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Be the Scandal

64 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 15 ratings

Welcome to the Be the Scandal Podcast.

I'm your host, Dani Hickman. I’m a spiritual seeker, antique lover and a psychotherapist, coach and Reiki Master.

I’m on a mission to help people heal their trauma and liberate their most authentic self—without spending years in therapy.

If you want to live a life aligned with your most authentic self, you are in the right place.

This podcast is for the person who has spent years being a chameleon.

The person that made themselves small as a way to make others feel less distressed.

And lost themselves along the way.

This podcast is also for the person whose trauma has kept them disconnected from their most authentic self.

I see you,
I honor you,
I’m with you,
AND I invite you to reconnect to the power of being unapologetically YOU.

The power of exploring and anchoring into your most authentic self.

I invite all parts of you into this space because….at the core of this podcast is this ethos:

All parts of you are welcome here.

And, let’s be honest: those people you’ve been afraid to upset by being the authentic you—they’re probably going to talk about you anyways.

You might as well give them something to talk about—something that not only offers you the freedom of your authenticity but also the invitation to anyone in earshot: that they too can liberate their most authentic self.

Because this is what I know to be true:

When we have the courage to be our true selves, it gives others the permission to do so too.

If you’re ready to join the sacred rebellion of being your most authentic self—let’s be the scandal—all together, hand in hand.

I’m glad that you’re here—welcome to the journey.

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Ep.33 Creating A Life Aligned with Your Soul's Desires with Emily Spring

August 26, 2022 14:33 - 51 minutes - 118 MB

You've been feeling a tug on your heart coming from deep within...a calling to shift how you're expressing yourself out in the world. No matter how hard you try to ignore this calling from your soul, it persists—inviting you to pay attention to it, get to know it and move forward toward alignment with this desire.  And although this desire lights you up inside, there's resistance to the change this alignment would bring. A shift from your old identities, growing pains from sheddin...

Ep. 32- Boundaries: Honoring Your Sacred Yes & Sacred No with Amelia Nicodemus

August 19, 2022 14:30 - 42 minutes - 97.1 MB

You did it again... You said yes when you wanted to say no... ...and you regret it.  If you're exhausted by this pattern of relating and ready to honor your desires and set boundaries that are most aligned with you, we invite you to tune into this episode with guest Amelia Nicodemus.  Amelia is a founding expert of the Sacred Rebel Collective, a woman-led community helping women learn to love the parts of themselves that feel hardest to love---expanding into a life connected to ...

Ep. 31: Shame & Money with Caroline Tanis

August 12, 2022 14:15 - 45 minutes - 105 MB

Are you avoiding conversations surrounding money and your finances? Whether it's avoiding the truth of your finances in conversations with yourself, fear of judgement from friends and family about how you spend your money or limiting yourself in your dreams of building wealth---many of us are feeling stuck when it comes to the topic of money.  Although there are individualized factors that contribute to feeling uncomfortable with the topic of money, one culprit that encourages avo...

Ep. 31- Shame & Money with Caroline Tanis

August 12, 2022 14:15 - 45 minutes - 105 MB

Are you avoiding conversations surrounding money and your finances? Whether it's avoiding the truth of your finances in conversations with yourself, fear of judgement from friends and family about how you spend your money or limiting yourself in your dreams of building wealth---many of us are feeling stuck when it comes to the topic of money.  Although there are individualized factors that contribute to feeling uncomfortable with the topic of money, one culprit that encourages avo...

Ep.30-Identifying the Root of Your Suffering

August 08, 2022 16:40 - 16 minutes - 38.5 MB

As humans, we can’t avoid emotional pain—it’s inevitable. And although you can’t avoid the pain of the human experience, you can avoid creating unnecessary suffering for yourself amongst the pain. Suffering can come from many places, but in this episode, we’re diving into two places it could stem from: When you’re feeling stuck in your emotions, the ways you’re trying to cope with the pain could actually be creating suffering for yourself. Sometimes the here and now problem is b...

Ep.29-Collaborating with the Inner Critic

July 15, 2022 15:37 - 9 minutes - 21.6 MB

Feeling overwhelmed by the inner critic? Although it might seem counterintuitive, learning how to collaborate with this part of you is necessary if you're trying to free yourself from it's grips. The inner critic was born out of necessity—it came from an attempt to keep you safe and connected to those around you. Getting curious into the protective nature of the critic is a direct way to deepen your compassion and identify ways to support yourself outside of the inner critic's tac...

Ep. 28-Leading from Within with Heidi Metro

July 08, 2022 13:00 - 54 minutes - 125 MB

At some point in our lives, we’ve all outsourced decision making—abandoning who we are and morphing into whatever version of ourselves was most pleasing to those around us. And this works...until it doesn't.  If you're at a sacred crossroads where the status quo is no longer working for you, it might be time to invite yourself to lead from within and invite yourself back home to your inner wisdom.  In this episode, guest Heidi Metro shares what it truly means to lead from within—...

Ep. 27- Becoming a Sacred Rule Breaker with Psychotherapist Amy Gartenberg

July 01, 2022 16:00 - 46 minutes - 107 MB

We all have "rules" we've learned throughout our life—rules about who we "should" be, how we should live our life and expectations of others that we've slowly adopted as our own.  But what if these "rules" and expectations are no longer (or never have been) in alignment with who you truly are and who you desire to be? Learning to "live in the questions" about your programming and conditioning is an invaluable tool to exploring what "rules" it's time to break free of in order to l...

Ep.26-5 Tips for Supporting Someone You Love in Their Grief

June 24, 2022 16:00 - 12 minutes - 28.2 MB

Someone you love has just experienced the death of someone they love. You want to help and be supportive, but you feel as lost as they do. You’re not sure how to help or what to say, but know that you don’t want to be silent and opt for saying nothing. But how do we authentically support others when they’re grieving? When grieving, the best medicine is attunement—helping yourself and others to feel seen, heard and valued—especially in moments of emotional pain. Our bodies know ho...

Ep.25-The Impact of Living a Life Disconnected From Your Soul's Desires

June 13, 2022 15:00 - 9 minutes - 20.9 MB

Did you know some of your emotional distress could be caused by your self-abandonment? We all know the feeling—you said "yes" to something that you actually wanted to say "no" to. It seems like a small compromise, but when you are living your life in this way, this lack of congruency adds up. You find yourself living a life that feels like someone else's, not yours. Listen to this episode to learn what living with integrity means and the potential consequences of living a life out...

Ep. 24-Rebelling Against Self-Shame

June 03, 2022 18:40 - 6 minutes - 15.9 MB

Shame tells us, as women, we need to change who we are, change how we look and keep our true selves hidden in order to be found worthy by others. The inner critic uses shame as a tool to keep you “in line” and follow the directives you’ve learned about how you should or should not show up to life.  But despite the grips your inner critic might have on you, you CAN start claiming your worth. This journey of claiming your worth starts with rebelling against your inner critic—no lon...

Ep. 23- Are You Self-Abandoning for Your Self-Worth?

May 27, 2022 16:00 - 11 minutes - 26.4 MB

At some point in all of our lives, we’ve all upheld inauthentic versions of ourselves to make those around us most comfortable and maintain relationships. We’ve distorted who we are, kept ourselves small and dimmed our brilliance in order to ensure our acceptance by others.  Add our unhealed trauma to the mix and we have a perfect recipe for self-abandonment.  And, if we're being completely honest, this way of relating works...until it doesn't.  This episode is an invitation to g...

Ep. 22-Freeing Yourself From The Grips of Shame

May 20, 2022 14:00 - 10 minutes - 24.9 MB

Shame tells you to keep those things hidden that might threaten your connection with the people and groups you're a part of. It has deep roots in survival from a time when getting exiled would be a death sentence. You needed to be a part of the community in order to ensure your survival. So the things about you, the things you said and did that you're ashamed of? This was seen as one of the biggest threats to connection and to survival. But here’s the thing: it’s no longer a death...

Ep.21-Are You Stuck in the Transactional Self-Love Trap?

May 16, 2022 14:00 - 8 minutes - 19.4 MB

Many of us are struggling with self-love because we don’t know how to offer ourselves unconditional love. We all have our individualized versions of what love is—what it means to be loved, how we receive it and feel loved—and how to offer ourselves love. Unfortunately, many of us have learned a transactional way of receiving love—meaning in order to feel deserving of love, a transaction must take place. (Think of the little kid that learned to receive love and praise, they had to ...

Ep.20-The Struggle of Self-Forgiveness (& How to Support Yourself)

May 06, 2022 15:27 - 15 minutes - 36.5 MB

We’ve all done things we’re not proud of.  You know, those things you’ve done that you’re hoping no one else remembers or finds out about you?  When we think of these past behaviors, we're left feeling a range of emotions—from embarrassment to overwhelming shame. And when the shame feels like it gets too big? We not only avoid the memory but we start avoiding ourselves. Cancelling, disconnecting and endlessly shaming this part of us.  This episode isn’t about drudging up your pa...

Ep. 19-After the Trigger: Offering Yourself Love

April 15, 2022 20:40 - 14 minutes - 32.7 MB

It’s easy to judge yourself after an overreaction. The shameful thoughts come in: “I can’t believe I did that…” "I’m embarrassed I said that…” “Why did I act like that?” Although you can’t go back and change it, these moments can be growth opportunities—invitations to support yourself deeper and start shifting how you show up for yourself in the face of emotional pain. Listen to this episode for an invitation to support yourself after the trigger—all in the energy of curiosity...

Ep.18- A Radical, Self-Love Practice to Add to Your Morning Routine

April 08, 2022 16:20 - 9 minutes - 22.1 MB

There are endless ways to help cultivate self-love. Self-love practices are on a spectrum—some are loud, intense and others more subtle. A subtle, self-love practice doesn't mean a lack of impact. Sometimes, the most radical, self-love can be found in the most subtle of ways.  Listen to this episode to learn a quick, self-love practice to add to your morning routine! This practice is simple, yet, radical for cultivating authentic, self-love.  Like what you heard? Don't forget to ...

Ep. 17-Why Self-Care Feels Hard

March 30, 2022 16:20 - 11 minutes - 26.5 MB

Self-care can feel hard.  It's the thing you know you should be doing, yet, it's hard to find the time.  But what if your lack of a self-care routine is less about the lack of time and more about your connection to your worthiness? Listen to this episode for an invitation to get curious into why you aren't taking care of yourself—and it might not be what you think it is.  Like what you heard? Be sure to subscribe to Be the Scandal to join the sacred rebellion of being your most...

Ep. 16- It's Ok to Not Be Ok: How to Meet Yourself Where You Are

March 18, 2022 15:45 - 22 minutes - 51.7 MB

"It's ok to not be okay." This phrase easily gets thrown around—but what does it mean to embody the energy of, it's okay to not be ok? Learning how to truly be present with yourself—in all moments—is a skill necessary to cultivate deep, self-love. When you're trying to move as quickly as you can out of your present moment, you're missing an opportunity to process your emotions in a way that is conducive for growth AND an opportunity to extract the wisdom from your lived experience...

The Courage to be Disliked

March 09, 2022 15:15 - 18 minutes - 42.8 MB

We spend a lot of time and energy in efforts to be liked—changing who we are and abandoning our authenticity to be accepted by those around us.  Although small moments of self-abandonment may not feel like a high price to pay for the feeling of belonging, these moments can add up to you living a life that's not entirely your own.  When you don't know how to cope with being disliked, you find yourself stuck in a pattern of self-abandonment influenced by those around you. Learning h...

Ep. 15-The Courage to be Disliked

March 09, 2022 15:15 - 18 minutes - 42.8 MB

We spend a lot of time and energy in efforts to be liked—changing who we are and abandoning our authenticity to be accepted by those around us.  Although small moments of self-abandonment may not feel like a high price to pay for the feeling of belonging, these moments can add up to you living a life that's not entirely your own.  When you don't know how to cope with being disliked, you find yourself stuck in a pattern of self-abandonment influenced by those around you. Learning h...

Ep. 14- You Can Do Hard Things: How to Move Forward When You Want to Quit

February 25, 2022 15:00 - 15 minutes - 35.2 MB

You can do hard things. Although you might disconnect from this knowing in moments that feel hard, use this episode as a reminder. When moments feel difficult—maybe you’re experiencing something unfamiliar, or the moment is bringing a lot of emotional pain or you simply don’t want to do the thing—it’s important to learn how to support yourself in moving forward despite the obstacles. Sometimes your biggest obstacle in moving forward through difficult moments is yourself and how y...

Ep. 13- What is Your Shadow & How to Identify It

February 17, 2022 17:30 - 22 minutes - 52.3 MB

We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t like. Parts of us that we would like to get rid of and simply avoid the truth that they exist all together. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Well, not quite. Although you might not be acknowledging the existence of these parts of you—they do still exist and are most likely impacting you on a daily basis. When parts of you are left alone in the shadow, they’re like monsters that grow in the darkness—creating dysfunction for you person...

12: One Question to Radically Shift Your Dating Dynamics

February 09, 2022 14:40 - 20 minutes - 45.8 MB

Are you dating in the energy of trying to be chosen OR dating in the energy of being the chooser? If your answer is the former, this episode is for you! Dating from a place of trying to be “chosen” means you’re doing what you can to be picked by a potential partner—all in efforts to attain a sense of worthiness. When you’re outsourcing your worth to another person, this only creates the illusion of self-worth and, sometimes, the illusion of love. Unfortunately, this isn’t sustai...

Ep. 12- One Question to Radically Shift Your Dating Dynamics

February 09, 2022 14:40 - 20 minutes - 45.8 MB

Are you dating in the energy of trying to be chosen OR dating in the energy of being the chooser? If your answer is the former, this episode is for you! Dating from a place of trying to be “chosen” means you’re doing what you can to be picked by a potential partner—all in efforts to attain a sense of worthiness. When you’re outsourcing your worth to another person, this only creates the illusion of self-worth and, sometimes, the illusion of love. Unfortunately, this isn’t sustai...

Ep. 11- The Truth About Why You're Staying in Unhealthy Relationships

February 01, 2022 14:30 - 16 minutes - 37.4 MB

You know it’s time to walk away from the relationship. But, for some reason, you aren’t rushing to end it—you’re actually finding yourself ignoring your intuition maintaining it. Even when you know what you need to do, sometimes you still find yourself dragging your feet and avoiding the inevitable ending. But why? Whether it’s clinging to an unhealthy romantic relationship, friendship or work environment, there are countless reasons why we stay in relationships that aren’t expa...

11. The Truth About Why You're Staying in Unhealthy Relationships

February 01, 2022 14:30 - 16 minutes - 37.4 MB

You know it’s time to walk away from the relationship. But, for some reason, you aren’t rushing to end it—you’re actually finding yourself ignoring your intuition maintaining it. Even when you know what you need to do, sometimes you still find yourself dragging your feet and avoiding the inevitable ending. But why? Whether it’s clinging to an unhealthy romantic relationship, friendship or work environment, there are countless reasons why we stay in relationships that aren’t expa...

(Mentoring) The Truth About Why You're Staying in Unhealthy Relationships

February 01, 2022 14:30 - 16 minutes - 37.4 MB

You know it’s time to walk away from the relationship. But, for some reason, you aren’t rushing to end it—you’re actually finding yourself ignoring your intuition maintaining it. Even when you know what you need to do, sometimes you still find yourself dragging your feet and avoiding the inevitable ending. But why? Whether it’s clinging to an unhealthy romantic relationship, friendship or work environment, there are countless reasons why we stay in relationships that aren’t expa...

10. 2 Blockages to Making Decisions & A Tool to Help You Find Clarity in Decision Making

January 20, 2022 16:08 - 15 minutes - 35.3 MB

We spend a lot of time in the energy of indecision by putting effort into our narratives about our decisions—saying things like: “I don’t know what to do…” or “I’m confused…” Or any kind of avoidance-driven narrative in the energy of, “What problem?” When we’re unable to see what is underneath our narratives and be present in the truth of the moment—we keep ourselves stuck in restrictive relationships, environments and emotional suffering. Sometimes it can feel “safer” to stay s...

Ep. 10- 2 Blockages to Making Decisions & A Tool to Help You Find Clarity in Decision Making

January 20, 2022 16:08 - 15 minutes - 35.3 MB

We spend a lot of time in the energy of indecision by putting effort into our narratives about our decisions—saying things like: “I don’t know what to do…” or “I’m confused…” Or any kind of avoidance-driven narrative in the energy of, “What problem?” When we’re unable to see what is underneath our narratives and be present in the truth of the moment—we keep ourselves stuck in restrictive relationships, environments and emotional suffering. Sometimes it can feel “safer” to stay s...

(Mentoring) 2 Blockages to Making Decisions & A Tool to Help You Find Clarity in Decision Making

January 20, 2022 16:08 - 15 minutes - 35.3 MB

We spend a lot of time in the energy of indecision by putting effort into our narratives about our decisions—saying things like: “I don’t know what to do…” or “I’m confused…” Or any kind of avoidance-driven narrative in the energy of, “What problem?” When we’re unable to see what is underneath our narratives and be present in the truth of the moment—we keep ourselves stuck in restrictive relationships, environments and emotional suffering. Sometimes it can feel “safer” to stay s...

9. Using Discernment When Receiving (and Internalizing) Reflections of Who You Are

December 29, 2021 13:45 - 15 minutes - 35.2 MB

We’ve been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for our sense of self and self-worth. We look to others to tell us who we are, who we should be and if who we are is pleasing and “good enough.” At a young age, this served a purpose to keep up safe and connected to those around us. However, sometimes not everyone who is reflecting to us “who we are” are accurate mirrors—their reflections of us can be rooted in codependency and through the lens of their individual traumas and wha...

Ep. 9- Using Discernment When Receiving (and Internalizing) Reflections of Who You Are

December 29, 2021 13:45 - 15 minutes - 35.2 MB

We’ve been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for our sense of self and self-worth. We look to others to tell us who we are, who we should be and if who we are is pleasing and “good enough.” At a young age, this served a purpose to keep up safe and connected to those around us. However, sometimes not everyone who is reflecting to us “who we are” are accurate mirrors—their reflections of us can be rooted in codependency and through the lens of their individual traumas and wha...

(Mentoring) Using Discernment When Receiving (and Internalizing) Reflections of Who You Are

December 29, 2021 13:45 - 15 minutes - 35.2 MB

We’ve been conditioned to look outside of ourselves for our sense of self and self-worth. We look to others to tell us who we are, who we should be and if who we are is pleasing and “good enough.” At a young age, this served a purpose to keep up safe and connected to those around us. However, sometimes not everyone who is reflecting to us “who we are” are accurate mirrors—their reflections of us can be rooted in codependency and through the lens of their individual traumas and wha...

Intro to Boundaries

December 23, 2021 15:06 - 18 minutes - 41.5 MB

Boundaries. What we all need, yet, many of us shy away from.  We all have our own, individualized narratives about boundaries—what they are and what they “say” about us. Tune into this episode for a short introduction into the conversation of boundaries. Listen to learn my take on what boundaries are, why we’re not setting them and a quick embodiment exercise to explore how boundaries (and a lack of) feels like in your body. Like what you hear? Don't forget to click subscribe to...

8. Intro to Boundaries

December 23, 2021 15:06 - 18 minutes - 41.5 MB

Boundaries. What we all need, yet, many of us shy away from.  We all have our own, individualized narratives about boundaries—what they are and what they “say” about us. Tune into this episode for a short introduction into the conversation of boundaries. Listen to learn my take on what boundaries are, why we’re not setting them and a quick embodiment exercise to explore how boundaries (and a lack of) feels like in your body. Like what you hear? Don't forget to click subscribe to...

Ep. 8- Intro to Boundaries

December 23, 2021 15:06 - 18 minutes - 41.5 MB

Boundaries. What we all need, yet, many of us shy away from.  We all have our own, individualized narratives about boundaries—what they are and what they “say” about us. Tune into this episode for a short introduction into the conversation of boundaries. Listen to learn my take on what boundaries are, why we’re not setting them and a quick embodiment exercise to explore how boundaries (and a lack of) feels like in your body. Like what you hear? Don't forget to click subscribe to...

(Mentoring) Intro to Boundaries

December 23, 2021 15:06 - 18 minutes - 41.5 MB

Boundaries. What we all need, yet, many of us shy away from.  We all have our own, individualized narratives about boundaries—what they are and what they “say” about us. Tune into this episode for a short introduction into the conversation of boundaries. Listen to learn my take on what boundaries are, why we’re not setting them and a quick embodiment exercise to explore how boundaries (and a lack of) feels like in your body. Like what you hear? Don't forget to click subscribe to...

Ep. 7- 4 Tips for Processing Grief & Emotional Pain

December 06, 2021 15:47 - 17 minutes - 39.8 MB

The past few years have been marked with loss—no person has been left untouched by grief.  Whether you’ve experienced a loved one or friend dying, the death of a pet, the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, the loss of the life you used to know—the person you used to be—we’ve all experienced significant loss these last few years.   But how do we support ourselves and those people we love when they’re grieving?  Tune into this episode to learn how you can begin holding safe, in...

(Mentoring) 4 Tips for Processing Grief & Emotional Pain

December 06, 2021 15:47 - 17 minutes - 39.8 MB

The past few years have been marked with loss—no person has been left untouched by grief.  Whether you’ve experienced a loved one or friend dying, the death of a pet, the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, the loss of the life you used to know—the person you used to be—we’ve all experienced significant loss these last few years.   But how do we support ourselves and those people we love when they’re grieving?  Tune into this episode to learn how you can begin holding safe, in...

7. 4 Tips for Processing Grief & Emotional Pain

December 06, 2021 15:47 - 17 minutes - 39.8 MB

The past few years have been marked with loss—no person has been left untouched by grief.  Whether you’ve experienced a loved one or friend dying, the death of a pet, the loss of a relationship, loss of a job, the loss of the life you used to know—the person you used to be—we’ve all experienced significant loss these last few years.   But how do we support ourselves and those people we love when they’re grieving?  Tune into this episode to learn how you can begin holding safe, in...

How to Stop Outsourcing Your Decisions & Start Listening to Your Intuition with Kimberly Manley, Intuitive & Teacher of Mindfulness and Intentional Thought

November 29, 2021 14:30 - 38 minutes - 87.4 MB

If you’ve been exploring the personal and spiritual growth space, you’ve heard these phrases when it comes to decision making: “Trust your intuition.” “Go with your gut.” And these statements are great advice—WHEN you know how to connect with your intuition. But what if you feel disconnected from this part of you? What if you feel hurt by past decisions you've made? What if you don't fully believe you have an intuitive part? I believe everyone is intuitive—the only difference...

Ep. 6- How to Stop Outsourcing Your Decisions & Start Listening to Your Intuition with Kimberly Manley, Intuitive & Teacher of Mindfulness and Intentional Thought

November 29, 2021 14:30 - 38 minutes - 87.4 MB

If you’ve been exploring the personal and spiritual growth space, you’ve heard these phrases when it comes to decision making: “Trust your intuition.” “Go with your gut.” And these statements are great advice—WHEN you know how to connect with your intuition. But what if you feel disconnected from this part of you? What if you feel hurt by past decisions you've made? What if you don't fully believe you have an intuitive part? I believe everyone is intuitive—the only difference...

6. How to Stop Outsourcing Your Decisions & Start Listening to Your Intuition with Kimberly Manley, Intuitive & Teacher of Mindfulness and Intentional Thought

November 29, 2021 14:30 - 38 minutes - 87.4 MB

If you’ve been exploring the personal and spiritual growth space, you’ve heard these phrases when it comes to decision making: “Trust your intuition.” “Go with your gut.” And these statements are great advice—WHEN you know how to connect with your intuition. But what if you feel disconnected from this part of you? What if you feel hurt by past decisions you've made? What if you don't fully believe you have an intuitive part? I believe everyone is intuitive—the only difference...

(Mentoring) How to Shift Your Shameful, Inner Dialogue

November 26, 2021 13:00 - 9 minutes - 21.7 MB

Unfortunately, we're often judgmental and shaming toward ourselves during what should be the healing process. There are probably terrible things you say to yourself that you would never say to someone you love. I’ll go ahead and admit I'm guilty of this sort of negative internal dialogue. And I’m curious if you're guilty of this too?  Engaging in a judgmental, shaming inner dialogue isn’t propelling any of us forward. Learning how to navigate and shift this dialogue is essentia...

Ep. 5- How to Shift Your Shameful, Inner Dialogue

November 26, 2021 13:00 - 9 minutes - 21.7 MB

Unfortunately, we're often judgmental and shaming toward ourselves during what should be the healing process. There are probably terrible things you say to yourself that you would never say to someone you love. I’ll go ahead and admit I'm guilty of this sort of negative internal dialogue. And I’m curious if you're guilty of this too?  Engaging in a judgmental, shaming inner dialogue isn’t propelling any of us forward. Learning how to navigate and shift this dialogue is essentia...

5. How to Shift Your Shameful, Inner Dialogue

November 26, 2021 13:00 - 9 minutes - 21.7 MB

Unfortunately, we're often judgmental and shaming toward ourselves during what should be the healing process. There are probably terrible things you say to yourself that you would never say to someone you love. I’ll go ahead and admit I'm guilty of this sort of negative internal dialogue. And I’m curious if you're guilty of this too?  Engaging in a judgmental, shaming inner dialogue isn’t propelling any of us forward. Learning how to navigate and shift this dialogue is essentia...

Learning to Love Yourself Through Inner Child Work with Psychotherapist Melissa Greene

November 22, 2021 14:56 - 30 minutes - 69.5 MB

The phrase “Inner child work” is quite popular these days—there are a lot of people out in the ether speaking about this work and the depths of healing that come from it. But, if you’re wondering what the heck inner child work is and why we can’t stop talking about it, I’m excited to introduce you to my guest on this week’s episode—my friend and my mentor, Melissa Greene. Melissa is a psychotherapist based in Nashville, TN and she is sharing her wisdom surrounding inner child work....

4. Learning to Love Yourself Through Inner Child Work with Psychotherapist Melissa Greene

November 22, 2021 14:56 - 30 minutes - 69.5 MB

The phrase “Inner child work” is quite popular these days—there are a lot of people out in the ether speaking about this work and the depths of healing that come from it. But, if you’re wondering what the heck inner child work is and why we can’t stop talking about it, I’m excited to introduce you to my guest on this week’s episode—my friend and my mentor, Melissa Greene. Melissa is a psychotherapist based in Nashville, TN and she is sharing her wisdom surrounding inner child work....

Ep. 4- Learning to Love Yourself Through Inner Child Work with Psychotherapist Melissa Greene

November 22, 2021 14:56 - 30 minutes - 69.5 MB

The phrase “Inner child work” is quite popular these days—there are a lot of people out in the ether speaking about this work and the depths of healing that come from it. But, if you’re wondering what the heck inner child work is and why we can’t stop talking about it, I’m excited to introduce you to my guest on this week’s episode—my friend and my mentor, Melissa Greene. Melissa is a psychotherapist based in Nashville, TN and she is sharing her wisdom surrounding inner child work....