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Crosstalk America from VCY America

829 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 days ago - ★★★★★ - 205 ratings

Reporting news and analyzing issues affecting the world, the Church, and your family from a Biblical perspective. Crosstalk is a live hour-long call in program heard weekdays on over 100 radio stations across America, hosted by Jim Schneider and produced by VCY America

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Reaching Children with the Gospel

May 30, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

According to the World Population Review, there are approximately 2 billion children in the world ranging in age from 0-14. That's one-quarter of the world's population. --Sadly, children today are in the cross-hairs of efforts like the trans agenda and their admitted grooming and indoctrination. They're also being affected by broadcast and streaming TV, corporate America, social media, the educational system and other efforts.--All of these things magnify the need to reach children with the ...

Defending Children from the Trans Agenda

May 29, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Children today are being bombarded by the trans agenda. Some may use terms such as -indoctrination- or -grooming- to describe it and that's exactly what's taking place as an audio clip played by Jim proves. This grooming-indoctrination is happening in multiple ways and the guest on this broadcast describes these influences.--For this subject Crosstalk welcomed Rebecca Terrell. Rebecca is senior editor and regular contributor to the New American. In the current issue of The New American Rebecc...

A World in Struggle

May 28, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

We are witnessing a world struggle for domination and control of the population, land, energy and even your health. Right now, the World Health Assembly is meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, to finalize a vote on a pandemic treaty. There's also the struggle among nations as to who will-will not support Israel and the Jewish people. Then there's the current political struggle and the struggle over border control in America. Where is this leading and what might this mean for evangelical Christians...

What Meaneth These Stones?

May 27, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event. The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River. With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them.--We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way. Unfortunately, it's these statues a...

News Roundup and Comment

May 24, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

It was a very busy Crosstalk as Jim brought news stories from around the globe to the attention of listeners. Here's a brief sample-----Jim led off this program with condolences to Republican Missouri State Representative Ben Baker. His daughter and son-in-law died after violent gangs attacked them while they were serving as missionaries in Haiti.----The top U.N. court has ordered Israel to immediately halt their military offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza.----U.S. House of Representative Sp...

Escalating Toward Euthanasia

May 23, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life--What used to be called euthanasia evolved to become physician assisted suicide, mercy killing, and death with dignity. The newest attempt to soften this killing procedure is use of the phrase, medical aid ...

A Current Focus on Israel

May 22, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Dr. Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy. He is the founder and president of Discovery Missions. He's the author of numerous books including- Miracle of Israel, It Could Happen Tomorrow, Hell is for Real, Divorcing God- The Two Americas and The Event- The Dream of World Peace Realized.--On this broadcast, Gary shares the big picture when it comes to Israel. It's the fact that biblical prophecy will be fulfilled. Gary noted that we forget that such pr...

The Death of Iran’s President

May 21, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Michael Germi is a former Muslim, born in Iran into a Shia Muslim family. In this setting he learned to practice Islam praying 5 times a day toward Mecca. He fasted during Ramadan. He practiced self-mutilation for the cause of Allah. He migrated to Australia in 2006 and in 2009 found faith in Jesus Christ. He later moved to the U.S. where he now proclaims the Gospel to Islamic nations. He's written several Farsi Christian books and desires to plant churches around the world where Persians are...

Immigration Crisis Realities

May 20, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the Executive Director of Center for Immigration Studies. They are an independent, non-partisan research organization examining and critiquing the impact of immigration on the United States. He has testified numerous times before Congress and has published articles in many outlets. --The discussion began with a look at the surge of Chinese nationals coming to the U.S. at rates never before seen. In fact, Mark no...

Harsh Sentences Unleashed on Pro-Lifers

May 16, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

This broadcast highlights the sentencing of pro-lifers as a result of allegedly violating the FACE -Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances- Act. For example---Joan Andrews Bell, sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service and a -125 fine.-Lauren Handy, sentenced to 4 years in prison, 3 years supervision and a -125 fine.-John Hinshaw, sentenced to one year and a -125 fine.-Will Goodman, sentenced to 18 months and a -125 fine.--These are just 4 of several pro-lifers that Jim referred to fr...

Decline of Boy Scouts Leads to a Christian Alternative

May 15, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Mark Hancock is CEO of Trail Life USA and author of, Why Are We Sitting Here Until We Die----Sadly, we live in a society today that's lost its way to such an extent that many don't even seem to know the difference between male and female. Gender confused males are dominating women's sports and now the Boy Scouts, once known for their values and deep respect for both God and country, are dropping the word -Boy- from their name, changing it to -Scouting America-.--Since the Scouts have seemingl...

Pandemic Treaty: World Health Assembly Set To Convene

May 14, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

The 77th World Health Assembly takes place from May 27th through June 1st in Geneva, Switzerland. The theme is, -All for health, health for all.- This assembly is the main decision making body of the World Health Organization, comprised of 194 member states.--What this assembly has in store for us is what brought Mat Staver back to Crosstalk. Mat is founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. He's a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is an author an...

Israeli War and Independence Day

May 13, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Last week, Israel marked their Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time when they remember 6 million Jews that were killed by the Nazi regime. From that we fast-forward to October 7th, 2023, when Hamas, the terrorist group, unleashed a very brutal and barbaric attack against Israel. --Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to continue the Rafah operation in Gaza while today, Israel celebrates its independence as 76 years ago, Israel became a nation.--Returning to Crosstalk to discuss t...

Mother’s Day Tribute 2024

May 09, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Today we set aside the many issues going on in our world in order to pay tribute to Moms.--This coming Sunday is Mother's Day, which has been around for over 100 years. Though there were some varied celebrations of Mother's Day prior to this, the first official recognition of the holiday was in West Virginia in the early 1900's. Grafton, WV is viewed as being the birth place of Mother's Day.--It was May 14, 1914 that President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating the second Sunday...

50 in 5: Digital Public Infrastructure

May 08, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American.--The propulsion toward global governance is rapidly advancing as it takes shape on many fronts. For example, we know what's taking place as it relates to climate change and taking control of energy and population control. Then there's the World Health Organization and its push to erase the sovereignty of nations so that they can have power ...

Persecuted Christians Paying the Price

May 07, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Todd Nettleton is the host of the Voice of the Martyrs Radio and is Vice President of Message for the Voice of the Martyrs-USA. Todd is author of Forbidden- 40 Days on the Frontlines with Persecuted Christians.--Our Constitution recognizes the free exercise of religion, yet we take it for granted. We have Bibles available seemingly everywhere, even on our phones, yet do we use them-- Churches are still prevalent in America but are you attending as you should-- The fact is, we're often lackada...

The Targeting of Pre-Born Life

May 06, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Rev. Jim Harden is the President and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. His own center was targeted by abortion terrorism.--Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil- that put darkness for light, and light for darkness- that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter- -Isaiah 5-20---There appears to be a thirst for blood in our land that should shake our nation to its very core. America needs to realize that the dominant theme in this election cycle is the murdering of ...

Mike Gendron Rally - "Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception"

May 02, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.8 MB

As Dalton opened up the broadcast he asked the following questions- Where do you go for truth-- What is truth-- How can we know it----If these are questions you've asked yourself or others, you'll want to take notes on this broadcast called, Discerning Truth in the Age of Deception. This program was a rebroadcast of the VCY March 2024, Spring Rally that featured speaker Mike Gendron.--Dalton set the tone for the hour by playing audio from Mike as he quoted A.W. Pink, one of the most influenti...

Covid Shot Revelations and Pandemic Treaty

May 01, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center -NVIC-, a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982. NVIC is a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become on...

Natural Family Month

April 30, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

J.R. Harrison is the director of the National Family Foundation while Rob Pue is the founder - publisher of Wisconsin Christian News.--The natural family is under attack and targeted for destruction. Just look at how America has redefined terms such as -marriage-, -family-, -male- and -female-. When changed, what's to stop them from expanding to unknown levels-- --Consider the hijacking of our calendar. Gay pride day has turned into gay pride month. Now the GLAAD LGBTQ calendar has the follow...

Muslim Agenda for America

April 29, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Usama Dakdok is founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He's the speaker on the daily radio broadcast, Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Qur'an into English.--Pro-Islamic uprisings are taking place on university campuses across the nation. These universities have been called incubators of terrorism. Columbia University has been -ground zero- for these uprisings. It's spreading like wildfire with people like Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Oma...

Christian Nationalism

April 25, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and the President of Amerisearch Inc. He is the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast. He has authored numerous books including America's God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Who is the King in America--, and Socialism- The Real History From Plato to the Present - How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.--Increasingly we are barraged with the term -Christian Nationalism.- Here are some of...

Passover & Exploding Antisemitism

April 24, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Andy Ferrier is a Representative of the Midwest Messianic Center. Andy is burdened with reaching Jewish people with the good news that Jesus -Yeshua- is the Jewish Messiah.--An anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment is exploding on university campuses across the country especially in the bluest of cities. There are those calling for another -October 7th- on every day of the year. There are those calling for the Intifada, which is wiping Israel off the face of the earth. University campuses hav...

Whatever Happens: Standing Firm when the World is Falling Apart

April 23, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Robert J. Morgan is the Leader of Robert J. Morgan Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to energize God's people with a greater understanding and appreciation of the Bible and Christian heritage. He served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years.--Do you struggle in your faith as you observe a world that is falling apart-- Each day do you wake up wondering what is going to happen next and will you be able to survive-- We observe a political system that has run amok with more of o...

Demographic Winter

April 22, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Don Feder is a writer, researcher and columnist. He is a graduate of the Boston University College of Liberal Arts and the Boston University Law School. He was admitted to the practice of law in New York and Massachusetts. He was a Boston Herald editorial writer and syndicated columnist for 19 years. Since November of 2021, he has been a staff writer for the Washington Times. He has been a communications consultant, writer and conference organizer for various pro-life and pro-family NGO's. He...

The Attack on Israel: A View From Within

April 18, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

David Rubin is former mayor of Shiloh Israel as well as the author of seven books including, Confronting Radicals- What America Can Learn from Israel. He's the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children's Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. His websites are and He is in the region of Judea and Samaria.--David began by describing how he reacted upon hearing that Iran had sent missiles toward I...

By Whose Authority?

April 17, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Shahram Hadian is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ. He has served as a pastor, a police officer, and a former candidate for Governor in Washington State.--Some people today are conflicted when it comes to the issue of what authority we must give our allegiance-submission to in various situations. Some believe we must obey the government no matter what, while others take exception to that position.--So what does the Bible say-- Rom...

The Proliferation of the LGBTQ Movement

April 16, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Our present society has been compared to a Romans 1 society. Jim read verses 18-28 and if you do the same, you'll see how this parallels America today. It's especially pertinent as we see the LGBTQ- movement proliferating among us. Is this rebellion against God's design for mankind actually a judgment from God----To help answer that question and update listeners on how this movement continues to affect Christians, Crosstalk welcomed the return of Peter LaBarbera. Peter is founder and presiden...

New WHO Pandemic Treaty Unveiled

April 15, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Mat Staver is founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He's an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--The new World Health Organization -WHO- pandemic treaty has been unveiled. The intergovernmental negotiating body of the WHO has been meeting and refining the pandemic treaty in preparation for the 77th World Health Assembly which takes place May 27th through June ...

When a Nation Forgets God

April 11, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Many people are in distress as they see America as a nation in decline. However, if you could go back to the early 20th century, Germany didn't look like a nation that was on the brink of world-shaking terror. It looked like many of us have known the U.S. to be.--The guest on this edition of Crosstalk wrote a book in 2010 and it's as relevant today, perhaps even more so, than it was then. It warns us of a nation and its future that none of us wants to see. So what can we do in times like thes...

Abortion: Same Day, Same Court, Two Different Decisions

April 10, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Mat Staver is founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--Since the Dobbs decision was released that overturned Roe v. Wade, a battle has been underway in many states in the matter of either protecting human life or targeting it. --One of the more ironic happenings in this battle occurred in the state of Florida. On Apri...

Weaponization of Energy and Property Rights

April 09, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Increasingly, energy is being used as a weapon against the American people. Some are being denied the use of energy or there are curbs, penalties or denials on the use of energy. Couple this with the attack on personal property rights and you can see that we have a government that is overreaching and simply out of control. --Returning to Crosstalk to discuss the weaponization of energy and property rights was Tom DeWeese. Tom is president of American Policy Center.--Tom began by noting that w...

Weaponization of Energy & Property Rights

April 09, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Increasingly, energy is being used as a weapon against the American people. Some are being denied the use of energy or there are curbs, penalties or denials on the use of energy. Couple this with the attack on personal property rights and you can see that we have a government that is overreaching and simply out of control. --Returning to Crosstalk to discuss the weaponization of energy and property rights was Tom DeWeese. Tom is president of American Policy Center.--Tom began by noting that w...

Israel’s War Against Hamas Marks Six Months

April 08, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr. is speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years before returning to the U.S. for continued ministry. He's a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel. He is one of the speakers on Prophecy Today.--6 months ago yesterday, Hamas launched its deadly attack on Israel. More Israeli's were killed on October 7th, 2023, than at any time since Israel became a nation. --Dr. De...

The Case for Zionism

April 04, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.7 MB

Dr. Tommy Ice is the director of the Pre-Trib Research Center which he co-founded in 1994 with Dr. Tim LaHaye. He has authored or co-authored over 30 books, written hundreds of articles and is a frequent conference speaker. He's also served as a pastor for 17 years. He appeared on Crosstalk to discuss his book, 'The Case for Zionism- Why Christians Should Support Israel'.--According to Dr. Ice, Zionism involves people, including Christians, who believe that God has given Israel the land of Is...

Gender Dysphoria? Biological Integrity Initiative

April 03, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 23.6 MB

The numbers of children dealing with gender dysphoria is off the charts. The result-- A recent report out of the UK indicated over one-third of children on puberty blockers were experiencing worsened mental health. has reported on disturbing new data from the Canadian Institute for Health showing hundreds of minor girls from Canada have had their breasts removed in the past 5 years under the guise of treatment for gender confusion. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Pla...

A Nation Falling Apart at the Seams

April 02, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

With each passing day you can't help but wonder, what's next-- The things happening in America are happening so quickly. For example, just a few years ago we had the most secure borders ever and we were energy independent. Evidence indicates that America is more divided than ever and from the highest office in the land, Resurrection Sunday was hijacked by a transgender day of visibility.--So as you look at our nation from these facets as well as others, it's clear that America is -falling apa...

God at Work: Global Media Outreach

April 01, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Gene Sharp is a radio planting missionary serving with IBM -Independent Baptist Media- to carry the Gospel around the earth through technology.--It all began from humble beginnings when starting a Christian radio station in Ohio in 1997. So join Gene as he presents his testimonial timeline describing the effect of lives that continue to be impacted by the Gospel via Christian radio around the world. Station locations he discussed included Paupa New Guinea, the Catholic-heavy Philippines, Ugan...

What We See at Calvary

March 28, 2024 12:00 - 51 minutes - 35.8 MB

Those of us that follow Jesus and his teachings know that he has a message that must continue to go out. Souls are depending on it whether they know it or not. That's why Trail Ridge Camp in Hillsboro, Wisconsin, exists- to share the good news of Jesus Christ and what he did for sinners. --Last year, Trail Ridge Camp hosted their father-son retreat, which included hearing challenges from God's Word. This included the closing message just after the breakfast fellowship featuring Dr. Dean Taylo...

Remembering Terri Schiavo

March 27, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, also the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.--19 years ago on March 31, 2005, after almost 14 days without nutrition or hydration, Terri Schindler Schiavo died by severe dehydration. What was her crime-- Her crime was that she needed a feeding t...

SCOTUS Enters Abortion Pill Debate

March 26, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Mat Staver is founder - chairman of Liberty Counsel. He is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Mat is an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith - Freedom and Freedom's Call.--This program dealt with a number of issues, but the primary focus concerned recent Supreme Court cases. The first one dealt with the court's hearing of oral arguments on March 18th in the case of Murthy v. Missouri. At issue was the Biden administration's pressuri...

The Quest for Medical Privacy

March 25, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Twila Brase is president and co-founder of Citizens' Council for Health Freedom, a national patient-centered, privacy-focused, free-market policy organization to support health care choices, individualized patient care and medical and genetic privacy. Twila is a certified public health nurse and author of the eight-time award-winning book, Big Brother in the Exam Room- The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records. She's the speaker on the daily Health Freedom Minute heard on radio stat...

Who Am I? Solving the Identity Crisis

March 21, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

We have an identity crisis in America. People are trying to discover who they are, especially those from the younger generations. In fact, some will spend large sums of money to discover themselves on self-awareness retreats. With this phenomenon there's been a rise in attention on psychology, gender, sexuality and identity politics. Life has become subjective for many as their search is based on feelings and the flames of this model are being fanned by social media, politics and pop culture....

Immigration Enforcement Hangs in the Balance

March 20, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

The State of Texas has been overrun by those attempting to enter illegally. The safety of residents has been put in jeopardy, crime has increased, public services have been stretched, the healthcare system has suffered, disease has been brought in and more. The state is saying, -enough is enough- because the federal government has refused to follow the law so the state legislature and governor have stepped up to deal with the issue. The problem is that at every turn, they've been opposed and ...

Exposing Medical Collusion: The Grace Schara Story

March 19, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Scott Schara is the father of Grace Schara, the 19-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome who tested positive for COVID, was hospitalized and treated following the protocols carried out in hospitals across the country. Grace was ushered into eternity on October 13, 2021. Scott is presently engaged in a landmark lawsuit, Schara vs. Ascension Health et all. He warns about the dangers of incentivized healthcare. His work and story have been chronicled in a chapter of the Wall Street Journal Bestse...

History of the Income Tax

March 18, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 23.4 MB

April 15th is a day that has gone down in notoriety. On April 15, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln died. He was shot the night before in Ford's Theatre. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank, having struck an iceberg the night before. April 15, 1927, was the Great Mississippi Flood where some 15 inches of rain fell in 18 hours causing the river to break out of its levee system at well over 100 locations and caused flooding in 10 states. In 1954, April 15th became the deadline for filing income t...

News Roundup & Comment

March 15, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

The -Round-Up- brought the following stories and more to listeners this week-----Israeli and U.S. leaders reacted to what some are calling an unprecedented call by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for new elections in Israel. Schumer wants elections so Israeli citizens can replace the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.----The Israeli Defense Forces aided an international, non-profit organization in evacuating nearly 70 orphans from Gaza and transferring them to safety in Bet...

The Winds of Change: Revolting Against Leftist Policies

March 14, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Robert Knight is a former Los Angeles Times news editor, is a current columnist for the Washington Times and contributes to other publications as well. Robert has held senior positions in a number of pro-family organizations. He has written several books including The Coming Communist Wave- What Happens If the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government, Liberty on the Brink, and Crooked- What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud.--There are very intense efforts u...

Israel: We Must Not Forget October 7th

March 13, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church, and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He's the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. He has authored several books.--When you look at what's being said on university campuses today, when you hear politicians condemning Israel for taking direct action to protect he...

Pre-born Life in the Crosshairs

March 12, 2024 12:00 - 53 minutes - 36.9 MB

Rev. Jim Harden is president and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He's written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership and pro-life strategy.--This broadcast involved some tough-talk, not just about abortion, but the idea of what it really means t...