the owners of the social media, mainstream propaganda, central banking and the official C0V1D narrative. There’s no guessing. There’s no denying those who have positioned themselves as THE disseminator’s of our reality. Political and Globalist agendas are hiding in plain sight!

Rapping with Dr. Peter

May 20, 2021 13:37 - 34 minutes - 33 MB

I have more questions than answers and I think that's what keeps me young at heart. I'm grateful for many people in my life and one of those is Dr. Peter Slane. We chat often and the conversations are never light on content. We rarely record them...except for this time. Enjoy our chat session on a number of controversial topics with respect to our current state of affairs. You'll find credible challenges to the mainstream's version of intended reality.

New Nuremberg Trials 2021

May 13, 2021 11:00 - 29 minutes - 27.9 MB

The New Nuremberg Trials 2021 is an article written by an Independent Free Press called Breaking-News.CA A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, W.H.O., and the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Breaking-News.CA dated May 3, 2021

1200 Studies: Truth Will Prevail with Dr. Alan Palmer

April 11, 2021 22:00 - 51 minutes - 48 MB

There is so much evidence worth revealing; Your Freedom is at Stake with Dr. Alan Palmer Dr. Alan Palmer shares his research and strong body of evidence connecting the dots of the unholy alliance between Pharma, government and the Globalist movement toward the One World Order. The political motives are well defined and show clearly partisan lockstep resistance. In his book “1200 Studies Truth Will Prevail”, he documents the ever growing number of published studies exposing the truth behind...

The Secret to the Happy Healthy Guys

April 10, 2021 12:00 - 50 minutes - 47.5 MB

It’s not every day you get to meet real super heroes. Dr. Rob Vasquez and Dr. Randall Johns sat down with me for a candid interview to share a little bit of their health challenges and how it changed the direction of their lives. Both of them were poster boys for success, health and fitness and at different times had both experienced life changing health challenges. Check out how these two gentlemen turned their personal tragedies into their biggest vision to serve and have a positive impact...

Informed Consent with Dr. Vicky Pebsworth

April 02, 2021 11:00 - 37 minutes - 35.7 MB

Experience trumps theory any day of the week. There are too many unanswered questions regarding mandates and who’s behind the information you are getting in the media. “Informed Consent” is in essential part of medicine, health care and especially public health. How do vaccine proponents; “pro-vaxxers” become pro-health or pro choice and support a healthy dose of informed consent?  Dr. Vicky shares her experience of her family and how it changed her life and direction from a Registered Nurse...

Before you get the jab; LIVE with Dr. Neu

March 15, 2021 11:30 - 37 minutes - 35.3 MB

Dr. James Neuenschwander is board certified doctor of medicine and surgeon. As a result of his clinical experiences, over 20 years ago, he shifted his practice to integrative medicine when he began asking questions as to how to better serve patients with the overwhelming numbers of chronic health problems they'd present with. His research found him discovering ways to eliminate the toxins that prevented a healthy immune response. There is no proof as to how the injection will work, what the ...

How safe are they? Reality behind the Myth 2

February 26, 2021 12:00 - 31 minutes - 30.3 MB

Part 2.There’s an amazing strength in Dr. J. Mikovitz to get this message out to the world against all odds. She has been de-platformed from mainstream media sites like facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. She has been discredited by those in power for sharing the truth behind the corruption in the government. Her message is being censored at the highest levels. Although this content is quite deep, you can feel her passion for sharing her research for all to benefit.

How Safe are they?

February 24, 2021 15:04 - 29 minutes - 27.8 MB

In this clandestine interview with Dr. J. Mikovitz, prepare to gain some clarity as she shares the truth behind the mass Vax agenda that’s clearly not shared in the mainstream media. When fear drives the public’s behavior, the outcome will be absolutely tragic. There are too many questions not being answered and too many “drugs” raced to the market under the guise of “science” and “research.” It’s time to awaken to YOU getting answers that can help you make decisions from knowing, not perpet...

Does Meat Cause Cancer? Part2

December 26, 2020 13:00 - 32 minutes - 16.1 MB

Continuation of the conversation with factual historical data and perspective that remains open to logical approaches as to the nutrient density of animal proteins while intending to have a pragmatic approach. Consider how much protein is actually delivering healthy results. In the end, I’m a student of the game and take new information in daily, allowing me to continue to grow, shift and pivot perspective to better serve and help others.

Does Eating Meat Cause Cancer?

December 23, 2020 12:30 - 33 minutes - 16.3 MB

There are a dietary myths and perspectives that are well founded and others that are agonized through the scientific community. I have natural curiosity for the constant confusion as to health, where it comes from, what and who gets “blamed” for either ill-health and conversely what or whom may be responsible for good health. Theories about longevity, health, wellness, intertwined with psychosocial, psychographics and ideologies with respect to our present and future “green” plans. This seve...

Hormones Are A S.W.A.T. Team

December 17, 2020 04:49 - 1 hour - 29.3 MB

Hormones are a SWAT Team Hormones are serve a powerful role in the body. There are medically many versions that seek to manipulate or add hormones to the equation - your body. Yet, there’s a natural way to restore function and balance that serves the greater health of your body. Join Morley and I for this great discussion into the metabolic link with hormones as he gives us some great analogies to better understand how the body uses and has the capacity to coordinate hormonal balance.

Pre-Workout drinks

October 29, 2020 13:11 - 14 minutes - 7.61 MB

Being an athlete and into fitness since I was in Jr. High. My curiosity and affinity to develop the body, build strength with the key of doing it in a healthy, natural way, gives a little different perspective to "myth busting" in the fitness industry. Pre-Workout drinks; are they truly necessary? What is missing that you don't have energy to workout, repair and build your best body? Where does your body create energy?  How do we ignite that fire upstream? 

Energy; Sustainability and Economics

October 27, 2020 11:30 - 1 hour - 114 MB

Chris and I pick up with Energy and the pros and cons of many options as scientists continue to expand possibilities while the marketplace and Corporate behemoths and the Central Bankster’s restrict progress because of their financial interests. As an environmental engineer, Chris offers a reality check as to why these fascinating options for renewable energies have pros and cons that are not often addressed. This conversation was over an hour, but packed with great info and will help with b...

Climate changes and Energy

October 04, 2020 11:30 - 51 minutes - 24.4 MB

There’s a great deal of controversy around the actual vs. the theoretical climate changes and who are the biggest offenders of measurable greenhouse effects.  Animals? Humans? Industry? Corporate interests? This is actually part 1 of a series of progressive discussions from a ‘hands on’ environmental scientist and engineer who started with the dream of bridge building and now contributes to our livelihood by easing traffic flow and ultimately saving us time and wasted fuel emissions.

Sarah Hart from Melbourne, AUS Aug. 2020

October 01, 2020 14:55 - 47 minutes - 22.6 MB

Dr. Sarah Hart and I had a chance to catch up in an interview from the future. Yes, On Tuesday night (U.S.) we connected with her on Wednesday afternoon (Australia) the next day. Consciousness and making sense of the geo-political uncertainty and the absolutely crazy energy we're all becoming aware of. Enjoy part 1 of learning to expand as well as how to show up in a turbulent, uncertain, fear mongering environment. 

Who's Chris Koski?

August 20, 2020 17:35 - 38 minutes - 18.6 MB

Loved this raw, LIVE recorded conversation with new friend and brother, Chris Koski. Wow! Place yourself at a social gathering and someone introduces you to a friend of a friend, the conversation goes right into fascinating - I had to share. That was this discussion that I halted and got permission to record on my phone. This is raw and LIVE at a social gathering. Chris is not your average earth mover, project manager. He's a very educated environmental scientist and then some. I'm sharing s...

Environmental Toxins: LIVE with Ashley Meyer

July 30, 2020 15:15 - 36 minutes - 17.6 MB

How can you test for environmental stress in the body? How can you begin to detoxify and remove the stressors that are keeping you from feeling your best and truly achieving your health potential? Enjoy this interview with NRT practitioner Ashley Meyer of Organique Clinic in Tomahawk, WI. I love her work!

The Goal is Unity...although not easy!

June 30, 2020 11:30 - 47 minutes - 22.6 MB

We're in extremely uncertain and tense times. How can we find unity to stand together when the partisan political agenda is to create divisiveness among us? We are more alike than different. Dr. Frank and I discuss the range of emotional tension with strategies to remain open and re-establish communication and quite simply, restore humanity and compassion.

The Power of Infrared Sauna; Part 2

June 28, 2020 23:00 - 19 minutes - 9.83 MB

Part 2 of an in-depth discussion regarding the powerful health benefits of infrared technology that can be applied on a budget to best achieve true health for you and your family. We talk science, results and application, so you can yield the results that the behemoth medical industrial complex doesn't allow you to participate in. As a post-cancer thriver, this helped change my life. Robby Besner is an inventor and the developer of portable, storable infrared sauna as well as home harmoniz...