American Elections: Wicked Game artwork

American Elections: Wicked Game

86 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 month ago - ★★★★★ - 3.1K ratings

On February 10th, 1796, Vice President John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, lamenting the state of discourse in the country. The election was nearing—and becoming heated. Newspapers screamed, factions warred, and John Adams was dismayed with what he called “the wicked Game.”

Americans in 2023 can relate. They still have to endure months of shouting, outrage, and the worst sort of political rancor as the country once again chooses its president.

But it’s almost always been this way. And to prove it, American Elections: Wicked Game will review the entire history of presidential elections, from the unanimous and inevitable election of George Washington in 1789 to Donald Trump’s surprise electoral victory in 2016—and his contested defeat in 2020.

From the host of the American History Tellers and American Scandal, this podcast will explore all 59 presidential elections to discover that there never never was a “good ol’ days,” and that presidential politics has always been played dirty.

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1928, Hoover vs. Smith: Master of Emergencies

May 21, 2024 07:00 - 45 minutes

In the wake of an unprecedented natural disaster, Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover lives up to his reputation as a Master of Emergencies and solidifies his status as the presumptive Republican nominee. To beat him, Democratic Governor Al Smith of New York will have to face off against the Republicans and the forces of opposition in the South. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made ju...

1924, Coolidge vs. Davis vs. La Follette: Silence is Golden

May 14, 2024 07:00 - 44 minutes

After the death of Warren G Harding, Vice President Calvin Coolidge inherits a booming economy, but he also inherits one of the biggest political scandals in American history. To win his party’s nomination and overcome the Teapot Dome scandal, Calvin Coolidge must live up to his nickname: Silent Cal. To beat Coolidge, Democratic nominee John W. Davis must overcome a bitterly divided Democratic party and a third party challenger, the Progressive Party’s Robert M LaFollette. *** To listen to th...

1920, Harding vs. Cox vs. Debs: A Return to Normal

May 07, 2024 07:00 - 46 minutes

In the aftermath of a bloody world war and a catastrophic global pandemic, the Democrats shun President Woodrow Wilson and dash his hopes to be the first American president to serve three terms. While the Democrats go to war over the future of their party, Republican nominee Warren G. Harding seeks to give the American people something they truly crave: normalcy. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of hist...

1916, Hughes vs. Wilson: He Kept Us Out of War!

April 30, 2024 07:00 - 46 minutes

As war brews overseas in Europe, Democratic President Woodrow Wilson strives to keep America out of the war and to keep his prospects for a second term alive. To keep the White House, Wilson goes toe to toe with Republican Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes in a contest that is defined by domestic turmoil, international strife and personal animus. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podc...

1912, Wilson vs. Taft v. Roosevelt: The Bull Moose

April 23, 2024 07:00 - 50 minutes

Teddy Roosevelt comes out of retirement and returns to the political fold to unseat his longtime political friend and ally, President William Howard Taft. As both parties struggle to hold their progressive and conservative factions together, Democrat Woodrow Wilson seeks to ride the wave of progressivism, capitalize on a divided Republican party, and win first place in a heated three way race. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at Int...

1908, Taft vs. Bryan: A Significant Loser

April 16, 2024 07:00 - 43 minutes

Teddy Roosevelt’s hand-picked successor, Republican William Howard Taft, faces off against Democrat William Jennings Bryan. In his third and final presidential campaign, Bryan preaches the gospel of populism. In the end, his progressive ideas are no match for Roosevelt’s legacy, but Bryan’s failed campaign pushes the Democrat party out of the past and into the 20th Century. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a chan...

1904, Parker vs. Roosevelt: Rough Rider

April 09, 2024 07:00 - 45 minutes

In the aftermath of President McKinley’s assassination at the hands of an anarchist, Vice President Teddy Roosevelt, a man known for his physical and mental strength, rises to power and to the occasion. In the 1904 contest, the Democrats, and their candidate Judge Alton B Parker, learn a hard lesson about Teddy Roosevelt: anyone standing in his way is bound to suffer a beating. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a ...

1900, McKinley vs. Bryan: The Rise and Fall of Empires

April 02, 2024 07:00 - 44 minutes

In a tumultuous period defined by change, innovation, expansion and war, the stage is set for a rematch between incumbent Republican William McKinley and Democrat William Jennings Bryan. After McKinley’s Vice President dies in office, a new star rises to power in the Republican Party. Teddy Roosevelt comes to Washington and on the heels of a new age in American politics: the Progressive Era. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoH...

1896, Bryan vs. McKinley: The Battle of the Standard Bearers

March 26, 2024 07:00 - 47 minutes

In the wake of the greatest economic depression in the country’s history so far, the Democrats battle it out over the future of monetary policy. In the midst of the debate, former Nebraska congressman William Jennings Bryan emerges as the Democrat Candidate. To win the election, Bryan will have to get the best of an affable Governor from Ohio with a message of hope for a suffering nation: William McKinley. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subs...

1892, Harrison vs. Weaver vs. Cleveland: The Centennial President

March 19, 2024 07:00 - 45 minutes

Benjamin Harrison, the Centennial President, survives a deadly strike, an international conflict, and the massacre at Wounded Knee. On the campaign trail, Harrison fights to overcome these obstacles and get the best of not one, but two challengers: former Democrat President Grover Cleveland and James Weaver of the Populist Party. During his campaign for re-election, Harrison’s prospects are further threatened by the death of a loved one. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—righ...

1888, Cleveland vs. Harrison: Tariffs and Truths

March 12, 2024 07:00 - 46 minutes

Social unrest rocks the nation as labor riots, economic anxiety and widespread racial violence threaten Grover Cleveland’s chances for a second term. In the midst of the turmoil, President Cleveland faces off against the grandson of a former president, a deft campaigner, and a rising star in the Republican Party: Benjamin Harrison. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for histo...

1884, Blaine vs. Cleveland: Tell the Truth

March 05, 2024 08:00 - 44 minutes

In an era known for corruption in politics, two presidential candidates strive for honesty and transparency: Republican James Blaine and Democrat Grover Cleveland. But as Cleveland and Blaine each advocate for their version of change, the forces of resistance to change circle the wagons around the decades old Washington tradition of federal patronage, also known as “the Spoils System.” *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at IntoHistory...

1880, Hancock vs. Garfield: Maelstrom

February 27, 2024 08:00 - 50 minutes

After Rutherford B Hayes steps aside, James Garfield rises to become the Republican nominee. To win the White House, Garfield fights to unite his party at the Republican Convention and get the best of a war hero Democrat. Hancock and Garfield battle it out for the presidency against the backdrop of the Gilded Age; an era infamous for greed, graft and corruption. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of histo...

1876, Tilden vs. Hayes: Faustian Bargain

February 20, 2024 08:00 - 50 minutes

Fed up with the scandals of the Grant Administration, Republicans find a new leader in Rutherford B Hayes. To keep the White House Republican, Hayes will have to get the best of a do-gooder Democrat from New York with a reputation for uncompromising honesty: Samuel J Tilden. With the election too close to call, and the country in chaos, Republicans and Democrats in Congress strike a back room bargain that has disastrous consequences for the millions of newly freed Black Americans in the South...

1872, Greeley vs. Grant: Progress Under Siege

February 13, 2024 08:00 - 51 minutes

As President Grant seeks to protect the rights of the Freedmen, the forces of opposition inside the Democratic party zero in on his administration. In the run up to the 1872 election Grant battles his personal demons, a never ending list of political scandals, and the enemies of progress. To make good on his promise to the Freedmen, Grant goes to war with violent forces inside the Democratic party hell bent on turning back the clock on progress, and keeping the Freedmen away from the polls. *...

1868, Seymour vs. Grant: The Rise of the General

February 06, 2024 08:00 - 48 minutes

The death of Abraham Lincoln sets the stage for one of the greatest political showdowns in American history. On one side stands President Andrew Johnson, a notorious drunk and bigot who was sympathetic to the South. On the other side, Edwin M Stanton and the Radical Republicans in Congress, who want to secure Abraham Lincoln’s legacy and protect the 4 million Freed Slaves in the South. The Reconstruction era brings with it a series of firsts: the end of the Civil War, the first president assa...

1864, McClellan vs. Lincoln: Providence.

January 30, 2024 08:00 - 49 minutes

While President Lincoln battles the Confederacy down South, he fights to keep the White House from the clutches of the Democratic Party. In the midst of the Civil War, Lincoln faces off against a disgruntled General, a divided constituency and broken country. To win, Lincoln takes the first step towards finally confronting America’s original sin and makes the war, and the election of 1864, a referendum on a divisive political and moral issue: emancipation. *** To listen to the entire series—a...

1860, Lincoln vs. Douglas: A House Divided

January 23, 2024 08:00 - 48 minutes

With the nation on the brink of disunion, two Illinois politicians battle it out for the soul of the country: Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln and Democrat candidate Stephen Douglass. Lincoln’s decisive victory is bittersweet. His ascension to the White House brings with it secession, assassination plots, the formation of the Confederacy and in the end: all out Civil War. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a ch...

1856, Fremont vs. Buchanan vs. Fillmore: The End of Compromise

January 16, 2024 08:00 - 46 minutes

The issue of slavery takes a bloody turn as sectional tensions turn violent in the West. “Bloody Kansas” deprives President Pierce of his party’s nomination and leaves the door open for Democrat Candidate James Buchanan to take the reigns. With the Whig party in tatters, Buchanan faces off against two new political factions: a third party called the Know Nothings, and a brand new faction that is now known as The Republican Party. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now an...

1852, Scott vs. Pierce: Bursting at the Seams

January 09, 2024 08:00 - 45 minutes

In the wake of President Zachary Taylor’s sudden death, Millard Fillmore signs into law the Compromise of 1850, the so called “final settlement” on the issue of slavery. But the Compromise has unintended consequences. As regional interests trump party loyalty, the second Two Party System begins to crumble giving rise to five third parties and two nearly indistinguishable candidates from both sides of the aisle: Whig candidate General Winfield Scott and Democrat candidate Franklin Pierce. *** ...

1848, Cass vs. Taylor: Old Rough and Ready

January 02, 2024 08:00 - 45 minutes

In the wake of the Mexican-American war, the US gains two new territories: California and New Mexico. The victory over Mexico once again puts slavery at the center of the national political dialogue and it gives rise to a national hero. Whig candidate General Zachary Taylor rides his wave of popularity all the way to the White House in a victory over another war hero: Democratic Candidate Colonel Lewis Cass. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a su...

1844, Clay vs. Polk: His Accidency

December 26, 2023 08:00 - 43 minutes

After President Harrison passes away just one month into his term, Vice President John Tyler becomes the first accidental president in US History. While Tyler fights for the legitimacy of his presidency and sets precedents for future succession, the Whigs and Democrats fight it out on the campaign trail. Whig candidate Henry Clay and Democrat candidate James K Polk go head to head over the issue of Texas and the expansion of slavery. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right no...

1840, Van Buren vs. Harrison: Ole Tip

December 19, 2023 08:00 - 44 minutes

The Whigs seek to deny President Martin Van Buren a second term by taking a page out of the Republican playbook, and run a war hero candidate of their own: General William Henry Harrison; the hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe, a man the Whigs portray as a hero of the common man. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early rele...

1836, Van Buren vs. the Whigs: Sin on the Ballot

December 12, 2023 08:00 - 47 minutes

As Jackson’s Vice President Martin Van Buren struggles to secure his place as Jackson’s Heir Apparent, the newly formed Whig party struggles to form a national identity. The Whigs unite against Van Buren with another political faction called the Antimasons; America’s first third party. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, ea...

1832, Jackson vs. Clay: The Reign of King Mob

December 05, 2023 08:00 - 42 minutes

Jackson and the Democrats battle to defend Jackson’s presidency from Henry Clay and an onslaught of personal and political attacks. The death of his wife Rachel fuels Jackson’s desire for revenge and sets the table for a showdown between the Washington establishment and the common man.  *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, e...

1828, Adams vs. Jackson: The General’s Vengeance

November 28, 2023 08:00 - 43 minutes

In the 1828 contest, the party label of “Democratic-Republican” splits in half, giving birth to two new political factions: the Democrats and the National Republicans. General Andrew Jackson rides a populist wave all the way to the White House, depriving President John Quincy Adams a second term.  *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free l...

1824, Adams vs. Jackson: End of an Era

November 21, 2023 08:00 - 46 minutes

As America’s regions battle over their disparate interests, five presidential candidates emerge. The 1824 election signals the end of the Era of Good Feelings, the crumbling of the old political establishment, and a new era of American politics.  *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early releases, bonus content and more, on...

1820, Monroe Unopposed: A Good Run

November 14, 2023 08:00 - 43 minutes

In the last uncontested election in US history, President James Monroe presides over the “Era of Good Feelings.” With the nearly extinct Federalist party on the ropes, in order to win a second term, Monroe fights through a devastating economic depression, a moral crisis over the issue of slavery and a deeply divided Republican party. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for his...

1816, Monroe vs. King: The Virginia Dynasty

November 07, 2023 08:08 - 43 minutes

In his country’s hour of need, President Madison puts his hopes in Secretary of State James Monroe. Monroe’s heroic actions in the War of 1812 help save the country, bolster his national reputation and define the landscape of the 1816 election. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early releases, bonus content and more, only...

1812, Madison vs. Clinton: The Wartime Candidate

November 07, 2023 08:07 - 40 minutes

During Madison’s first term, US neutrality in the ongoing conflict between France and Britain is put to the test. Madison has no choice but to defend his country against British oppression; and to defend his presidency against a threat growing within the ranks of his own party; a rising political star from New York named DeWitt Clinton. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for ...

1808, Madison vs. Pinckney: Two Virginians

November 07, 2023 08:06 - 44 minutes

James Madison is Thomas Jefferson’s heir apparent. To win the presidency, Madison will have to deal with a growing threat inside his own party: the Tertium Quids. Upset by Madison’s actions as Jefferson’s Secretary of State, the Quids turn their back on Madison and embrace another political powerhouse from the state of Virginia: James Monroe. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made jus...

1804, Jefferson vs. Pinckney: The People’s President

November 07, 2023 08:05 - 43 minutes

To maintain his grip on power and win the election of 1804, Thomas Jefferson, the so called “Man of the People”, will have to survive brutal attacks in the press, ideological pushback from his own party and a violent scandal that plagues his administration. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early releases, bonus content a...

1800, Adams vs. Jefferson: Tiebreaker

November 07, 2023 08:04 - 43 minutes

As Thomas Jefferson and John Adams part ways over the issue of France, history sets the stage for one of America’s oldest, and bloodiest political rivalries: Burr versus Hamilton. These two foes go to war in New York in one of the wildest elections in American history; an election that will ultimately be decided in the House of Representatives and that will end in bloodshed.  *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a ch...

1796, Adams vs. Jefferson: The First Contest

November 07, 2023 08:03 - 45 minutes

In the 1796 election, two political forces of nature collide: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. As the supporters of Adams and Jefferson vie for their candidate, the machinery of America’s nascent political parties is unleashed in the first contested election in American history. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early rel...

1792, Washington: Partisanship Rising

November 07, 2023 08:02 - 45 minutes

As President Washington grapples with the idea of a second term, Vice President John Adams gears up for a fight to keep the vice presidency. Adams will find help from an unlikely ally, the very man who conspired to deny him votes in the election of 1789: Alexander Hamilton. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early releases...

1789, Washington: The Alpha and the Omega

November 07, 2023 08:01 - 45 minutes

As the fate of the nation hangs in the balance, General George Washington struggles with his personal desire to retire from public life and the duty he feels to save his country in its hour of need. Ultimately, Washington rises to the occasion to become America’s first president. *** To listen to the entire series—all 59 episodes—right now and ad-free, become a subscriber at, a channel of history podcasts made just for history lovers like you. Enjoy ad-free listening, early re...

2024 Update Announcement

October 31, 2023 05:01 - 3 minutes

*** All 59 episodes are available ad-free on For Americans who lived through the 2020 presidential election, most thought it was the worst they’d ever seen. With disputed results, the violence of January 6th, and the continued drumbeat of 'fake news' and 'rigged elections,' we witnessed a presidential contest unlike any seen before. But now we face another. On Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, Americans will have just fifty-two weeks to prepare for what promises to be the next wo...

Introducing American Elections: Wicked Game

October 31, 2023 05:00 - 2 minutes

On February 10th, 1796, Vice President John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, lamenting the state of discourse in the country. The election was nearing—and becoming heated. Newspapers screamed, factions warred, and John Adams was dismayed with what he called “the wicked Game.” Americans in 2023 can relate. They still have to endure months of shouting, outrage, and the worst sort of political rancor as the country once again chooses its president. But it’s almost always been this way. And to p...

Wondery Presents: Will Be Wild

April 25, 2022 08:00 - 6 minutes - 5.57 MB

Will Be Wild is a new 8-part series about the forces that led to the January 6th insurrection and what comes next. Through in-depth stories from a wide range of characters – from people who tried to stop the attack to those who took part – hosts Andrea Bernstein and Ilya Marritz explore the ongoing effort to bring autocracy to America, the lasting damage that effort is doing to our democracy, and the fate of our attempts to combat those anti-democratic forces. Because January 6th wa...

Introducing 'History Daily' From Host Lindsay Graham

November 03, 2021 08:00 - 16 minutes - 14.8 MB

'History Daily' is a new podcast from host Lindsay Graham which does history, daily. Every weekday beginning November 1st—the same day President John Adams first moved into the White House—this new podcast will bring you a slice of the history that happened that day. Whether it’s to remember the tragedy of December 7th, 1941, the day “that will live in infamy,” or to celebrate that 20th day in July, 1969, when mankind reached the moon, History Daily is there to tell you the true st...

Wondery Presents: Spy Affair

March 29, 2021 08:00 - 5 minutes - 5.13 MB

A charismatic Russian woman arrives in the US on a mission to improve relations between the two countries, and she soon makes some powerful friends. But who is Maria Butina? And who is she working for? As Maria gets closer to the rich and connected she also attracts the attention of the FBI. In the politically charged world of US-Russia relations, everyone has secrets and almost nothing is what it seems. From Wondery, the makers of The Shrink Next Door and Dr. Death comes SPY AFFAIR...

2020, Biden vs. Trump: The Soul of America

December 15, 2020 10:00 - 1 hour - 69.4 MB

President Donald Trump faces off with President Obama’s political wingman: Vice President Joe Biden. In a contest defined by partisan rancor, congressional investigations and a global pandemic, Donald Trump claims he is the man to “Keep America Great” while Joe Biden claims he is the man to win the battle for the “Soul of America.”  Created, hosted and executive produced by Lindsay Graham for Airship. Sound design by Derek Behrens. Audio editing by Mollie Baack. Co-Executive produc...

2016, Clinton vs. Trump: The Omega and the Alpha

November 03, 2020 10:00 - 1 hour - 63.5 MB

Donald J. Trump returns to the political arena. First as a longshot candidate and then as an improbable frontrunner, Trump makes his way through a crowded Republican primary field to take on Democratic nominee, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Trump and Clinton go head to head in a divisive election that upends political norms and further deepens the divide between Right and Left. Created, hosted and executive produced by Lindsay Graham for Airship. Sound design by Derek Behrens...

2012, Romney vs. Obama: The Rich Boy

October 27, 2020 09:00 - 44 minutes - 40.5 MB

As Barack Obama fends off attacks on everything from his foreign policy to the color of his suits, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney defends his religion and fights his way through a crowded Republican primary to secure the GOP nomination. As the 2012 election takes shape, both sides see a narrow path to victory. In the midst of the divisive campaign, a New York businessman turned reality television star helps reignite an old conspiracy theory in an effort to deprive Obama o...

Wondery Presents: Dr. Death Season 2

October 27, 2020 06:30 - 4 minutes - 3.91 MB

If someone you love is diagnosed with cancer you want them to get the best treatment from the best doctors. In 2013, patients in Michigan thought Farid Fata was that doctor. Between his prestigious education, years of experience and pleasant bedside manner, Fata was everything you could want in a doctor. But he was not who he appeared to be. From Wondery, this is the story of hundreds of patients in Michigan, a doctor, and a poisonous secret. Laura Beil, returns with a second seaso...

2008, McCain vs. Obama: Hope and Change

October 20, 2020 09:00 - 42 minutes - 39 MB

New York Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton enters the 2008 election as the presumptive favorite to win the Democratic nomination. But Barack Obama, a first-term senator from Illinois, creates a groundswell in the Party and leaves Clinton behind. To win the White House, Obama must overcome racist attacks from both sides, conspiracy theories about his birth, and a veteran Republican senator: John McCain. But as George W. Bush’s presidency comes to an end, an impending fina...

2004, Bush vs. Kerry: Do or Die

October 13, 2020 09:00 - 50 minutes - 46 MB

As President George W. Bush navigates the challenges of his first year in office, he is confronted by one of the gravest, most horrific tragedies ever to reach American shores. But Bush’s response to 9/11 puts his presidency under fire. In the wake of the United States’ invasion of Afghanistan, Bush’s decision to go to war with Iraq costs him politically, and it leads the Democrats to look for a war hero candidate to lead them through a wartime election: Massachusetts Senator John K...

2000, Bush vs. Gore vs. Nader: Gettin’ Snippy

October 06, 2020 09:00 - 44 minutes - 40.4 MB

With Bill Clinton’s tenure as president coming to an end, Vice President Al Gore takes up the mantle for the Democrats. Gore tries to distance himself from the Clinton scandals while Republicans look to the son of a former president to get them back into the White House. In November of 2000, Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush find themselves embroiled in one of the most controversial presidential elections in modern history. Created, hosted and executive produ...

Wondery presents Kamala: Next In Line

October 05, 2020 07:30 - 6 minutes - 5.66 MB

Subscribe today: If she wins in November, Kamala Harris would become Vice President after one of the most consequential and tumultuous elections in American history. Harris would be the most significant player to help Joe Biden manage a country in crisis. So who is she? Kamala: Next in Line goes inside the cross-cultural journey that led Harris from her humble roots to become the first African-American woman to represent California in the Senate ...

1996, Dole vs. Clinton: The Comeback Kid

September 29, 2020 09:00 - 41 minutes - 37.7 MB

Bill Clinton bounces back from early problems in his presidency and looks to become the first two-term Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt. To stop him, Republicans turn to Senator Bob Dole and try to conjure images of a glorious American past that only they can bring back. But Dole won’t be the Democrats’ biggest problem: with re-election on the line, Bill and Hillary Clinton will find themselves at the center of multiple scandals. Created, hosted and executive produced ...


Chris Matthews
1 Episode


A House Divided
1 Episode